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Messages - GooberCollins

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Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: Happy Birthday Taeylor
« on: October 27, 2008, 10:11:20 PM »
Happy belated birthday, Taeylor!  [skelleton_runs]

I'd recommend waiting for the DVDs, as HBO (unsurprisingly) has no free online instant viewing service, and the methods joe integlia shared are a bit less than legal... aside from that, I got a damaged disk from Netflix once, and I tried one of the sites that uses for videos, and received a lovely Trojan on my PC.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Today's caption pic - egad!
« on: October 15, 2008, 06:02:36 AM »
Julia's quote, however, is incorrect - murder is always the answer!  [BOO]

And that photo of Roger is one for the family albums.

Oh, yes, it is something to look into. And I agree that The Graysons doesn't sound like a very good idea.

You didn't like 7th Heaven? That surprises me, since you said that you were a big fan of all the Aaron Spelling shows.

I just didn't like the last three seasons for several reasons, primarily the fact that they turned everyone into a partial or complete idiot. I didn't like Chris much, and positively despised Magic School. Seriously. I would have tolerated it if they had done it in a way that reflected Californian culture, like using Spanish and Native American influences in its decoration, but it was an old, very British castle that just popped into their lives out of nowhere after no mention for the first five seasons. If you're going to rip off something (in this case Harry Potter), at least change it to fit better into your universe, like a certain show that we all watch did.

I only watched Smallville during the first Brainiac arc to see James Marsters in something besides Buffy, but it seemed like a good show. I may start watching it from the beginning some day, I dunno.

I completely agree with you. I didn't love Reba, but it was one of the few recent sitcoms that made me laugh at all. The only post-2000 sitcoms I've enjoyed are Frasier and Friends, and even those took a downhill turn after the new millennium, Friends in particular.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Creepy (Not the Way You'd Think...)
« on: October 14, 2008, 11:16:45 PM »
Yes, welcome back! I'm fairly new here, but I've read quite a few of your "Idle Thoughts" and they're very entertaining.

Current Talk '08 II / Today's caption pic - egad!
« on: October 14, 2008, 01:49:13 AM »
Does it look to anyone else like Julia got stabbed in the head with something?  [8_1_210] That would certainly explain the uncomfortable-looking expression on her face.

I don't necessarily think that supernatural programming is the way to go. Yes, the WB had more of it than most of the other networks, but it was more their teen-young adult demographic that defined them. Aside from that, it was a place where smartly written television could exist without too much trouble. Granted, there have been some road blocks (canceling both Buffy and Angel in their prime, and leaving Charmed on for two or three seasons longer than they should have), but it worked. One can't help but wonder how some of the "tragically canceled" shows would have done there, Wonderfalls and Firefly in particular, though Firefly is a bit out of the WB's normal demographic. I've never been able to get into 7th Heaven, and Gilmore Girls and Smallville look like they're pretty good from what I've seen of them.

Speaking of Reba, they canceled it despite the cast and crew wanting to go for a few more seasons, as well as the fact that it was their highest-rated sitcom. No, it wasn't the best show ever or anything, but why they would cancel it under those circumstances is beyond me.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Creepy (Not the Way You'd Think...)
« on: October 12, 2008, 10:41:28 PM »
One of the truly vivid examples of that in fanfiction is the startling number of people who seem to see Hermione and Snape as a couple in Harry Potter (which includes a very well-done and hilarious music video on YouTube called "Buttons").

Just watched it, and eek. I'm pretty sure that's illegal. [hall2_shocked] Most of the fanfics that pair them have Hermione at legal age, though, unlike that video.

But yeah, Carolyn had some issues, all right...

Actually, a young heartthrob actor would likely be better for revenue, though probably not quality. God forbid we see Disney get ahold of the production and cast Zac Efron or one of the Jonas Brothers as Barnabas.

The new actor, whoever he may be, should deviate from Frid somewhat. As I said, he needs to be a worthy successor, but he'll never stand up against Frid; therefore, exactly regurgitating Frid's version of the character would be a huge mistake.

