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Messages - Breebell

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Current Talk '08 I / Re: 1970 Parallel Time....not so bad after all.
« on: June 08, 2008, 08:29:01 AM »
Thank you, Magnus Trask.
I'm very pleased to be here.

I'm still finding my way around, so if I do anything stupid, and I probably gentle.   [ghost_smiley]

Current Talk '08 I / Re: 1970 Parallel Time....not so bad after all.
« on: June 08, 2008, 04:24:37 AM »
I'm of the ancient blood (I am so stealing that).  Dark Shadows started when I was in first grade, but I didn't get serious about it till third grade.

I've haven't seen it on t.v. since, and can barely remember it, so I am catching up with the DVD's now.

I hope someday I can re-watch the Leviathan storyline with new appreciation, because right now I'm hating on it.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Movie Cast Ideas
« on: June 07, 2008, 10:23:46 PM »
Let's see...

I think Cate Blanchette would make a good Julia Hoffman, she's kind of chameleon like and a wonderful actress, I think she'd really
do Grayson justice.

And the Charlize Theron suggestion for Angelique is spot on.

And this is crazy, but I want to see Kathryn Leigh Scott in the Elizabeth Stoddard role.  She's the only major female cast member who still looks young enough pull it off, (at least from the pictures I've seen) and I really want to see an original cast member in the film.  She could do it.

But this is what I want most of all:

I want there to be an aging scene in the movie, Johnny Depp as Barnabas ages, for what ever reason, and he turns into Johnathan Frid!!!
there he'll be...The Real Barnabas!!!!...even if it's only for a second.  I would scream for joy and throw popcorn.

Okay, I know...not gonna happen, but I can dream can't I?   [ghost_smiley]

Hi!  Newbie giving up my lurker status for this post.

Thank you for the link, the theater I saw HODS in is listed.
It's the Grove Theater in Upland, California and tickets were fifty cents at the time.
I barely remember it, but I do remember being scared out of my mind by

[spoiler]Carolines staking scene.  It still scares me.  Her screams were just so real.[/spoiler]

I'm sorry about your Marboro theater being torn down, that's very sad.  I still live in my hometown
and I hope we keep our Grove theater forever.

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