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Messages - joe integlia

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in the old old days before videotape was even invented was when they used the kinescopes for the west coast because everything then was live on the east coast. they continued to use kinescopes after videotape was invented for the armed forces or for the few stations that would show dark shadows the next day. it was easier and cheaper to send a 16mm film than a 2inch wide videotape. i think the abc announcer is named in 1 of kls books.

since the kinescopes were recorded as the show was airing, yes the "coming up next on abc" announcements were recorded onto the kinescopes.

1 reason for rerecording the end music credits would be to cover up the abc announcer promoting other abc shows but i agree with the previous poster because i remember watching the show originally (although not on a regular basis) but never hearing that "dark shadows is a dan curtis production" in later episodes.

Calendar Events / Announcements '10 II / Re: OT: ABC's The Gates
« on: June 17, 2010, 01:46:00 AM »
in the new issue of TV GUIDE, JUNE 21ST-JULY 4TH, Matt Roush states that THE GATES is like DARK SHADOWS in a ritzy gated community but is rarely as scary as it wants to be.

Calendar Events / Announcements '10 I / CONARD FOWKES ON TONY AWARDS
« on: June 14, 2010, 06:26:05 AM »
CONARD FOWKES was mentioned during the MEMORIAM segment on the TONY AWARDS on CBS Sunday night.

I recently discovered that D.S. actor JAMES STORM lives in the apartment building next to mine in hollywood! In honor of my neighbor, i have posted a 2 part video on my youtube page. it was recorded 21 years ago this month. On May 21st, 1989 the DARK SHADOWS FAN CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA held its 2nd anniversary party and James was our guest. we showed clips from DS, NODS, TOT, B+B and he commented on them. Anyone that would like the complete video should email me at JAYTEEVIDEO@YAHOO.COM

Calendar Events / Announcements '10 I / OT: MOONLIGHT ON THE CW
« on: May 21, 2010, 07:47:55 PM »
Reruns of the show MOONLIGHT will be shown on the CW beginning in 2 weeks on thursday nights following reruns of THE VAMPIRE DIARIES.

Calendar Events / Announcements '10 I / Re: OT: VCR's??
« on: April 27, 2010, 03:26:00 AM »
no one answered magnus question. "the dvds are edited?" some of the dvds have bloopers edited out. most notable was the BATHIA MAPES blooper where someone off camera is heard yelling out her lines. in the dvd release that audio has been removed.

it seems like just untill recently, when a 3d movie came to dvd it was also offered in 3d on dvd but with the inferior red+green glasses 3d format because thats the only 3d process that seems to work on our present tv system. now they seemed to only offer 3d films in 2d dvd or blue ray formats. perhaps when the new 3d tvs become more popular and affordable the 3d films will be re issued in 3d for the new 3d tvs. does anyone know if the new 3d tvs use the red/green glasses or not?

but BATS flying out at the screen at us would be great!

Calendar Events / Announcements '10 I / Re: Semi OT: The Lair season 3
« on: April 02, 2010, 05:18:06 PM »
but where is the 4TH season of DANTE'S COVE?

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Dark Shadows remembered
« on: April 02, 2010, 05:14:19 PM »
a nice article to read today,April 2nd, the 39th anniversary of the last episode broadcast on abc.

thanks for pointing out the link problem. this (even longer) link should be correct.....

I would like everyone on this board to be the 1st to know about my NEW WEBSITE/VOD THEATRE!
on that site you can view THE DARK SHADOWS 2008 FESTIVAL! only part 1 is available right now but part 2 will be added soon. there are several viewing pkgs available and there is also the option to download and own the entire video(s) for $19.95 each. you can also get 10 free minutes free but you will have to enter your credit card # even though you wont be charged. You may also be interested in the thousands of other movie titles on this site. click the CATEGORIES link on the left hand side. In the future i plan to add more titles from my collection of D.S. events dating back to 1983!  I still have many events available for free viewing on my youtube page.
and also i still have events available for sale on dvd. anyone who would like my free catalog should contact me. if you have problems with the address try this one.....

i think part of this question is covered in 1 of the kls books maybe the almanac but im not positive. the reason for the end announcement being stopped is because 1 of the station breaks was eliminated at some point and they didnt need the announcer to say "dark shadows will return in a moment" or "dark shadows is brought to you by" so i guess they fired the guy. the other part of your question where the dcp spiel is heard on a 69 or 70 episode, i dont know the answer to that.

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