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Messages - Taeylor Collins

Thank you everyone so much for the well wishes. My mother is doing much better and so is my grandmother!   I am also doing better!! Thank you everyone for your well wishes. You guys are like my second family! :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '11 II / OT - A Note From ME: TAEYLOR!
« on: November 15, 2011, 07:38:29 PM »
Hey cousins....

I just wanted to let everyone know that I had a really hard summer. My grandmother was really sick and then my mother had a problem with her back but they could never find out what was wrong. She was on bed rest for two months. And most people on the boards know I have physical trouble as well.  My mom and I mostly share household duties, so when she was so sick all of it was on me.  I didn't mind to do it but it was hard for me to do everything and then sit on a computer just because I was usually in pain from have to do things that are hard for me.  She also has an outside dog and she feeds her twice a day.

I said all that to say this.  I have been posting mostly in the Deep movie forum; however, I plan to return (on Monday) to the WP.  That is one of the things I have missed most about my time here on the DS boards.  And of course having interaction with all you my dear cousins.

I am going to take get my grandmother for a doctors apt where I live and then bring her back for the Holidays so I can really start back until Monday!

I just wanted everyone to know why my presence wasn't here as much.  I had someone ask me if something had happened  to make me not like posting or visiting and that is NOT THE CASE AT ALL!  I began to think others may feel that way so I just wanted to let you guys know what had happened!

Thank you guys for always being so kind and so helpful and just making this one of the biggest highlights of my day!

I love my cousins!

Always with Love and Light,


I agree that is great that MTV is really intersted in promoting Dark Shadows.  MTV of course reaches a wide audience; I personally only watch the channel during the time they actually show videos which is late at night and early in the morning.  I am not a Jersey Shore fan or any of the other crazy shows they have.

Hey Jimbo! I asked for opinions and that is yours! I totally respect it! :)  We will hope for the best......;)

I hope it's okay to add this here.  I had pointed out that my cousin was glad that they aren't modernizing DS.  Are you glad that it's set in the 70's or do you wish that it would have been updated and set in our time??  I am personally glad that it is set in the 70's!  I think the fact that the show was a child of this era only lends to the weirdness.  I know I would be older than I am now.  However, I always said if I could choose I probably would have been a teen around the time DS was airing! 

Also someone was pointing out how long the date away is for DS.  I know about anyone else but 2011 has flown by for me.  The movie will be here before we know it....

Current Talk '11 II / Re: New Poll: Most anticipated 2012 releases
« on: November 04, 2011, 06:00:06 AM »
I just voted! So glad to see DS in 3rd place!  YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! [hall2_grin]

Current Talk '11 II / Re: The Netflix $6 Increase
« on: November 04, 2011, 05:57:41 AM »
I have Dish and it's only going to cost us ten dollars extra a month for streaming and movies  in the mail. So I am pretty sure I am dropping netflix.  Streaming is just a dream to me.....aww.....

Plus Blockbuster does get new releases sooner!

I had forgotten about that conversation with Patterson in 1991! 

As for the movie being blockbuster....that would be fabulous! That being said, as long as it's a big enough hit to make back the money they shelled out to make it  and a sizeable return, then I would be satisfied with that. I just hope it makes enough to warrant sequels!  Again though, a blockbuster would be FABULOUS! :)  Hopefully it will make get a great return and add more to the collective cult following then hopefully that too would warrant sequels as well! ;)

188 days...

Thanks MB. Sorry for the double post.  I had looked for DS on TFAW and couldn't get it to pull up.  It worked this time. I order Charmed comics from there.  Heads up--if you pre order you can get a discount.  I have all my Charmed pre ordered! :)

You guys RAWK!

Thanks guys! :)  I appreciate it! :)

Hey guys.  I hope no one thinks I am a cheap scape; however, as a couple of you know my situation with money is tight.  A lot like it is for most Americans only it's a bit worse for me since I am still fighting to get my disability.  So what little money I can scrap together I get to enjoy a couple things, like my comics.  I am not looking for sympathy.  If you know me as a friend you know what I have and still go through on a daily basis. So to I thought I would get that out of the way so no one think I am cheap. I just am a person who really needs the best deal.  They are already trying to sell comic one for 17 dollar on Ebay so no luck there.

So I am writing to ask if anyone knows of a good on line site to order the new 2011 comics from.  I have come across a few places but they are asking ridiculous amounts for postage. I order Charmed comics from a certain place and the prices are reasonable; however,  they are not carrying DS!  Can anyone help?/

(In my southern accent) THAAAANK  YOOOOW THAAAAANK YOOO Very MUCH! :)  And if you watch The CLOSER well then you know how I sound!  ;)


One thing that really helps me to be confident this will be good is the fact that according to several sources and KLS.  Michelle and Helena and probably other stars would watch episodes in the makeup room during the morning.  And KLS said they were totally addicted.   I mean I was totally against Helena playing Julia just because I was tired of her in everything. However, if she was the one who wanted to pay homage to Grayson well she got it right.  And I mean right down to the same nail polish my beloved Grayson always wore.  And she is made up just like Grayson.

I also want to point out that my cousin who I got hooked on the 1991 show said she was very relived they didn't try to modernize it.  I think that was a great great decision.  As much as I love DS 1991. I am pretty sure in 1991 they could totally have found out B was lying. And I am CERTAIN in 2012 they would definitely be able to confirm the cousin from England cover story is total bull....

In closing,we know  that we have "the star" and "the director" were adamant fans. And now we have the actors and actresses who did this movie "hooked" on watching episodes while doing the movie. And thirdly, the picture is a great relief.  So I am happy so far. I am staying away from spoilers though.....

We will see....we will see....

When I was at Seaview last year there was several videos shown that were a lot like DANK SHADOWS as far as budget etc. but wasn't a spoof.  I will not say the person's name; however, some may know him. He could play Julia and Barney both "PERFECTLY!"  I was laughing hysterically and inquired in getting a copy.  Alas....I couldn't!  Supposedly, the person who made them tried to cut a deal with DC/PIERSON who was having NON of it.  That being said, I think a spoof doesn't fall under copyright infringement.  If so how would Family Guy, Robot Chicken, etc. stay on the air???  

I hope it doesn't get pulled because I am crushing on JOHNSON! Yes I am shallow! ;)

I like my the episode where she says my name is (CHORUS: WICK VINTERS) LOL  "HOW RUDE" And I love the guy playing Wictoria is Highalrious!  The guy playing all the different roles is HIGHALRIOUS!

Oh my gosh!  I cannot take it. Sorry for the double post. I am doubled over laughing.  [Evil_Pumpkins] I am living for Scortcher Bollins. [flmthrw]  "You look burnt to a crissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss--puh!"