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Messages - Josette

Current Talk '24 I / Re: No Pictures
« on: July 15, 2022, 04:11:51 AM »

I had to take the computer for servicing the last couple of days, so I mentioned about this picture problem.  They hadn't figured it out when I picked it up, but they let me in the back to show exactly where the problem was and his employee finally figured it out.  It has something to do with the security on the site - it says the site is not secure and particularly mentions images.  He made an exception for this site and all of the pictures and emojis are back!!!   [ghost_smiley] [ghost_smiley] [ghost_smiley]

Amazing that something like that would have so many DS connections!!   [ghost_smiley]

That's my birthday!!!  (And I think the original birth date was also a Thursday!)


Hope it was a lovely day!!!


Hope it was a fun day!!!


Hope it was a really fun day!

Sunday night CNN had a brief feature on Joseph Gordon-Levitt.  It seems he's a co-founder of something called HitRecord and it has just teamed up with MasterClass, so they did the little segment about it. 

I Googled HitRecord and here are two blurbs about it: 

"HitRecord is an online collaborative media platform founded and owned by actor and director Joseph Gordon-Levitt. The company uses a variety of media to produce such projects as short films, books, and DVDs."
"HitRecord is a collaborative media platform that lets anyone work together on creative projects. If a project earns money, contributors are paid based on any work that makes it into the final product."

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Re: Vampire "Convention"
« on: June 01, 2022, 07:33:00 AM »
Hee hee hee!! 

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Vampire "Convention"
« on: May 31, 2022, 10:29:31 AM »
I just saw a brief story on the news about a new world record for a gathering of vampires!  In North Yorkshire, England 1,369 attended the event, setting the record - and it showed a lot of them in costume.  It was for the 125th anniversary of Bram Stoker's "Dracula."

When they got back to the news desk, one of the other reporters said, "Can I just say it’s a bit odd that it would happen during the day in the sunlight."  I actually laughed out loud.

How interesting!  I may have seen it as some point, but didn't realize that was the reason for her leaving DS.  Before posting yesterday, I looked her up in imdb and when a name is listed, there is usually a name of something the person is particularly known for, and in her case DS is what's listed!!!

The other night PBS had a Great Performances program about a new production of “Company.”  Part of it was it being closed down by the pandemic and the eventual return, and part of it was that they switched the genders and the main character was a woman instead of a man.  They had Stephen Sondheim, the director, actors and others involved in the production discussing it along with actors from previous versions, including the original.  Donna McKechnie from the original was on and they also showed pictures from her dancing in the original.

In case anyone is interested, I imagine PBS has it On Demand or in some other form.

For once I happened to notice ahead of time when an episode would be on.  Tonight (tomorrow) Friday into Saturday morning on MeTV the Cannon episode with Mitch and Kathy will be on again, in case anyone hasn't seen it and is interested.  3:05 AM Eastern - Saturday the 21st.


Hope you had lots of fun!!

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Re: Legacies Season 4
« on: May 16, 2022, 07:45:13 AM »
[pointing-up]  We can only hope, Josette...

Well, based on that one article you provided, they apparently did prepare for this and it sounds like it will be satisfactory.  Can't imagine why they suddenly have this series of repeats before the end.

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Re: Legacies Season 4
« on: May 14, 2022, 06:55:29 AM »
Hopefully, this season's finale will be satisfying and leave things in a place where not continuing won't leave too many crucial loose ends.