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Messages - KajunDC

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Kajun - could you just direct people to Jonathan's website without taking so much text off his website?  It wasn't intended to go elsewhere.

I didn't realize that 3 sentences was taking so much text off the site.  Forgive me for such an apparent copywrite infringement. 

I do notice that he made it a little more coherent.  Go to the website if you want to read it all now.

A new post on Jonathan Frid's site.  Please read the comments on his front page and tell me what he is trying to say.  I've read it several times and still cannot figure out exactly what he is saying. - "For these two years of happy returns to the Dark Shadows Fetivals ... And so how will the future play out?...jf"

(edited by admin)

Glad everyone is okay... and I know it sounds weird but I'm sorry it didn't happen while I was in Burbank.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not a "put me in the middle of danger" type of person but have always thought it would a life-changing perspective to have the ground that has always been so solid under my feet to start to shake.

I wouldn't want to be around for a major quake, of course, but one that causes no damage just to feel the experience - is something I cannot comprehend so I've always been interested in the experience.

Does that sound as crazy as I think?

That fall must have really hurt.  I wouldn't have blamed him if he'd left to go lay down, but he didn't.
He went on with the show.

The mantra "The Show Must Go On" is not just a nice talking point for most actors/entertainers.

He reminds me so much of my pop, who in later years, declared that all of his friends were dropping dead around him. Every time we meet up with JK, he has some near and dear friend dying. Not a very positive attitude.

My mother always said when you reach the point where you find yourself going to more funerals than weddings, you are not long from the pine box yourself.  It is always unnerving when your own mortality stares you in the face.

What some of you are failing to realize is that time travel is only possible if time itself is non-linear.  If time is non-linear then all time has already happened and is simply being replayed over and over again.  So the traveling through time itself would happen in the same way over and over again.  Time would have conformed itself to the traveling - it would have to because the simple act of traveling through time would, necessarily, alter the time traveled to.  It would create another variable.  That variable would always have had to exist every time that particular point in time happens.

Many of you talk like, yeah it is possible, we just haven't invented it yet.  But it would HAVE to already exist.  Otherwise you are looking at it from the viewpoint that we in "present time" are going through all of this for the first time, which would not be possible if time is non-linear.  If time is non-linear this has all been done and is just on an "endless loop," which would mean that it could have NEVER happened for the "first" time.  In other words, we would have no free will and not truly be making our own decisions as all of these decisions have already played out endlessly. 

The THEORY of relativity, et al is just that... a theory.  Some of you are SURE that it is fact, just like many used to be SURE that the world was flat and the earth revolved around the sun.  We now know that those facts (theories) are not true.  Yes, Einstien was quite smart but that does not mean the man was right 100% of the time.  He was simply postulating theories based on "facts" known. 

Long story short, if time is non-linear then time travel already exists, if it can exist at all... it HAS to.  If it already exists then it HAS to be built into the time continuum.  If that is the case then nothing can change what has, or is going to, happen as all of this is simply on an endless loop and time travel is already built into that loop.  So there is no "going back and changing" this and that because if it was going to happen it would have already happened due to the endless loop.  Hence whether time travlel is possible or not, it is a non-issue because the act itself is built into time and cannot alter time as it has all already happened.

The books out there do have some cute ideas based on theory but the simple fact of the matter is, if it can happen it is not going to change anything anyway because if it is possible then it has all already played out. 

I realize I might be going over some of your heads, not meaning to sound condescending.  Oh well, I guess I can always go back through time and edit this anyway.   [ghost_grin]

Johnnie seemed rather depressed. He said he hated LA and that his best friend had just died.

Guess that explains why he seemed so pre-occupied with death during his time Friday night.

Not all the JF fall videos have been removed.  There are a set of three videos (Jonathan Frid talks to the audience parts 1-3) that show the entire Sunday performance, including the fall.

