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Messages - JS

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Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: SAD NEWS ABOUT MY DAD
« on: November 22, 2008, 10:22:51 AM »
I'm sorry Annie, I too can relate. I had to take care of my mom before she passed. I will keep your family in my prayers. My only advice to you is; keep your patience strong, you will need it more than ever.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Edit on DS Collectors set 6
« on: November 08, 2008, 04:52:58 AM »
Joeytrom, Thanks for the heads up. I just got my copy of Collection 6. I am now on collection 5 with plans to watch all of the DVD's to the end. I'm really enjoying this. [hall2_grin]

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: Happy Birthday to retzev!
« on: October 21, 2008, 04:12:18 AM »
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY from me too.  [skelleton_runs]

I am not opposed to deviating from the original Barnabas as long as it is a mature actor with a Shakespearean style of acting. If the new Barnabas is just a young hunk up on the screen the new DS movie I hate to say, will flop.  [hall2_sad]

 [hall2_wink] Dittos! I couldn't agree more.

I guess that you are partially right on that aspect. Much of Dark Shadows was borrowed from other horror stories. It was really just a menagerie of horror stories. This was the magic potion that made Dark Shadows work. I too was glad that Dan Curtis didn’t get his way with Barnabas, However, the creation of Barnabas was so good that anyone that tries to deviate from the original character portrayed by Jonathan Frid will never be successful.  [hall2_wink]


How can you say such a thing? "Dan Curtis's problem was that he was somewhat unimaginative". ???  Dan Curtis was a genius to say the least. He created the most popular soap opera of all time, bar none. It was his fantastic imagination and creativity, granted, family and friends encouraged him. Never the less, this unimaginative person is responsible for the greatest soap in our lifetime, the likes of which we may never see again.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Question For DS Viewers who watched first run!! :)
« on: September 29, 2008, 09:23:25 PM »
I can remember that time very well. I wasn't as smart as many of you. I really thought that Barnabas was gone and the show wouldn't be the same for me. But that did not keep me from hoping for Barnabas' return. I remember being so happy when he did come back, I even remember getting goose bumps as I watched the show. [ghost_cheesy]

Current Talk '08 II / Re: What were they thinking?
« on: September 12, 2008, 01:07:17 PM »
MagnusTrask alluded to the Burke, Barnabas thing. That reminds me of my favorite Burke Barnabas episode where Burke and Barnabas have that very cold encounter at the Blue Whale. I personally think that Barnabas scored much better than Burke in that encounter. I remember pulling for Barnabas because Burke seemed to have it in for Barnabas, which turned me against Burke.[ghost_smiley]

Current Talk '08 II / What were they thinking?
« on: September 08, 2008, 06:13:24 PM »
I am just curious. Last night I watched episode # 70 were the ghost of Josette and the Old House were introduced. I began to wonder what was on the mind of the writers during this period. Were they already thinking of Barnabas at this time?

Current Talk '08 II / Re: DS Redux: Your Vision?
« on: September 03, 2008, 10:48:27 PM »
I also agree with many of you. The original telling of Dark Shadows shouldn't be done. I also believe as someone adhered to, the spirit of the characters should be consistant with the original characters or it would probably flop.  [ghost_smiley]

Current Talk '08 I / Re: something sam said
« on: September 03, 2008, 01:06:16 PM »
Joan Bennett's was The class act of the show in the beginning. Then when Jonathan Frid came on the scene Dark Shadows was the classiest soap or show on the air. [ghost_wink] Together they were the meat the rest of the actors were the complete sandwich that made Dark Shadows the best show ever. [ghost_smiley]

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Who was the HOTTEST female on the original DS?
« on: September 03, 2008, 12:56:38 PM »
Technically speaking, wasn't Laura Collins the hottest [firedevil]?  Har har har har  [a0d0]

retzev, I think that you have just put an end to this thread because no one can argue with you on this one.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Who was the HOTTEST female on the original DS?
« on: September 02, 2008, 03:45:27 PM »
Welcome fellow newbie BC1958. I heartily agree with you. I was about the same age when I fell in love with those beautiful green eyes. I still love green eyes even today. It is so strange that those eyes have haunted me all my life. My wife and I both have brown eyes but for some strange reason my daughter was born with a beautiful set of green eyes just like Lara Parker.  [ghost_shocked] Like you I think that Kathryn Leigh Scott was also very pretty as well as most of other women on the show.But I have to say that the eyes have it. [ghost_wink]

I also would like to add that I love the new look of this board. I hope that I don't hurt anyone's feelings but that old brown look was not very attractive. That is just my opinion. [ghost_wacko]

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