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Messages - Ben

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Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: DS Festival Info Online
« on: April 08, 2002, 05:05:46 PM »
The Dark Shadows Festival web site has been updated with registration information/forms:

I clicked on the link and couldn't find any registration info or forms.  "Current News" only contained info about ordering DS calendars.  I couldn't find anything to click on re: the 2002 fest, and the only reference to it was contained in an article written after the 2001 fest (under "Dark Shadows Festival 2001"), which said to check later for details on the 2002 fest in Anaheim.

Was I looking for love in all the wrong places?  Or did I stumble on a 2002-PT link???   ?!?


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Grayson Hall and Gay Men
« on: April 07, 2002, 10:21:21 PM »
I think part of Grayson's appeal is in the primary character she played.  Dr. Julia Hoffman was strong, intelligent, open-minded, vulnerable, and unconditionally accepting and protective of someone who constantly feared not being able to fit in.  

The other part of her appeal, based on the few interview tapes of her and stories I've read about her, is that she was, off-camera, a genuinely open-minded, intelligent, witty person.  There seemed to be an adventurous, Auntie Mame kind of spirit about her.  I was impressed with an article written by one of her fan club presidents about how she had given him her home phone number and encouraged him to call her with questions ... COLLECT!  

It seems that anyone could feel "safe" around Grayson, or certainly Julia, but perhaps these aspects strike a chord among gay men.  

(who regrets that Grayson never lived to attend a Fest -- I think she would have had a blast AND have brought the house down)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Angelique: Terrorist? ... And Other Thoughts
« on: April 04, 2002, 05:19:49 PM »
Strong acting by Grayson Hall as Countess DuPres.  In fact, I think this is some of the best work she has done in the series up to now.  She seemed very natural and real in her concern for Josette, her suspicions, her fears.

Has Vicki been visited by an Avon saleswoman in her jail cell?  It looked like she had had a makeover.

All excellent insights, Vlad, in addition to the ones I've quoted here.  In my mad dash to get to work this morning, I did want to chime in my agreement about Grayson's acting.  She successfully draws from the fear, suspicion, and also superstition that drove the Countess to create an entirely different persona from Dr. Julia, who was motivated by unrequited love and occasional jealousy.  

Avon calling? :D Now that you mention it, it does seem that cell time seems to have glammed up our dear Miss Vicki with a look that, IIRC, followed her back to ... er(oops, almost committed a spoiler here), followed her for the rest of her stay on the series.  But I, too, will defer to Luciaphil on this aspect.

(wondering if Peter Bradford yelled at the Avon Lady, when she asked where the doorbell was to the gaol ...)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: DARK SHADOWS HISTORY
« on: April 03, 2002, 04:10:38 PM »

"When did this happen...I don't understand!"  

Minja, that's just what I thought in 1999, when I first saw the early relationship between Barnabas and Julia.  Because I didn't start watching DS until '69 (when B & J were more or less established allies), I had no clue that their initial encounters were so adversarial and -- WORSE YET -- that Julia was secretly pining for Barn.  :o

(feeling like Vicki every time I think of this)  ?!?

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Modern Conveniences in 1795?
« on: April 02, 2002, 06:33:18 PM »
Looks like those secret panels in Collinwood and at the
Cemetery on Eagle Hill work by electricity

That brings up a question that has been bugging me for years.  Did those panels have to be electric?  I assumed there must have been a non-electric method for getting them to operate (via the link on the outside and the step-block on the inside).  

Anyone out there know if there was supposed to be a period-appropriate science behind the secret panels?  I mean, didn't the pyramids in Egypt contain similar secret panels?  Or have I been having too many hot toddys lately?


Current Talk '02 I / Re: DARK SHADOWS HISTORY
« on: April 02, 2002, 06:19:30 PM »
31 years ago today, April 2nd, 1971, ABC television broadcast the final episode of DARK SHADOWS.

Hi, Joe!  Thanks for the reminder.  Even though I can't remember the very first episode I saw (probably in '69), I do remember "mourning" that very last one.  I was in eighth grade watching it on a 19" Sears Silvertone B&W set in my living room.  I remember the only thing taking the edge off of the last ep was the fact that I had never really gotten into the 1841-PT storyline and characters, so there was no Barnabas, Julia, Prof. Stokes, and Willie to miss.

I also remember wondering, as I listened to Thayer David's epilogue, why the finale hadn't been more eventful.  With Peggy Lee's then-recent hit in my head, I kept asking myself, "Is that all there is?"

How appropriate that it is a rainy, dreary, even gently thundering spring day here in Chicago (which, come to think of it, seems like Collinsport this morning).


Current Talk '02 I / Re: April Fools Day with the DS Characters
« on: April 01, 2002, 06:06:48 PM »
Glourious day for David Collins don't you think?

