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Messages - Cassandra Blair

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Current Talk '03 II / Re:The New DARK SHADOWS?
« on: November 12, 2003, 03:43:50 PM »
IMHO, there is no right or wrong here.  It's understandable to feel guarded about the whole thing.  After all, development deals for new shows fall apart every day, according to the entertainment press.  And of course none of us wants to see a new version of our favorite show that's total crap.

That aside, the WB would be a fine place to see a new Dark Shadows series.  I'm sure they could do a rendition that didn't dumb things down.  And so what if they retell some of the story we're already familiar with?  As long as it's good writing, good acting and compelling storytelling I'll be watching.

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Slipping into Satanism
« on: November 10, 2003, 03:11:06 PM »
With you on that Luciaphil.  Thought it was hysterical that girlfriend thought it over for all of three seconds!  One would hope a little more consideration might be given when selling the old immortal soul.  Guess Edie was just a little overwhelmed by the err, charms (yes, that's the word) of Judah-as-Gerard.

Perhaps the subject line of this thread should have read "Slutty for Satanism"?  >:D

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Montage Question
« on: November 07, 2003, 11:09:53 PM »
This isn't a question, but more a moment of appreciation of MB for the lovely montage.  So great that you included the picture of Bruno whipping the Chris wolf.  Truly one of Dark Shadows kinkiest and most adult moments - still can't believe they got away with it.  The subtext is just something else!  ^-^

A friend of mine emailed me a link to one of those costumes being sold on Ebay.  IIRC, it went for close to $1600!

And Gothick, I'm with you on the Laura Ingalls and Greg Brady costumes - super freaky!  I feel unclean just for having seen them.  :o

Current Talk '03 II / Re:How Did Angelique Get Her Powers?
« on: November 05, 2003, 09:23:35 PM »
Cool, Midnite.  I had forgotten about the info you pointed out.  Starting to feel swayed to the Miranda-is-Angelique camp, at least in terms of the reality set forth in 1840.  You do have to wonder though, because it does seem contradictory to what came before.  Still, that's not the first time (or, I would imagine the last time) that the Dark Shadows writers would step all over the continuity of the show.

Another theory can still be advanced.  With all this time jumping and the changing of history, it's arguable that the 1840 Barnabas and Julia visit is some kind of parallel time.  In fact, it has to be a parallel version of history when compared to the 1970 they left behind.  The Roxanne of 1970 was a vampire.  In the 1840 in which Barnabas and Julia are involved, Roxanne is destroyed, so she cannot have existed in 1970.  Yet both of them knew her in 1970, so they must have come from a parallel version of that year, or this must not be the original 1840.  Wouldn't they create a parallel universe by changing history?

And, more apropos the subject of this thread:

[spoiler]This opens up the possibility that the Angelique they meet in 1840 is NOT the one they've met at any other time.  In fact, given what happens with her later in the storyline she CAN'T be the same woman.  I mean, the stuff with Cassandra and the Leviathans and in 1897, Barnabas and Julia (and later Stokes) remember that, so as far as they're concerned it really happened.  But this Angelique, we know will never experience those things with them, so this must be some kind of parallel time, right?  I mean somewhere, in some reality, there must still be an Angelique who lived on after 1840 in order for her to show up at Collinwood again in 1897, 1968 & 1970.[/spoiler]

The possibilities are really mind-boggling, and I've managed to confuse myself.  Wait, should this be a new topic?  :P

Current Talk '03 II / Re:How Did Angelique Get Her Powers?
« on: November 05, 2003, 03:36:46 PM »
Have to say, I'm still down with the reincarnation theory, too.  It just makes more sense to me somehow.  And while there does appear to be some evidence from the show that supports Miranda actually living all those years between 1692 and 1795, there also seems to be at least the implication that Angelique was Miranda's reincarnation.  And although 1840 came later in the series, that doesn't mean what was established in that timeline was any more or less valid than what was said earlier on the show.

The Countess' comments that she had known Angelique as a young girl, and known her mother too just don't jibe with the Miranda-is-Angelique theory, IMHO.  If you believe that the Countess' memory hadn't been magically altered, it seems a stretch to think that Natalie would make a distiction between Angelique at age 21 or so in 1795, and Angelique in say, 1792 when she would have been 17 or 18.  That's only three years, yet what Natalie said implies that she's known Angelique for longer than that.  Besides, in the 18th century, wouldn't one be considered a woman, not a young girl at 17 or 18?

This kind of reminds me of the "is Vicki Liz's daughter?" thread a few weeks back.  It was just never made clear (canonically speaking) what the truth was.  This leaves it all up to us as the fans to speculate and discuss.  Like Cassandra said above, it's super interesting to hear all the theories.  Each person can decide what they think, and that becomes the truth for them - which is a bit like life, I guess.

