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Messages - Gerard

Caption This! - Dark Shadows 2012 / Re: Dark Shadows 2012
« on: June 12, 2012, 08:52:48 PM »
Angelique:  "Poor, deluded Barnabas.  I can shut down the Collins industry with one finger.  I'll just dial the EPA.  It has far more power than I do."


Caption This! - Dark Shadows 2012 / Re: Dark Shadows 2012
« on: June 12, 2012, 08:27:12 PM »
Barnabas:  "I just learned one of your lovely melodies and I'm sure thou will be pleased.  Ahem.  Here's a story of a lovely lady, who was..."


Caption This! - Dark Shadows 2012 / Re: Dark Shadows 2012
« on: June 12, 2012, 08:22:21 PM »
Barnabas:  "Mind if I smoke?"


Caption This! - Dark Shadows 2012 / Re: Dark Shadows 2012
« on: June 12, 2012, 12:48:12 AM »
Barnabas:  "A waffle?  Why, pray tell, would you want to an item that cannot decide what it is?"


Caption This! - Dark Shadows 2012 / Re: Dark Shadows 2012
« on: June 11, 2012, 10:00:53 PM »
Dr. Hoffman:  "It's called Medicaire.  Trust me, you more than qualify."


Caption This! - Dark Shadows 2012 / Re: Dark Shadows 2012
« on: June 11, 2012, 09:55:35 PM »
Angelique:  "Do these make me look fat?"


Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: June 11, 2012, 12:25:34 AM »
I don't even remember the last time I saw a double feature, Gerard. I'm glad you had fun.  [ghost_wink]

Thanks, MB!  And not stir up a hornet's nest (although it has already been stirred up here, including by me), why is it that I was able to see two movies that cost only 99 cents (or five bucks for the package, which I talked about earlier) and the studios and the theater were still able to make hefty profits, while both businesses try to justify gouging us to see a movie now to the point where many can no longer afford it, thus having those businesses charge even more which causes even less of us...well, you get the business model point.  I just don't get what's going on with the movie industry.  It wails about struggling while it makes huge profits (including from tax-write-offs) and insists that it must keep raising prices which drives more people away.  When I saw DS two previous times, the theater had no more than 5% occupancy, when everyone had to pay full price (including for a matinee, and that didn't include popcorn, drink [the size of which would've put Mayor Bloomberg in apoplexy] and a candy bar).  When I went for my third time, I could've paid just 99 cents for two movies, or spent (which I did) five bucks that included that buttered popcorn, the Bloomberg-inciting massive drink and a candy bar, and the theater was over 3/4 filled.  Is the movie and theater industry being stupid?  Are we being gouged?  Is that causing the movie and theater industry to suffer?  We lost one mega-plex theater here because not enough people were spending money to go to it.  The cheapy theater is thriving. 


Hollywood, fire your marketers and hire me.  I'll do the job for 10% of what you've paying your marketers now.  I'll live comfortably and you'll make lots more money, like in "da good ol' days."


Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: June 10, 2012, 01:44:20 PM »
I did go to the cheapy theater yesterday (wonderfully air-conditioned as it was 90 outside, and I walked) to see if for the third time, along with The Hunger Games.  I splurged and did the five-dollar package.  The buttered popcorn was so big I couldn't finish it through two movies, so I took it home with me.  Oh, and the theater was more than 3/4 full.  It really did feel nostalgic seeing, after about 35 years, a double-feature, and paying what it cost back then (including admission, popcorn, soda and candy).


Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: June 09, 2012, 01:51:03 AM »
Exactly why should a movie cost $300 million to make?  On what are they spending it?  Have the studio heads gone out of their heads?  In this economy, do they really think there are enough people who have the moola to pay nine smackers for a matinee and up to fifteen for a night screening?  When Titanic was made for a cost of $100 million that was considered incredulous.  Today, it seems that a B-flick showing some mask-wearing slasher chasing around and stabbing voluptuous late-teenaged doxies, made for $100 million, is considered par for the course.  I don't know if the article is correct in stating that DS cost $300 million, but if it's true, that's utterly ridiculous.  As I said earlier, it's time to role the heads of most of Hollywood's heads.  Who's hiring these guys?


