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Messages - Mary

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Current Talk '05 I / Re: "Potential new DS movie"
« on: May 08, 2005, 08:21:12 AM »
I would be really excited to see a Quentin Tarantino -- Johnny Depp DS simply because we know they are big fans of the original show so it would be interesting to see what cool ideas they would have for it.  If it was a little too wild, we could simply consider it a story from Parallel Time -- LOL!

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Downfalls of DS
« on: April 19, 2005, 09:11:45 AM »
Thank my atheist-self that I didn't grow up in a right-wing, conservative Republican "my-way-or-the-highway and the rest of you are going-to-hell" family.

Cool -- niether did I, thanks to my Christian parents!  :)  Hey, nobody's ever said a word against DS at my church and I never hear anything but encouragement when I go to the Fests each year!  :D  Woohoo!!

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: DS Fest 2005 Registration
« on: April 14, 2005, 07:15:48 AM »
I'm going too!  Was just reading the Shadowgram email I received a few minutes ago -- "New Dark Shadows Television Pilot Premiere?!"  Are we actually going to get to see the whole WB pilot this time???!!  How cool!!

Current Talk '05 I / Re: OT-ABC Network, Then and Now
« on: April 06, 2005, 07:30:02 AM »
So true, Mary. Around 1971 when DS was cancelled, "The Edge Of Night" had a storyline about a house that was supposedly haunted (blood on the walls, ghosts, a terrified woman named Martha, a deranged houseguest named Cookie) - but it was less a supernatural occurance than an escaped convict hiding out in the basement, hoping to scare the residents out of the home where his stolen drugs were hidden. I was always waiting for more "Dark Shadows" alumni to show up on "Edge." Michael Stroka (Aristede) played a character named Quentin, which I thought was cool.

Yes!!  That's the storyline that got me into Edge of Night!  Thanks for refreshing my memory, Sandor!  A friend told me people were hiding in Martha's basement trying to make her think her house was haunted and she said it was kind of like DS, so I started watching and got hooked!  Though there weren't really any ghosts, it was still a cool story!  LOL!  And such a great show!  Yep, I remember Mike Stroka being on it.  Wow -- didn't realize so many DS actors were on the show!  Thanks for the list, Penthea!  All I knew about were Joel Crothers, Mike Stroka, and, wait, Robert Gerringer was on too -- hey, two Dave Woodards on EON!  Wow!  LOL!

Current Talk '05 I / Re: OT-ABC Network, Then and Now
« on: April 05, 2005, 08:17:25 AM »
Where was TEOF prior to ABC?

"Lost" is a show worth watching.

I think alot of cousins watched X-Files regularly.

OT...but who thinks X-Files has not aged well?

"The Edge of Night" was on CBS before it was moved to ABC.  Many local ABC channels scheduled it at all sorts of strange hours throughout the day and it was difficult to find for some, which probably unfortunately led to its demise -- sob!  I'd begun watching it shortly after DS's demise because I missed DS so much and a friend told me it was DS-like.  I didn't think it was DS-like exactly, but it was still full of mystery and intrigue and very cool.

"Lost" is awesome!  "The X-Files" was triple-awesome!!!  LOL!  I haven't noticed it not ageing well, though -- I can't possibly look at it that objectively yet!  LOL! 

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: comic book show
« on: April 05, 2005, 08:01:19 AM »
Well, this is quite a relief to have this all clarified and learn that the 2006 Fest may not indeed be the last one!  Whew!!!!!  Thank you, Midnite!!!

Jimbo, thank you for your theory about the dealers room.  Yes, that would be very cool if they'd have the new DS busts this year!

Well, goodness, if DCP decides they don't want to have any more Fests, I don't see any reason why some other group can't have their own get-together and invite the DS actors, just like the Big Apple Con did and just like the Halloween Parties used to do.  There are a lot of actors out there besides the DS ones who go to a lot of different conventions throughout the year and sign autographs, many of whom are at least age 65, so I wouldn't think aging would be a factor as long as they enjoy it.  Plus many of them are doing a lot more than signing autographs -- they're writing and publishing books, cds, and other merchandise so it's given them a second career that they don't seem ready to retire from yet.  I'm also not sure I can really imagine DCP and Jim Pierson deciding to completely do away with any future get-together whatsoever.  There are so many fans who come each year and plus I'd think they'd want to keep up the fan interest to try to syndicate the reruns, keep selling the DVDs and other merchandise, and to try to come up with a new DS.  I just can't see that they'd be willing to let it die.  (Or am I being naive?  LOL!)  What does everyone think?

