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Messages - ZackGolem

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michael--you should be grateful that most of the personnel of the series were absent from the Gold Key comics... given that Certa's attempts to render Quentin, Julia, Stokes et al. resulted in some really unspeakable caricatures... Quentin always looked like a bad cross between pop star Engelbert Humperdinck (who I believe hailed from Tasmania) and the WB's Tasmanian devil... sigh.

I have just read issue 1 of the Dynamite DS comic--excellent work over all!  Given Liz's terse reference to David's "pyromania," I would guess that a certain former Mrs Roger Collins may be lurking in the shadows, or should I say, the embers...

I thought Liz's "rampant pyromania" line was the one false note in the comic. I was around in '71 and I don't remember anyone using a phrase like that. Maybe they did, but I just can't see Liz saying it.

Also, Joe Certa was a very good artist. I'm a professional comic artist and as Prof. Stokes says in one of the comics "Ahem, I'd stake my reputation on it!" Granted, some of his work was awful, but every version of DS has it's terrible moments and we still love it. Many of the Gold Key books are textbook lessions in excellent storytelling and dynamic, fluid, figure drawing with a great sense of drama and animation. He was also a master aat establishing locales. Collinwood and Collinsport are very vivid in his work. It's a pity no one ever interviewed Certa, because I'd love to know what he thought about what he was doing on DS. It does seem as though he sometimes woke up on the wrong side of the bed, and took it out on the characters. At various times, he seems to dispise all of them, with Julia coming under fire with some particularly brutal renditions.

does anyone know why key characters like carolyn, maggie and david were not included in the 'gold key' series?

I have a theory about that. The Gold Key company did not do continued issue stories. Each book was about 22 pages with a complete tale. They apparently felt the need to distill DS down to what they felt would work for a comic in this format. This included the cast, reduced down to the most essential members. Thus, while there was no Carolyn, Maggie or David, these type characters would show up in the series. Perhaps they thought a regular ingenue or child character would seem a bit crowded with others turning up in the stories. This did have a strange side effect of having four unmarried relatives all living together in a gigantic mansion, and perhaps led to the infamous Liz and Roger are married screw-up.

Anyone know where to buy these online that's not ebay?

You can buy them directly from the publisher.

I don't think JD's ears really stick out like that. Looks like they did something to his ears to make them more like Frid's.

I put one of the photos through a few filters and it seems they can adjust the makup to whatever hue they prefer. I think the movie will be filtered to death ala Sweeny and I hope it is. That's what I want to see. It looks like they are actually going for a very Frid look. The dark makeup on the sides appears to be an attempt to give him that shallow Frid-ness we know so well. The main thing causing the Jackson comparisons is the skin plus hat, glasses and hair. Fortunately, Barnabas isn't likely to parade around the entire movie wearing shades, a hat and a long green coat. Barnabas will probably go through several transformations and looks. This is a big budget movie and he doesn't have to stick to a uniform the way he did on tv. I'm getting more and more intrigued. I like Tim Burton's visual sensibility very much and I'm glad they seem to be doing some very audacious things while staying tradional. I can barely watch DS '91 now it's so visualy conservative and boring to look at.

This scene looks like they are walking along the shoreline as Barnabas is able to face the sun for the first time. Everything seems very sunny. I'd bet the actual scene looks nothing like this. I think it will be quite dreary and dismal along the lines of Sleepy Hollow and Sweeny Todd. The makeup will not freak people out so much then.

I don't see a problem. I think the makeup is for a lighting effect. The costume looks ok. The hair looks weird but so was Frid's. I expected them to go non-realistic with that.

I'd almost bet money the kid actress is actually playing Sarah, not Carolyn. She has a very haunted quality in Let Me In. I think the producers are wanting to capitalize on that. If Carolyn is too young to be a vampire victim I wonder how she would be of any use in the story?

I've almost never posted here but I lurk regularly and I wanted to weigh in on the Gold Key DS comics.  I love em! When I was a kid I got them all. Dark Shadows and comics were a very big thing for me, in fact I became a professional comic book artist. Some of my DS comics are now like the Dead Sea Scrolls and I've been clamoring for reprints for years. Never thought it would happen though. I hope Herme's plans go off without a hitch.
Yes, the artwork at times leaves something to be desired. I don't know much about the artist Joe Certa, but I know he was already an older guy in his 50's when he got the DS assignment in 1968. He was hardly one of the best comic artists of all time but he was a solid pro and had a distinguished career dating back to the early 40's. He's best known for his long run on DC's Martian Manhunter series in the 50's and early 60's. I believe he is credited with designing that character's costume which is still in use today. Comic book artists are often brutally overworked and under paid. Certa didn't even receive credit on the books but it's clear on the earlier issues he put a tremendous amount of effort in. When the book went from quarterly to bi-monthly his approach became more streamlined but even then there are positive features to his work. At best, Certa's art has an animated, kinetic feel with a great storytelling sense and credible, detailed backgrounds. At worst: guilty as charged, ugly faces and stilted awkward poses. Certa didn't endeavor to render the characters to look like replicas of the tv actors and I don't think that was necessary. This was a different version after all. Ken Bald, who meticulously copied Frid's face in all his Dark Shadows newspaper strips has a lifeless quality to his efforts that I think Certa beats at his best. At least I think Joe Certa should get some credit for being a creative individual who was involved with a Dark Shadows production longer than anyone else in any medium. He drew the book for eight years. I haven't said anything about the story content of the comics but there is a pretty definitive review on I'm sure most are familiar with.
I hope everyone will give the Gold Key series another look when and if they comes out. Plus, if there's anyone reading this connected with DS merchandising please contact me. I'm the perfect guy to draw new DS comics!

Did anyone go to the Big Finish panel? I'd be interested to know if they revealed anything about their new audio series that isn't already on their website. I loved the virtual Dark Shadows episode format of the first series. I'm less enthused about "dramatic readings". I'd like to know if there was any info about the casting/plots that might increase my interest.

So is "the second season" on or isn't it? Guys should update their website.

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Carolyn picks another winner..
« on: April 06, 2007, 07:38:21 PM »
Carolyn's new romance has gone disastrously wrong...Fortunately Barnabas is their to save his cousin from destruction...See the pic

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Amy vs. the Leviathan Pets
« on: March 20, 2007, 11:08:31 PM »
Under portraits of Quentin and Aunt Abigale, Amy Jennings has a potentially terrifying encounter. Pic here at:

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: After David's Funeral..
« on: March 07, 2007, 06:30:17 PM »
Hi, I do draw for comics. I've worked on the Tick comic, and adaptions of Poe and Lovecraft tales for a series called Graphic Classics. Lots of stuff. I did this Dark Shadows piece just for fun, after being inspired by the Big Finish series. The Golem is from the Gold Key comic series. I'm glad you guys like it and I'll post others when I get a chnace to draw them.

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / After David's Funeral..
« on: March 07, 2007, 06:25:15 AM »
Barnabas, Julia and the Golem in sad contemplation at Eagle Hill Cemetary. To see it go to

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