What a hoot, Patti!  Maybe Carolyn's earphones actually aired the future.  Now wouldn't that've been another interesting twist in the film?  She is the one who will eventually rebuild her family's fortune because she'll bet everything they have left on Mark Spitz winning the Olympics.


Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: June 08, 2012, 09:29:55 PM »
The movie is remaining in my town for one more week!  Or I should say returning for another week.  After it left the "major" theater last week Thursday, it will now start to play tonight for one week, along with The Hunger Games, at our local "cheapy" theater.  The cost of admission:  99 cents.  Or, if you want to really splurge, you can fork out five dollars for the "package" - admission (to both, a double feature! - I feel so nostalgic), a large popcorn (buttered), large drink and one candy bar.  Well, guess what I'm doing tomorrow.  I can mow the lawn any old time.


All previous attempts to remake The Munsters miserably failed.  That should tell them something.  The show had a unique quality of combining the "monstrous" with the "mundane" of mid-sixties suburban life.  It can't be recaptured.

Lilly to Grandpa, when he wanted to turn himself into a wolf:  "Remember the last time?  You ended up in Kansas City with that police dog."

Herman to Lilly when she insists, that with him as the father, it's time for him to explain the birds and the bees to Eddie:  "Donna Reed always handles these things on her show, you know."


Would this be the song?  Although, if it is, I don't think it was recorded until 1975 or after, which would make it a historical whoopsie.


Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: June 02, 2012, 02:48:50 AM »
If the studio heads tried to cash in on "twilightism," then the studio heads needed to have their heads on the chopping block.  Twilightism is dead.  It had its momentary flash-in-the-pan, fifteen-minutes of fame.  Twilightism (and I, as a perpetual vampire lover, tried reading the first novel and got got sick two paragraphs in and put it down and never read another word, nor saw any of the film adaptations) has been just that.  The last movie got horrific reviews and its box office take has shown it to becoming the latest pet-rock thing.  The only ones, I found from my own experience, who got into the whole twilightism thing were tween girls and middle-aged women.  Here today, gone today (not even tomorrow). 

Again, as I said before here, the problem with this movie was marketing.  The studio heads (how much do they pay these guys [and gals] to make such serious mistakes?) didn't know what to do.  Yet, they still get the big bucks, and when films flop, they get golden parachutes to go to another studio and mess it up again.  I loved this movie.  As a DS fan, I think I would've known how to market it and would've done it for a fraction of what they paid the WB heads and made it a blockbuster hit.  I'm tootin' my own horn, and I think those of us here on our beloved board would've been able to do the same thing.  But nobody asked us.  WB has only itself to blame.


Current Talk '12 I / Re: Popped in a Tape...
« on: June 01, 2012, 02:49:18 AM »
what's a tape?

Maybe it was here on our beloved board, maybe on another - I don't remember - but somebody recounted that they were watching a rerun of DS and it was the scene, set in PT1970 when the "Angelique's Theme" record was placed in the phonograph.  The child of the parent who was watching the scene was completely confused at what was going on regarding the record and the phonograph and asked:  "What's that?"

We're getting old, many of my beloved DS cousins here.  We're getting old.  But don't pull out the Geritol and overdose on it, my beloved DS cousins!  I've read several news reports where those vinyl discs and turn-tables are making a significant come-back.  It turns out that they still posses the best clarity of anything that has come down the pike, whether CD's or whatever.  It turns out that what we had back "in da good ol' days" is still the best.  Now, as one of the ancient cousins here, let me tell you youngin whippersnappers how I had to run home after school, in a blizzard during a June heatwave with no air-conditioning, 40 miles, uphill, to watch DS on a B&W TV set with only three viewable channels that required a rodar (e-mail me privately to explain what that was) and had knobs for on/off (and the TV had to be "warmed up" before we got any image - e-mail me about that, too), channel changing and volume.  Oh, and don't forget about adjusting the horizontal (again, e-mail...oh, never mind).
