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Messages - Nicky

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Current Talk '12 I / Re: Complete Original Series April 10 on DVD
« on: January 21, 2012, 11:40:37 PM »
That's kinda bizarre -- the coffin-shaped-ness of the box, I mean.  Seems like a cool idea, until I consider the complete I Dream of Jeannie I received for Christmas a few years ago -- the discs are all held in an accordion-shaped folder that slides into a giant cardboard replica of Jeannie's bottle, and then just as easily (and inconveniently) slides out again.  Plus it doesn't fit ANYWHERE.  I imagine that a big coffin would present similar difficulties.

1/25 is the date my comic shop guy gave me, and he's been right the past two times ...

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0024
« on: January 05, 2012, 07:05:46 AM »
Is it just me, or does the Constable constantly refer to Burke as "Burt" during their climactic scene? 

Picked up mine -- the only one at the comic shop!  I've read it through twice ... a LOT happened.  I feel like I missed an issue, story-wise.  I actually checked, just to make sure, but -- nope!  It's only #2.

Midnite, me foine lassy -- my comic shop provider informed me that #2 is expected on December 21st!

I think it's interesting that, according to the article, Angelique was "forced into a coven in 1795."

My comic shop guy who is going to save them for me when they come in said they bumped the release date of the first issue back to November 2nd.


I've never seen that picture of Angelique before ... makes me wonder about other photos yet to be released ...

Doesn't 1795 Angelique admonish Jeremiah to return to his grave in the name of Beelzebub?  But I agree, Gothy:  1795 Angelique doesn't seem demonic until after she dies.  Maybe Nicholas got ahold of her at that point and Satan-ified her.

Hello, boils and ghouls!  (I'll just channel the Crypt Keeper for a moment ... okay, I'm done.) 

I've been working on update my DS fanblog today.  Said updates contain a few photos I've never encountered before, another chapter of Shadows on the Wall (a reimagining of the original series written by several regular contributors to this board, as well as myself, long, long ago, and brought back by yours truly, illustrated with screen grabs) (recent chapters have focused on Julia and Angelique, so if you're a fan of those lovely ladies, you're in for a treat!), and the alternate cover for the third issue of the Dark Shadows comic book.

Please feel free to visit here:

Current Talk '11 II / Re: DS Character Drawings
« on: September 24, 2011, 04:31:16 AM »
I've become a bit obsessed with them, particularly the idea of Cassandra as a vegetable who becomes possessed by Angelique.  The illo of the witchy one hypnotizing David with the candle is vintage DS.

I thought of Edward Gorey too, which made me more excited than I already was.  I think if I were doing DS, it would look like this (though Ang -- and will she be Cassandra in the present day? -- would be in a sleeveless green-mini or a crimson trapeze dress instead of a 70s power suit, but then again, the power suit sorta rocks all on its own ...)

Current Talk '11 II / Re: 40 Years Ago Tonight!
« on: September 04, 2011, 04:33:09 AM »
I just watched it again the other night -- I put it onto a DVD, transferring it from my old, 1991-taped version (my VHS copy wouldn't transfer, and we don't have a VHS player any longer!).  TBS played both HODS and NODS around the time the '91 series debuted, and I got up early on a Sunday morning in January or February to tape them both.  I had seen most of HODS (except for the ending), and I was shocked at Barnabas' death!  I was further shocked while watching NODS to discover that it was "just" a ghost story, and that there was no werewolf prowling around.  I remember being exceptionally bored; now, however, twenty years later I prefer NODS in certain ways.  Of course I'm an enormous Angelique fan, and I love her in almost all her incarnations, but beyond that, I think that the potential of the story (pre-cuts) and that the gorgeous cinematography come together to create something truly creepy and beautiful at the same time.  Although my fiance and I did have a good laugh while watching Alex attempt to administer CPR to a nearly-drowned Tracy.  I guess maybe that's one of the many reasons why Collinsport has such a high death rate ...

It's beeYOOteeful!  Thank you thank you thank you!!!!

Thanks!  I've been having a lot of fun with it this summer.

As for the avatar:  it's time had come.  Midnite is helping me with my new one, which is, as you'll see, FAR more appropriate ...  [firedevil]

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