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: comic book show
« on: April 04, 2005, 06:55:58 AM »
mary,the actesses didn't say whether or not there would be some other kls has pointed out before they are not the fest's organizers but invited they probably don't will be a bummer if there is no sort of gathering for fans. :(

Thanks, mscbryk.  Yes, it will definitely be a bummer if there is no gathering for the fans.

As far as merchandise at the Fests goes, from what I understand (and someone correct me if I'm wrong), it's not a lack of merchandise or purchasing interest from the fans that's the problem.  It's more like TPTB at the Fests don't want all the dealers for what reasons I have no idea.  Until the past few years there were lots of vendors in the dealers room selling a much bigger variety of merchandise than what they've had recently.  I can only guess that they've cut back on dealers in order to make the Fests smaller, again for what reasons I don't know.

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: comic book show
« on: April 03, 2005, 08:32:09 AM »
all three actresses confirmed that the 2006 fest will be the last.we've heard that before but somehow i believed them.none of the participants is getting any younger and in terms of merchandising diana suggested that they were "beating a dead horse".

Thank you for the report, mscbryk.  I'm totally devastated to learn that the 2006 Fest will be the last one.  Going to the Fest is always the highlight of my year.  I always make a big touristy vacation out of it and I've made so many friends over the years at the Fests and I always look forward to seeing them again each year.  Did they say anything about having some sort of other annual event instead of a Fest?  Does anyone else know if they would do that, like the "weekend" last year or a day trip to Tarrytown or somewhere?  I need one of Julia's sedatives at this point.  Moan.   

Current Talk '05 I / Re: OT<But Indulge Me (Please)
« on: March 27, 2005, 07:48:09 AM »
LOL!!  Thanks, Patti!!


Current Talk '05 I / Re: OT<But Indulge Me (Please)
« on: March 26, 2005, 07:39:04 AM »
Jane Krakowski was indeed the blonde secretary on Ally McBeal.  I think she'd make a great Carolyn, actually.  Or especially a great Pansy Faye singing "I wanna dance for you" -- LOL!  Jane Kaczmarek would make a hilarious new direction to take Julia in, IMHO -- she wouldn't give Barnabas any choice in having a relationship with her -- "Barnabas, put that music box down right now and get over here and bite me right this minute!"  LOL!

Holy cats!  Quentin Tarantino carries around a Barnabas cane but wants to make yet another Friday the 13th movie?!  Good grief!  You'd think he'd be calling D.C. and begging him to let him do a DS flick -- I'm sure he'd have some wildly awesome ideas for it! -- and you'd think that especially after the pilot went nowhere that D.C. would be begging Quentin Tarantino to come help him get something going.  But nnnnooooooooooo!!  Sigh.  Anyway, thanks for the link, Jimbo.

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Dark Shadows Hearty Entertainment Article
« on: February 02, 2005, 07:57:33 AM »
I told her with all the seriousness that I could muster that I couldn't marry her because vampires didn't have wee wees.

ROTFL!! [a1f5]

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Dark Shadows Hearty Entertainment Article
« on: February 01, 2005, 10:03:30 AM »
I'm loving this whole discussion!  LOL!  When I played by myself I think I took turns being several characters and would go back and forth from casting spells to being possessed -- LOL! 

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Dark Shadows Hearty Entertainment Article
« on: January 31, 2005, 08:29:50 AM »
Oh how cute!  Thanks for posting that link, jimbo!  When I was a kid I didn't make up my own plays, but we used to play DS at all our Girl Scout meetings when I was in the 5th grade and take turns being Barnabas -- LOL!

Gee....where was all this excellent "word of mouth" when the new pilot was being discussed?

The pilot fails.....the Original goes completely off the air....and suddenly it's the Holy Grail of gothic stories.


Really!  And if it's the Holy Grail, why aren't the networks all falling all over themselves to bring it back?!  Grr!

Anyway, about the original topic, how cool they're finally making a new NS pilot! :D  Thanks for posting this news, Jimbo!  Does anybody know if DC own the rights to NS?  And any idea who'll be playing Kolchak in the pilot?

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