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Messages - MaggieEvans

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"Trask and Judith were stunned to suddenly be interrupted by Barney. No, not Barnabas, Barney... the big, purple dinosaur.

Carl was fine with the dinner invitation, until _____________!!

Games / Re: Either/Or
« on: May 14, 2009, 04:01:42 PM »
Since I think it would be too time consuming to find the balls on a cod, I opt for enjoying time with Quentin!

Would you rather have coffee at the diner with Maggie, or drinks at the Blue Whale with Carolyn?

Trask put on his best "I'm a fun guy" expression, but instead of engaging the children's interest, he psychologically scarred them for life.

Magda and Sandor thought there was nothing like a good cuddle after a successful 14 hour stint in the make up chair.

"I don't know what you're talking about. My _______________ isn't ______________!"

Spastic lactating armadillos?

*takes Magnus' drink away*

"Judith! Why did you tell Trask that I looked like a ______________? That was a _____________!!"

Trask often liked to envision himself holding up a giant invisible fish. He thought of himself as quite the fisherman with his unique technique of putting the worm on the hook. You could say he was a Master... nah, i'm not going there.

Oh man... did I goof. Naomi and Joshua were married... sorry.

Judith thought she'd put a stop to Rachel's flatulence once and for all.

"Go away, Edward! I want to be alone with Dirk so that I can see what it's like to make it with a dead guy! Wait... never mind... I'm married to you."

"This pounding headache!! Why, oh, why won't The Jonas Brothers stop thinking they have talent?!"

"By way of attempting to bond with him, Trask sheepishly suggested that he and Edward might spend an evening "on his knees" if you know what I mean."

Jeff felt a terrible headache coming on him as Vicki was nagging him to remember to pick up more hairspray at the store.

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