Actually, what I'm saying is that, in my mind, there can be no new incarnation of Dark Shadows. For allegory, the famous "original" glazed variety of Krispy Kreme donuts is the Krispy Kreme donut, and all the others are just Krispy Kreme-branded donuts. (Did that make sense?) I'm not against another show or movie, but I don't see them as true revivals of the original show, just new media released under the brand name of the original show.

the creation of Barnabas was so good that anyone that tries to deviate from the original character portrayed by Jonathan Frid will never be successful.  [hall2_wink]

Exactly. That's one of the reasons why I view the Revivial, the 2004 WB pilot, and any other revivals of DS to be more novelties than anything else. For me, Dark Shadows is the original series, and everything else is just an extra. It's also why we need to have a good actor playing Barnabas for this movie - he'll never be able to stand up against Frid, but he needs to be a worthy successor.

Forgive me, "uncreative" was the term I meant to use, not "unimaginative." As I said, Dark Shadows is a great show, and I find the fact that it openly borrowed from so many horror stories to create a very large portion of its storylines strangely endearing. Aside from that, when the Revival popped up, they didn't do enough to differentiate it from the original series, which is probably due to Dan Curtis. Sure, different cast and a few plot changes, but it was essentially the same story. But what you read about the writing staff on the internet, as well as somewhat in the PomPress books, indicates that Dan Curtis was having the writers speed-read various horror stories, and then rewriting those stories into the DS universe; not exactly an enormous sign of creativity. And let's not forget that if Dan Curtis had gotten his way and made Barnabas an all-evil vampire instead of giving into Frid and the writers, Dark Shadows likely would have gotten canceled instead of being saved by Barnabas. I'm not denying that DS had some really creative stuff in it - but I think it more had to do with other writers than with DC himself. Just my opinion.

I'm more talking about HoDS's forboding atmosphere and beautiful cinematography than its plot, which was a bit too Dracula and not enough DS for my taste.

I completely agree that too many horror movies these days rely on gore instead of genuine scares, or, at the very least, mood and atmosphere. I watched Let's Scare Jessica to Death the other day and the atmosphere was superb, even if the movie wasn't truly scary until the end. I detest Saw/Hostel-esque torture porn, and the only "slasher" films I actually like are the first Halloween and Scream; maybe Valentine, as well, though that's a lot less well-known.

And I tend to feel that Burton is either going to make it perfect or totally butcher it.

Dan Curtis's problem was that he was somewhat unimaginative. DS is great, but you have to admit that it cribbed a lot from other stories, though it did so very well. And when the chance for a revival swung back around, he had them tell almost the same story again.

I'm ambivalent about Burton directing, primarily because I loved how natural the setting of HoDS felt, and I'd much rather see a Dark Shadows movie filmed on-location on some old New England estates than CGI'ing it over at Pinewood, which is what he'll probably do. The only current exception that I can think of is Big Fish, which was filmed in Alabama, though that may have something to do with Steven Spielberg originally being set up to direct that one. I also think that Johnny Depp is a great actor, but I'm not sure he would have been my first choice for Barnabas, either.

As for HBC, I admit that I thought, "Barnabas and Julia!" during Mrs. Lovett's wedding fantasy in Sweeney Todd, but I'd still rather see someone else - as I've said before, Juliet Landau, who's kind of in the middle of Hall and Steele, would be my ideal pick.

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: Watching Online
« on: October 10, 2008, 08:16:56 PM »
I'm just talking about online viewing in general. I technically paid to watch those episodes of TDVDS, but it was included as a free extra with my regular DVD subscription. As long as you get a plan that supports it, you can get unlimited viewing from there. But yeah, free services are far preferable., which I mentioned earlier, is a good index - they have quite a few shows on there, and what they don't have, they give you links to watch on the network's site.

And from what I understand about how it works, basically the movie is downloaded to a cache area on the user's hard drive and then deleted once the viewing's finished. I could be wrong, though.

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