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Messages - Daphne

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Current Talk '02 I / Re: Related Items
« on: June 13, 2002, 02:05:36 AM »
Wow, that's too ironic! That's the kind of thing you hang on your wall, and laugh at when you're being bored to tears by <insert least fav/most annoying character's name here>  ;)

WHOA.....that's so kewl!!! It doesn't sound like her, I wouldn't have recognized it if I didn't know...... but that's so kewl!!!  ;D ;D Thanx for posting it!

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Favorite character in 1795
« on: June 12, 2002, 01:39:27 AM »
Millicent was my fav char! She was such a riot going insane, although it was kind of sad. Her scenes with Nathan were the best, because she was so bashful, she wouldn't let him hold her hand or anything....of course, this is why Carolyn is so evil 2 Joe later's Millicent's revenge on Nathan *EVIL LAUGH*  ;D I loved how naive she was, the "perfect" [at that time] lady aristocrat, who was swept off her feet by the EVIL, but handsome Nathan Forbes........*le sigh* Once she went insane she was so much fun to watch. Her eyes scared me almost as much as Angelique's. SCARY!! She could be looking at you, and see right through you, and talk to herself like you weren't even there......

But I also adore Suki! OMG She was so wonderful! She was the only person who could put Nathan in his when she first walked into the Eagle, or whatever it was called, she MADE him pull out her chair for her, and she wouldn't sit until he did, and then she barged in2 Collinwood and told him what an idiot he was and how he's always spoiled by his own deceit and how she "is growing rather fond of [money] herself," as she drools on the rugs and smiles oh-so-smugly at Millicent. They should have had Jane Draper back as another part! I was going crazy when she came out of the wall a couple days ago for Barn's trial. " :o  ;D  ;D  ;D SUUUUUUUUUUUUUKKKKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D" I was so happy she was back, but now she's gone forever...*le sigh* But I have tapes  ;D

The chat transcipt is posted and can be accessed at

Wow, some of those questions were NOT asked in the chat....or at least not answered. *le sigh* the adulteration of the internet!! Shame shame :-/

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Link: DS Episode Guides
« on: June 09, 2002, 09:03:59 AM »
Go 2:

and click episode guide ^_^

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Is he HOTT or is it just me?
« on: June 09, 2002, 08:58:53 AM »
ROTFL!!!!!!! Yes, Tony is HOTT!!! Adam is kinda sexy that "lil untamed temper-tantrum-throwing" type way of his  ;) *purrrrrs*

And DUHHH the hottest of them all is Quentin, who had even my ex boyfriend jealous! LMAO "He looks like a pansey, Ali!" It was jealousy, I tell you, pure jealousy!! ~.^

ROTFLMAOWTIMES Oh my gosh, Luciaphil, you crack me up. *wipes away tears* I loved Cassie's crack about Roger's drinking. "Aren't you going to bed?" "No, I'm finishing my drink." "Well take it with you, you'll just have another one when you get up there anyway." And Tony's save was PRICELESS. "AWWWWWWWWWW . . . DARNTHAT'STOOBADCAROLYNWASN'TAWAKEI'LLJUSTCOMEBACKTOMORROWBYENOW!" And Roger's snarl..... HEHE ^.^ As much as I hate Cassie, her scenes are never boring!

Luciaphil's Idle Thoughts '02 / Re: Idle Thoughts--Curious George 6/4
« on: June 09, 2002, 12:30:40 AM »
LOL, but did you notice how she didn't eat it anyway? She's going ON and ON and ON about starving to death in the root cellar, and then she doesn't eat. LMAO!

Current Talk '02 I / Re: And in this corner... Prof. Stokes
« on: June 09, 2002, 12:17:33 AM »
I agree Ben . .what was his arrival in 1840 about?  First off Julia was so glad to see someone she knew after Ben died and then . ..Eliot doesn't do anything. . .pops in and out, says he's off to do something, which we never see the results of. . .he's around when Julia disappears too, isn't he . . ?? All we see is Barnabas lamenting her loss. . but where's Eliot to try and help find her?  Strange writing choice they made there.  .very strange. . .


