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Messages - tripwire

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Miss your posts Vam.  The questions that you posed were great, I mean they were teed up so nicely, we could all  knock them out of the park...  8)

WTG  Midnite on reaching a new level, and on grabbing that Music Box.... *wonders if mr. midnite knows what it cost*  lol    ;D

I want a CD of  Professor Stokes cover of "hey Vicki"   ;D   I bet that was a blast.

"Microphone??  I got your Micropone right here"   ;D

Great pic and caption Connie..

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: back from fest...
« on: August 16, 2004, 08:01:36 PM »
That does seem strange that she does not recall her role on DS, guess that would rule her out of any Q and A  that they may have..I would think that since she does attend the DS get togethers, that she may want to bone up on the show, or at least the roles that she played, at least to be able to chat with the fans about it.  

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: DS Festival Group Photo
« on: August 16, 2004, 01:43:52 PM »
Great pics Cassandra.  Dang, Gothick resembles the relief pitcher for the Los Angeles Dodgers, Eric Gagne.

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: Off to the Fest
« on: August 13, 2004, 03:13:42 AM »
All of you festers have a great time, take lots of pictures, have a drop or 2 of Sherry, and be safe in your travels!     ;D

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Barnabas--Love and Lust list
« on: August 07, 2004, 02:15:43 AM »
This topic got me to thinking, and several questions popped up. It would seem like he would have 2 great desires after being roused from his slumber... The first would have been satisfied by willies blood, the 2nd, well, he has been couped up for 172 years in the same room , with no female companionship whatsoever, I would think the first place he heads to after arising is the Collinsport docks for a little  P & P  (plasma and partying for you who was thinking otherwise).  OK then he meets his Josette working in the cafe, kidnaps her.. After a few weeks, Maggie escapes, but finds out she is pregnant, and decides to keep the baby, what kind of child would this be?  Half Vampire and human??  Would Barnabas have had to travel to 1995  to score some Viagra?? (he is 200 you know) for his partying with the ladies of 1968? How would Maggie explain away her kids mouthful of k9 teeth?  Would she question why her little girl always wore her hair with the fang bangs?  When she was older and in acting school, would she forget her lines, but make it seem that it was the other actor that screwed up?  (( ok ok way to much time on my hands i know  ;) ))

Current Talk '04 II / Re: favorite "moment"
« on: August 03, 2004, 11:22:15 PM »
It would be hard to pick a most favorite scene, but one of the most funny has to be Willies Dream Curse. I know its supposed to be a horrible dream, but ole Willie must think he is going for the emmy...The wild faces, the extreme gestures of his hands and arms, its a bit over the top to say the least.. On one of the door frames, as he is closing the door, nearly topples over, and you can see him holding onto it. That last door with the wolf head  lol   as he screams, he is not even looking at the wolf, but directly into the camera, you can see him looking 90 degrees to the right just before his close up...Only on DS!!    :o

For Quentin maybe they could have exchangable bottles of booze.  Brandy, Sherry, Grain Alcohol.... ;D

Current Talk '04 II / Re: a post-1795 question(or two)
« on: July 24, 2004, 10:25:18 PM »
And what about Carolyn??  [spoiler]She had been Barnabas blood bank for weeks, and even though she appears to be out from his control cause of Dr. Langs treatment, I believe that she would certainly be looking at B just a little differently...Its like "my cousin used to be a vampire, and drank from me a lot, but he is not a vampire anymore, so everything is cool".[/spoiler]   Its like the old plot is swept under the rug, to get on with the new, ala the Adam story line, once its over, he is never mentioned again..   

I enjoy reading your comments too...I have not seen the pre-Barnabas episodes, and i am sure they are chocked full of Bloopers....Please keep a separate log for goof ups  lol    ;)

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Barnabas' First Night in 1967
« on: July 18, 2004, 11:46:41 PM »
Although Willie couldnt do away with Barny, there would be ways he could screw with him....One way would have been for Willie to have spiked  Barnys Monteado with a couple of hits of LSD....Would an undead guy start tripping?   What if he turned into a bat while under the influence, and started thinking of how his life had gone?  Life was so good, I was rich, gonna marry my sweetheart, then Angelique comes around, puts spell on my Josette and uncle, they fall in love...Then she turns me into a vampire, and i watch as my woman jumps off  a cliff. Then dad locks me up in a coffin, and spend the next 172 years in a tomb....Then this hoodlum comes along and frees me as he is trying to rob moms coffin....Then he spikes my drink with drugs, and here i am now, in the year 1967, a friggin bat, stoned out of my gourd, flying around in circles over Collinwood....What the hell happened???  ......... ;D

Well written, as always by Robin...I must differ with her statememt "something pushes her", she tripped over a wire that slams the door shut. You can see as she is losing her balance the door wobbles as she trips....My MPI tape of that scene is about messed up, from all the rewinding and ff off that scene. Its my favorite blooper that is least recognized...   ;D

Get well soon Jennifer, someone has to pull those Red Sox in, they are in as bad of trouble as some lady walking the docks of  Collinsport while B is around.  ;D

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