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Messages - Debra

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As fashionable as the ultra-mini may have been in 1969, I look at the vast expanse of Carolyn's legs, made more extensive by the beige shoes, and then I look at her super short yellow fuzzy coat and it somehow gives me the impression that Carolyn let he house clad only in a bulky pajama top. Somehow . . . somehow, I don't think that was the intended effect.

Very true.  When I look at some of the clothes she wears sometimes its hard to imagine that we actually wore clothes like that! ::)


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Rumson House and PT Set
« on: May 07, 2003, 06:00:50 AM »
I forgot to tape Monday's shows!   >:(

Did anyone notice if they showed the exterior of Sky's and Angelique's house?  If it was shown, was it the stately white mansion with the pillars, as we saw briefly on Friday (one of those DS slide deals), or was it the tacky little cabin in the Maine woods that we'll be seeing more of?

I didn't see it so Im assuming it was no shown on that day.   I had missed Fridays episode so I was looking forward to seeing the exterior of the house.


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re:Chat?
« on: May 06, 2003, 09:28:27 PM »
The main menu is at the top and bottom of almost all the forum's pages. While you're logged on, the sequence of buttons goes: "home, help, search, profile, chat, notifications, logout". :)

I found it!!!  I was thinking the first page that comes up when we first get to the site was the one you were referring to,  now I got it.  Thanks!

Deb :)

These are great!!  I love these transcripts and I hope to see more continued and much progress for all your hard work and support!


Current Talk '03 I / The Good Son
« on: May 06, 2003, 09:09:23 PM »
You know Ive been trying to figure out who Michael reminds me of and then it finally came to me!!  MCAULEY CALKIN of the GOOD SON!  [devil]

Man, that kid was evil in that moved and the two of them could have passed for brothers, not only in personalities, but in the looks department too.  [devil]


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Introduction/OT
« on: May 06, 2003, 09:04:25 PM »
Wow!  Thank you to all who have replied.  I love getting to know people and you all sound like a great bunch!
(and Gerard, you weren't boring at all! I found your post very interesting)

Recently, my oldest daughter started taking an interest in the show and couldnt believe it when I told her that I had watched this show when I was 8 years old!  She was astounded that the show has been around for so long and still have a popular fan turnout.  (boy she has alot to learn!! lol!!)

Nice meeting you all.

Deb :)

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Barnabas' Change of Heart
« on: May 06, 2003, 08:50:33 PM »
So I was a little surprised when a voiceover began playing over the end titles of the show informing the audience at home that "major information regarding the nature of the Leviathan plot will be revealed on this coming Friday's show, so be sure to tune in!"  The "revelations" consisted of a celebrated clip show (maybe the only one in DS' history, now that I think of it) that summarized what had happened up to that point.  I'm not sure when that episode will be aired, but I think it's coming in a week or two.

Thanks Gothick for informing us.  I would love to see this! Do you have any idea what episode# it might be?    Sounds interesting.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:About Amanda's Photos.......
« on: May 06, 2003, 08:47:26 PM »
why would she age! she is just some man's fantasy(well i wouldn't go there...)always felt that is why all the men loved her
she is like one of those fake dolls except she talks!(or whines
so maybe she isn't the perfect fantasy)

I don't recall there being any mention of her aging either. I think her whole worry was about if she would survive or not.  Tate's other two creations were very short lived and although one of them was shot by Tate himself, nevertheless, this creation was doomed from the start.

His other "famous" creation was none other than the great "Garth Blackwood" and wasn't even suppose to be human, but a ghost to scare Aristede with.  Funny, we never learned what became of him?

IMO Amanda was more concernced about whether she still would be around the next day or simply vanish, which might not have been such a bad idea! :)


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re:Chat?
« on: May 06, 2003, 08:39:39 PM »
Im still trying to locate the button?  You said its on the main menu but is that the same as the home page?  I cant find it? :-

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Rumson House and PT Set
« on: May 06, 2003, 08:23:22 PM »
I believe you are right Raholt.  It does look very much similar to the parallel time room at Collinwood.  Im sure they re-use these sets over and over again anyway.

I noticed also that the room in which Maggie was trapped yesterday looked very much like one of the rooms in the old house basement.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Barnabas' Change of Heart
« on: May 06, 2003, 08:15:09 PM »
I think it depends on how you define helpful. Everything was always tied to a price. "I'll help you if you do X" Nothing she did in 1897 had any altruistic reasons behind it. And in fact, she royally screwed up a number of lives beyond repair quite casually (e.g. Beth's, Amanda's, Quentin's, Rachel's, etc.).

That's a good point. And lets not forget that the only reason she decided to help Barnabas & Julia out in 1897 was IMO because she was engaged to Quentin and no longer had any use for Barnabas.


Thank you Claude North for posting these pics! Grayson looked so chic!  A big difference from DS! Like some of the others here have said, now Im gonna have to go out and get this movie myself!

Loved the big hat too!


Thank you Darren for posting the transcript.  It does look a little more hopeful than the last time and Im hoping that with all of the responses to this maybe the powers that be will finally take notice.   I wish I could have joined in but I had trouble logging on and when I did finally get through I was knocked off.
I did however enjoy reading everyone's responses and questions and am really hopeful that someone good will come out of this.

I wish you well with all your hard work.


Polls Archive / Re:Favorite 1897 Moment - Poll #3
« on: May 05, 2003, 10:45:32 PM »
The reading of the will did it for me!!!  What an awesome scene!!  Good for Ms Judith!!


Polls Archive / Re: Favorite 1897 Moment - Poll #4
« on: May 05, 2003, 10:22:08 PM »
I had to go with Edward welcomes Laura home.  Think that Louis Edmonds was just brilliant as Edward - such a self-righteous stuffed shirt.  And I enjoy Diana Millay's Laura in the 1897 setting better than the 1960's version.  The characters' exchange here is priceless; you can read so much between the lines about what their relationship must've been like when they were together.  And none of it's pretty.

I loved how you put this Cassandra Blair so Im going with you on this one here.  "Edward- such a self-righteous stuffed shirt?"  LOL!!!  Couldn't have said it better myself. 

I myself enjoyed that scene when Edward welcomes Laura home and the look on his face was indeed priceless.


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