I did wonder if anyone knew this: although Miranda was clearly part of Judah's coven, was it stated for sure that she had any supernatural powers in 1692?  If there wasn't any reincarnation, maybe Miranda spent 100 years acquiring powers and/or selling her soul.  And whatever became of her mysterious, theoretical mother Mrs. Duval?

I guess it's totally up for grabs at this point!  :-

Current Talk '03 II / Re:That Number Should Be Retired
« on: November 04, 2003, 04:37:52 PM »
I agree that Daphne should have had her own theme music.  While there's nothing wrong with the idea of the ingenue character, different theme songs would at least help differentiate between the girls.

And I agree, it would have been interesting to see Kate take on the Vicki role.  She certainly would have been more acceptable than Durkin.

But then again, didn't Vicki have some friend from the foundling home/orphanage with whom she kept in contact initially?  Maybe "Tracy" could have been that friend, coming to Collinwood to investigate why Vicki hadn't been sending any letters back to NYC for the past couple years.   ::)

Current Talk '03 II / Re:How Did Angelique Get Her Powers?
« on: October 31, 2003, 11:44:51 PM »
It's so hard to say where it all began with girlfriend.  And I think the writers pretty much re-did her origins with the 1840 storyline.  Like so much of what happens on the show, I think when and where Angelique gained her powers is debatable.

Somebody else mentioned recently that in 1795 Countess DuPres mentions having known Angelique as an "uninteresting" girl.  Around that same time, (IIRC), something was also mentioned about Ange's mother as a village wise woman or some such.  If this were all true, it lends more the theory that Angelique was the reincarnation of Miranda.  Maybe Gerard/Judah could see through the flesh to her soul (if she still had one ;) ), and saw this was the same girl who had betrayed him in 1692.

Then again, maybe Angelique was able to cast some kind of spell over the DuPres to make them think they had known her as a young 'un, and that they had known her mom.  The problem with this is, if she was successful enough as a witch to pull off that kind of a spell, why was she so inept with the spells we see her casting early in the 1795 storyline?  It's like she's just beginning, when she causes Barnabas to choke, or when she zaps Joshua into a cat - she seems surprised at her own strength.  This makes me wonder how she can have been a 125 year old witch at this point.

Of course too, the theory that Angelique was just Miranda under a different name seems strange when you consider that in 1796 she was working as a servant.  Maybe this was part of some greater plan on her part, but that doesn't seem plausible to me.  However, if she'd really pissed off the Devil, maybe that was her punishment - to be thrown into a different time, under a different identity, and to be forced to work as a servant as payback for her part in betraying Satan's homeboy Judah Zachary.

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!
« on: October 31, 2003, 09:21:48 PM »
Happy Halloween to all the fun folks on this forum!  [spidr]


Cassandra Blair [/color]

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Serendipity?
« on: October 31, 2003, 09:13:19 PM »
I don't know how long you've had that message under your avatar, Cassandra Blair, but it just made me LOL!!

Glad I gave you a laugh, Raineypark.  ;)

Current Talk '03 II / Serendipity?
« on: October 29, 2003, 10:40:22 PM »
This may not be of great interest to anyone else, but I thought it was strange (in a good way).  So I had to share.

I seldom if ever hear reference to Dark Shadows outside of here on the boards or on the SciFi Channel.  Imagine my surprise to hear the theme song from our favorite show on the radio yesterday, as background music at the end of a lunchtime 80's retro show.

Then today, after listening to the same program, I'd switched over to the classical station I listen to most of the day.  They were just getting ready to go to news, and they were playing - guess what?  A classical sounding version of the theme song to DS.

Had to laugh, it put me in a great mood.  Imagine, hearing the music from Dark Shadows twice in as many days on different radio stations here in Atlanta!  Perhaps it's a good omen.  ;)

Current Talk '03 II / Re:HEAD OVERBOARD !!!
« on: October 29, 2003, 03:19:58 PM »
So Bob, what would you rate Josette's plunge?  I'd give it at least a nine.  It's one of the more memorable Widow's Hill tragedies.

[spoiler]And what of the lovely, icy, vicious Samantha Drew Collins?  Doesn't she take a header at the behest of the ghostly Joanna Mills sometime in the near future?
And wasn't Widow's Hill how Joanna met her (unseen) fate by Samantha's hand earlier in 1840?[/spoiler]

Current Talk '03 II / Re:DS run on SciFi to end Dec. 30
« on: October 28, 2003, 11:46:36 PM »
You go ahead and VENT all you want; that's what we're here for!!

Thanks Patti, it's nice to hear that!   :-*

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Angie's logic?
« on: October 28, 2003, 11:42:17 PM »
Welcome, CyrusL !!!

Best Wishes,

Cassandra Blair

- cousin from Georgia

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:The Birthday Boy!!!
« on: October 27, 2003, 06:28:15 PM »
[size=06]Happy Birthday, Murph![/size]

Best Wishes Always,

Cassandra Blair

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