I didn't understand his presence there either. He wasn't even in the 1841PT, was he?? I don't remember him. Just that awwwful LOCKED ROOM.... >:( The ending to 1840 was soooooooo sad tho! With Desmond wondering if they ever made it home, chopping down the stairs...awwwww   :'( I have the MPI tapes from that, cuz it was sooo sad :::feels the need 2 go watch them:::


Current Talk '02 I / Re: He's Back And Not A Moment Too Soon!
« on: June 09, 2002, 12:13:44 AM »
How do we know that the good Rev. Trask (I don't mind calling him that either given the current state of the Roman Catholic Church) didn't see that particular commercial?

*le sigh* people these days.... >.<;;;

 It would explain how that brick wall came a tumbling down.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Adam
« on: June 09, 2002, 12:03:47 AM »
I think Adam is just like a child...he doesn't understand [along with the rest of the characters] when he does something wrong, or why something hurts him, or how to do things that people who LOOK his age should be able to do. When he throws a fit, it's like a little kid throwing a fit, only he's NOT a little kid. I mean, he has the mind of one, but physically he's not a little kid. I figured it was because Julia stopped the experiment before it was completely done, and so all of Barnabus's brains didn't get transported in2 Adam's head. LMAO! That sounds riciculous typed out, but I always figured that Adam was kinda off-balanced because the experiement didn't completely run. Of course, he certainly got Barnabus's obsession and fierce, selfish need of love [instead of smartness? Maybe because there's more of it in Barnabus's head...hehe]. What a great thing 2 inherit.....I can't wait 4 him 2 start talking!!!  ;D

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Carolyn & Adam
« on: June 08, 2002, 11:53:26 PM »
While I always felt that Tony Peterson was Carolyn's best bet for husband material, Adam came in a close second, and with his superior brain, I bet he made something wonderful of himself once he left Collinsport and had his scars taken care of.  He was a handsome guy, very devoted to Carolyn, but I suspect if they ever got together, he'd want her to grow her golden locks as long as Lady's Godiva's and never let her get a haircut!

LOL. I think her and Joe were cute. She was SUPPOSED 2 marry Buzz, though. They were cute too. And Carolyn and Burke were cute too.  ;D Carolyn and Adam are adorable tho, he's like this big, dark guy, and she's this tiny, porcelain ragdoll. HEHE ^.^  Carolyn and anyone is cute!  :-*  ;D

Current Talk '02 I / Re: 3 Trasks
« on: June 08, 2002, 12:52:54 AM »
One of my favorite scenes with him was when he met Amanda Harris. You might recall that Tim was trying to set Trask up and used Amanda as bait. She went to Gregory under the pretense of needing some "soul" saving. The way he leered at her was priceless. We never saw the other two Trasks acting so overtly sexual. Maybe The Rev. in 1795 and Lamar got off on their power trips but they didn't openly ogle the ladies with such obvious lacivious intent.

Jerry Lacy was a terrific talent in all three roles.

It's because the Rvd. Trask "didnt understand physical love," just as Joshua wasn't "a sentimental man."  :P LOL ;)

Jerry Lacy is one of my fav actors, though. I haaaated him as Trask in 1840, but I loooove him as Tony right now.  ;D

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Directing DS
« on: June 07, 2002, 06:45:29 AM »
LOL, right after I read this, I went and watched DS y-day, and I was looking at the beginning of y-day's episodes from that POV. I thought they were reeeeeally kewl, like Carolyn in two angles overlayed on top of each other. And all the fading. I was like "........WOW" It was really kewl! ^_^ I liked seeing, like, a close up of Carolyn's face, and then at the same time, I could see where she was going [i.e. towards the door, the bed, etc]. LOL I wonder if it's just 'cuz of this topic.....hmmm  8)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: And in this corner... Prof. Stokes
« on: June 07, 2002, 06:41:18 AM »
*claps*  I was amazed that someone actually overcame Angelique.  :o *gasp* That's amazing. After she glared at him with those KILLER eyes of hers, too! >.< They made *ME* scared!! But wasn't it for her 2 appear so that he could recognize her? I guess maybe she didn't think he was more powerful than she was. I would have appeared as Julia, and then Stokes would think Julia was the witch. Or if not, it woulda been great seeing Grayson Hall imitating Angelique, fluttering her eyelashes and blinking 20,000 times in a second, and then prying her eyelids up and glaring at him -_- *cracks herself up* teehehe

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