Yes, VAM!  Let's see ... sabotaging his father's car, locking up Vicki (and, later, Maggie) ... it seems like every day for David is April Fool's Day.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Worst Dressed Characters
« on: April 01, 2002, 06:00:42 PM »
I would have to say Grayson as well.  It didn't matter what time period it was, poor Julia always got the worst of the bunch.  :(Even with the more flattering outfits, such as the 1795 period, she still had the worst of them all. Last week she wore a dress with a large cape, between that & the beauty mark, she reminded me of the queen of hearts. I always liked her though and felt she could have looked as flattering as any of the other actresses, had she been able to wear the right outfits.

My thoughts exactly, Cassandra.  Even before Grayson would make her entrance in a new storyline, I would notice how attractively dressed Joan Bennett, Lara Parker, or TLATKLS usually were and anticipate -- with sadness -- the shabby number poor Grayson would be stuck with.    :'( She deserved better!

I'd like to give special mention to those black, low-heeled, no-nonsense t-strap shoes Mrs. Johnson waddled around in ... I remember many a nun in grade school wearing those clunkers!


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Notification of Removal!! SORRY!!!!
« on: March 30, 2002, 03:40:08 AM »

i've been naughty, haven't i????

Naughty, irreverent, and disgraceful, Steve.

We admire that.   ;D

This thread prompted me -- an AOL user who obtained a Yahoo address solely for this board -- to check my Yahoo mailbox for the very first time in four weeks.  And wouldn't you know, I found a "Deleted from Forum" message ... immediately above a "Welcome to DS Forums!" message.

And I thought the board suddenly got programmed to automatically kick out lawyers ...  [nerv]


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Question from the other day
« on: March 28, 2002, 05:39:20 PM »
I'm sure if we waited long enough, mention would've been made of them first connecting on The Dating Game.

Then, Gerard, right after that fatal reference, we'd see the actors looking up, visibly startled by those peppy Herb Alpert horns (the way the jarring organ music used to startle the actors on Carol Burnett's soap-spoof, "As the Stomach Turns"), as we cut to a commerical for Ms. Cleo.

(recovering now from my momentarily silly lapse, so I can straighten my tie and run off to a court hearing)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: John Karlen Q&A 1977
« on: March 28, 2002, 05:26:12 PM »
This was great!  I love reading interviews with John Karlen, and there don't seem to be too many of them available in print ...  When I think of Karlen now, I remember him with David Selby at the 1999 NY Festival, with his bag of Polish bread and his what me worry? attitude ... I saw him at last year's event and he looked great.

I second your thoughts, Steve.  I saw Karlen for the first time at last year's NYC fest and found him extremely intelligent, engaging, and approachable.  And he didn't take himself seriously, as evidenced by his answer to a question about why there hasn't been a Cagney & Lacy reunion show: "They could no longer fit me, Sharon, and Tyne into a TV screen."  There was genuine affection between him and the audience.

Thanks, Nancy for posting this Q & A.  Karlen's energetic and thoughtful comments practically jump off the screen.


Games / Re: Zany Music Box Melodies
« on: March 26, 2002, 05:53:12 PM »
Ben, I remember you had that reaction to Cobert's "Joanna's Theme" from the 1840 story.
Midnite, I must have made that fleeting comment either last year on the VantageNet board or last August to you in person at the Fest.  And you remembered!  [blshy]

And now, finally, I got those two songs straightened out in my head.  Thanks!


Games / Re: Zany Music Box Melodies
« on: March 26, 2002, 06:47:29 AM »
Oops!  Sorry, VAM.  I guess once you hit 40, the centuries start to run together.   :-[

Yes, I'm familiar with "Ode to Angelique," and I guess that's the song I meant -- where Stroka is playing the piano in such a campy way, swaying violently back and forth on the piano bench, I was so sure the next song would be "Feelings."

But there was another song, I believe in 1841PT, that struck me because it seemed a bit modern for that era.  What was the song, and who was the pianist?

(Feeling as though that very last sentence should have begun with, "For five hundred dollars ...")  :D

Games / Re: Zany Music Box Melodies
« on: March 25, 2002, 05:32:16 PM »
Ben, In addition to the Cheers theme, would you please play for me, the theme song for my favorite show (after Dark Shadows), the one and only Gilligan's Island: "With Gilligan, the Skipper too, the millionare and his wife, the movie star, the Professor and Mary Ann, here on Gilligan's Isle."

Hmmm, requests?  Sure!  My current TV theme medley includes the following distinguished fare: Bewitched, MASH, Cheers, Andy Griffith, Leave It to Beaver, The Flintstones, Everybody Loves Raymond, Hill Street Blues, Growing Pains, Family Ties, I Love Lucy, LA Law, and Perry Mason.  We can add Gilligan to that list.

(still thinking of a way to translate the main DS theme into a piano solo, although Quentin's Theme and that maudlin thing Laszlo always did are do-able  ;))

You really are a nutcase Ringo. . but you're "our" nutcase. . .so glad.

Splendid job, Ringo.  Now what's your room number at Wyndcliffe again?

Ben   ;)

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