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Messages - joe integlia

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Calendar Events / Announcements '10 I / Re: Happy Birthday, David!
« on: January 30, 2010, 06:10:05 PM »
happy birthday david nahmod, my friend since 1982!

This morning on THE VIEW, Whoopie mentioned D.S. and Barnabas during a tribute to ALL MY CHILDREN. She had her facts wrong when she stated that D.S. would come on before A.M.C. but the episode can be viewed on ABC.COM. I also added the clip to my FACEBOOK page.

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 II / Re: David Selby on BlogTalk radio
« on: December 09, 2009, 06:23:06 AM »
can anyone tell me or post a link for downloading or listening to this show. i heard some of it live but would like to hear the whole thing if possible.

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 II / Re: Hey Joe, Wadda You Know
« on: November 17, 2009, 07:45:18 AM »
thanks for all the birthday wishes. got into disneyland today for free. they changed the haunted mansion for the holidays. it was a NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS theme!

in honor of LARA PARKER'S upcoming birthday next week, i have added another festival video to my youtube page. in 1991 she was joined by LYSETTE ANTHONY and both actresses discuss playing the role of ANGELIQUE. as usual, if anyone is interested in purchasing the entire video, email me at JAYTEEVIDEO@YAHOO.COM

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 II / Re: OT: Facebook and Windows 95
« on: September 07, 2009, 06:18:20 PM »
it doesnt cost anything to upgrade to internet explorer 8. however with ie8 i find it impossible to post pictures on facebook and end up using firefox for posting pictures but i have windows xp.

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 II / Re: 2010 Fest
« on: September 06, 2009, 05:41:08 PM »
thanks for the correction but i thought i have a video of at least 1 convention held in dallas where jim is announcing the guests as they arrive for a q+a session. perhaps there was a later dallas convention with jim involved?

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 II / Re: 2010 Fest
« on: August 27, 2009, 05:54:27 PM »
well jim did have an early convention in DALLAS but that was probably for his own convenience because i believe he was living there at the time. lol

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 II / Re: 2010 Fest
« on: August 27, 2009, 05:59:27 AM »
i remember we on the west coast being just as upset about the fest being on the east coast 2 years in a row. after 2011 i hope the festival reverts back to alternating between east + west coast every year. back in the 80s i remember 2 festivals a year. 1 in new york and 1 in los angeles. 

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 II / Re: 2010 Fest
« on: August 27, 2009, 01:45:18 AM »
2 years in a row in CA makes up for the 2 years in a row that the fest was on the east coast. i hope they mix it up a bit and have the 2011 fest in hollywood instead of burbank but either way its great news for me.

thats great that u posted that footage but i hope the person who taped it does not get angry and have it removed or did you get permission?

the article is definately "flawed" because it states that ds ran for 14 years and 594 episodes!

Current Talk '09 II / Re: joan bennett's emmy nomination
« on: August 18, 2009, 05:32:06 AM »
thank you and thats very interesting. i hope someone out there can tell us the reason why the award was not given out.

Current Talk '09 II / joan bennett's emmy nomination
« on: August 18, 2009, 05:10:48 AM »
quote from another topic:
(And just to make a slight correction to that article, Joan Bennett didn't lose - the Emmy category that she and MacDonald Carey were nominated in was simply never handed out for some odd reason...)

how could joan bennett or mcdonald carey even be nominated for an emmy in 1968? the daytime emmys did not even begin till after ds went off the air. i dont recall the primetime emmys ever honoring a daytime star and i never heard of a male and a female being nominated in the same acting category. it makes even less sense that the award was never given out.??

lol i saw the whole movie and didnt realize it was her!

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