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Messages - MaggieEvans

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"Barnabas thought him more insane than usual when Trask suddenly went all 'drill sergeant' on his butt!!"

Barnabas looked askance at Magda after she told him she had no idea what 'askance' meant.

that he looked like one of those creepy kitty-cat clocks whos eyes move back and forth.

... Full House had been cancelled.

"I warn you, Carl - if you ever tell me to pull your finger again, I'll toss you out the door so fast, your grandchildren will get dizzy!!"

David was both pleased and thrilled that he was the only performer on the show that could actually call The Carribbean home, later in life.

"Now, Miss Drummond, there is something that I feel strongly cannot go undiscussed any longer, and that is the fact that you are teaching Jamison about when normal people sleep, and that most people have actual jobs! I simply will not have it!! No Collins should ever know about such things!!!"

Judith: Oh, my gosh, get it off me! Get it off me!

Rachel: Won't that require surgery?

Barnabas looked straight at the camera and said: "Vick... um... Juli... um... Car... um... dang it. What's my line?"

Nothing frightened Barnabas more than Cheez-Whiz.

"It was then that Tim saw ____________ and Trask couldn't __________!!

"Judith had never been so angry as when Carl uttered the _________ word!!"

"Trask, who dreamed of being on COPS, _____________!"

"Trask was a little worried when Tim started to sing ___________, which is exactly what he wanted to sing when ___________."

"Whenever Carl was extremely happy, he would dance around while singing like Rick Astley, "never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down..."

(at least that's what his stance looks like... just check out rick astley's music video)

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