The video entitled "Old vampires are a sad sight" (no, I don't like the title either) on you tube of JK "releasing" JF is interesting to me for one reason... the back of my head is in it.  I'm the one in the middle with the shaved head.  It lasts 41 seconds - not the 3 minute version.

Videotaping of any performance Jonathan Frid gives is not allowed in the first place.

I can't tell you how many camcorders were on Frid during all of his appearances.  There had to be 20 on the front row alone.  No one said anything about taping not being allowed at the fest..

Just because no one may have publicly identified themselves as having come from the future, it doesn't necessarily follow that no one has ever done it. One would suspect there would easily be major rules/restrictions about interfering with the past - and if someone was to publicly identify themselves as being from the future, well, that would certainly qualify as interference.  [ghost_wink]

True, but if one believes chaos theory - i.e. a butterfly can flap its wings in Japan and set off a series of events that could theoretically cause a storm, etc. in another area of the world, then simply showing up and breathing would have the capacity to alter the future.  Not to mention that interacting with someone in the past could cause them to be late or miss an appointment or meeting that could end up causing 2 people not to meet and fall in love and not have a certain child, which would also alter the future.  So simply making a trip like that to the past has the ability of making it where that particular person will never even be born.

If I had not looked up at the exact moment I did one day several years ago, I never would have met my wife and my daughter would not be with us today.

In other words, how could anyone travel through time and not have it result in a change in the future?

Frank stressed that time travel does not violate the laws of physics and that the only reason it has not happened yet is because of our limited technology.

Wouldn't you think that if time travel really was possible that someone from the future, when we should supposedly have the unlimited technology, would have already come back and visited us?  That is the problem with those that theorize on this topic.  They don't take into account that if we could visit the past then the future has also happened and those people who should now be able to do the time travel should already be making the trip.

Long story short... either it is not possible or we will NEVER have the technology.  Either way, it is a non-issue.

Well LP's college roommate at Vassar was Jane Fonda. .you do the math.

When asked about working with Peter Fonda, lara stated she was 3 years older than he.  So if you can find Peter's age, simply add 3 years and you'll have Lara's.

I myself lost about 50 pounds last summer and it was hell...but it was worth it!!  I feel better all around.
Congratulations Taeylor!

I weighed 280lbs almost five years ago and, thanks to the birth of my beautiful daughter, I got motivated to lose 115 lbs in 7 months and have kept it off ever since, even through Hurricane Katrina where we lost our house.  We have been back in our new house, had to start over from scratch for the last 1.5 years.  (I live just north of Lake Ponchartrain north of New Orleans.)  No dangerous surgery - just a very healthy diet and plenty of exercise.  And it definitely makes life much better.

First of all, it's OK to disagree with Selby's politics.
Be that as it may, hearing Selby's politics~~or Chris Pennock's homeless advocacy~~is far more intersting than hearing the same DS anecdotes again & again.
Both men gave us more insight into who they really are as people.

RE: Kathryn & Lara: both women are in their mid 60s & look incredible.

This implies that Marie is not a clean person, and that's clearly not the case.
Obviously it is okay to either agree or disagree with another's politics.  However, that was not what this weekend was about.  If I wanted a political rally, there are many more, much better educated sources to hear from on both sides of the aisle.  Besides I paid for a DS convention and as someone who had never seen Selby live before, I was interested in his DS, Falcon Crest and career comments.  The performance would have been fine without trying to tell us that David "knows" who Abe would have supported in this presidential race over 140 years after his death.  Some may be that gullible but not all of us.   [ghost_wink]

Yes, KLS and Lara are in their 70's and they do look very beautiful, as I said.  My point was where they looked to be around 50 last year, they definitely looked much closer to their actual ages this year.  I was simply surprised by the change that can occur in 11 short months.  I did not say, or imply, that they are falling apart.

I said Marie looked great so I don't see where you get your implication.  She was the one who pointed out the fact that she wore the exact same outfit as at last year's fest and I was simply making a humorous remark about her own comment.

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