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Messages - Bouchard

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Current Talk '02 II / Re: Time Paradoxes--1795 & 1897!
« on: November 01, 2002, 03:15:41 AM »
Like many of you, I have always been bugged by time paradox storylines--so I won't even bother discussing "Terminator" and "Back to the Future" (two films that defy Time's logic)! But I must address Dark Shadows own forays into Time travel, most specifically 1795 and 1897.

Ok, first 1795. Victoria Winters participates in a seance and finds herself thrust into the not too distant past...1795 Collinsport, Maine, to be exact. Her own time period, 1967, supposedly is "suspended" in Time--or so we're led to believe by the opening narrative to every 1795 episode. Yet, how frozen is it? Certainly there's enough "time" for Roger, Liz, Carolyn, Julia, and Barnabas to react to the sudden presence of Phyllis Wick. Barnabas even says "what are YOU doing here?" as if he somehow recognizes her. So, are we to believe Time froze AFTER all this takes place?

And if Phyllis Wick was the original 1795 governess, originally hung as a witch, and all the events unfolded as they did with Vicky, why would Barnabas (in 1967) have such a nasty reaction to Phyllis' appearance? Throughout his experience with the 1795 Vicky, he's been nothing but kindly and courteous. His reaction to Phyllis, however, is anything but.

And if Victoria returns to 1967 (actually, 1968 ) at the exact moment in Time when she disappeared, Phyllis Wick should also return to 1795 at the exact moment of her disappearance. That means SHE'D stumble to the Old House in a daze from the carriage accident, not Victoria. And none of Victoria's experiences in 1795 would've happened. Right?

Wait, there's more! When Victoria returns to 1967/68, allegedly NO time has passed. She virtually disappeared and appeared in the blink of an eye, right? Well, we know that didn't really happen because Barnabas and the others had time to react to Phyllis (I'm getting confused--as you?). Then, after Victoria returns, there's absolutely NO mention of Sarah Collins again (though she was the whole reason behind the seance), Burke Devlin is NEVER mentioned (though Vicky was completely distraught over his death); Julia's incriminating red diary is conveniently forgotten, and Eagle Hill Cemetery is suddenly miles and miles away from Collinwood! Am I crazy, or have people been walking to it since then?

My theory: when Vicky returned to the "present," it was an alternate present...and not the one she left. How else could any of it be explained?

Now, for 1897! Barnabas goes back to the past to save David...and completely changes the timeline. If that were the case, wouldn't Janet Findley still be living when he returned to 1969? And how about old Ezra? He'd be living, too, correct?

Let's hear your take on all this!


who cares?! u thouht this out a bit too much...

Current Talk '02 II / Re: IN _______ WE TRUST?
« on: October 18, 2002, 12:59:21 AM »
Maggie Evans! She's so innocent, and tries her best to become friendly with most everyone. David and Amy are little a**holes that can get possessed and Mrs. Johnson is  some maid that would probably blab off her mouth to anyone that can get her higher in life. (hasn't she blabbed her mouth for no reason already?)

Current Talk '02 II / Re: David Darts
« on: October 14, 2002, 05:19:41 AM »
Maybe someone was feeling suicidal, so they just handed the darts over to David...

Current Talk '02 II / I don't understand!
« on: September 09, 2002, 12:46:01 AM »
(Nope, this isn't a post about Vicki! HaHa)

How is Adam of the show? Do they at least explain why we won't see him EVER again? I mean, I'm sure he's gone to Stokes crying before!

Current Talk '02 II / Collinwood's Answer For EVERYTHING!
« on: September 09, 2002, 12:39:54 AM »
Is it just me, or lately in Dark Shadows, has it seemed that the whole cast turns to sleeping pills to make things better? In just one episode, at least half of the cast asked another 'You should take a Senative'.

^I didn't spell the last word right, someone help me out here!

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Oh No.....not Betsy Durkin!!!!!!
« on: September 09, 2002, 12:25:30 AM »
you people are terrible! It has gotta be hard to replace such an important person in a show. And, Betsy Durkin looked like she was eating rice and tofu (not ding dong's or whatever). She didn't have flabby arms or anything. I feel bad for her, for what she's probably have had to go through, because of cruel fans. And I don't know why you are making a big deal about her. She's only in 10 episodes.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Vicki matures
« on: August 01, 2002, 01:54:16 AM »
I think Vicki is a nasty piece of junk, who looks like Michael Jackson!!!!!!!!!!!

Current Talk '02 II / SoapNet
« on: July 31, 2002, 09:38:52 PM »
Does anyone know if they'll be adding any new soaps to the line-up in the near future??? ?!? I wanna know.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: The Edge Of Night
« on: July 31, 2002, 02:07:50 AM »
I wish SoapNet would start airing same day episodes of Days Of Our Lives!!!!!!!! During school, I'll have to record, to be able to watch!!!!!!!!! But, if they don't have money, they won't be able to afford anything that belongs to 'posh' NBC! I hope they air reruns from 1999-present of DOOL in the future...

Current Talk '02 II / The Edge Of Night
« on: July 30, 2002, 11:35:51 PM »
I hear that The Edge Of Night is A LOT like Dark Shadows! Has  anyone seen it? Is it good? I really wish Sci-Fi would air this too! It seems pretty good...

Current Talk '02 II / In the land of a thousand Joan Collins?
« on: July 28, 2002, 11:19:15 PM »
My bro. said a lot of all the women look like Joan Collins. I sorta agree. What do you think?

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Starting September...
« on: July 28, 2002, 10:59:45 PM »
i can remember the days when u didnt need a remote control to program a vcr! but thats one of the reasons why the vcr is much cheaper these days. dont deprive urself of D.S. cause of a remote! get a universal remote from radio shack and ur set!

Can you timer record with it??

Current Talk '02 II / Starting September...
« on: July 27, 2002, 06:58:33 PM »
Well, during May, something happened with our remote control, it broke! My brother did it, cuz he gets furious too easily...Well, he has the same VCR as the one in the living room, so we have to use his remote to timer record...Well, he didn't like me that week, so he wouldn't let me use it! So, I ended up missing about 16 episodes. i continued to record it, but never watched them. So, during June. I completely stopped taping and watching the show. I decided to wait for the next storyline, and that's in September! I can't wait! I just thought I'd tell you this...

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Directors for a new series
« on: June 14, 2002, 09:03:31 AM »
I say right now, the directors of the original series would not be a choice for me! I would have to say John Carpenter would do the job well!

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Bad Horror
« on: June 14, 2002, 08:42:37 AM »
I'll Make A List:

Dean Koontz's Phantoms
Army Of Darkness
Halloween III: Season of the Witch
The Blob
Sorority House Massacre 2

Okay, time to explain. Phantoms: It went too slow for me, and was boring! Army Of Darkness: The whole thing is stupid, and the corniness made me laugh! Halloween III Season of of the Witch: I can't believe John Carpenter made this pile of dog crap! Especially, without Michael Myers! I don't even see this as part of the HALLOWEEN series, which I love! Halloween is my favorite movie. But, this movie sucks ass! The Blob: BORING! Hellraiser: BORING! Sorority House Massacre 2: It had bad acting, it showed lots of boobs though. The idea of this movie was pretty good, and if it had better people making and starring it, it would be great.

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