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Messages - 4everfridean

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Current Talk '08 II / Re: I Annoy Barnabas
« on: August 13, 2008, 12:27:36 AM »
Ooooh, I gotta jump in on this topic.  I've had several DS dreams -- in fact, in true DS fashion, a dream is what brought me back to fandom in 2005.  But my favorite DS dream is one I had about a year ago.  It had Barnabas and Julia in a spinoff of DS, and had them....get this...running a day-care center together.  Julia was the head, and Barnabas who, after being cured of vampirism, had found out he really and truly loved children, so he wanted to help.  However, no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't get it right, and so the show was more of a sitcom than anything.  Barn and Julia retained their same "friendship" status (sorry, but I'm not a fan of Barn and Julia together), and they worked, well, semi-well together.  It pictured sort of like the relationship in "Here's Lucy" between Lucy Carmichael and Mr. Mooney.

JF played Barn in this show more like the good parts of Edmund Blackstone, his character in the movie Seizure, combined with comic roles he's done over the years.  It worked amazingly well, and showed off both actors in a completely different light from DS.

Julie  :)

If you don't have this DVD, released at last year's Fest, you will see another side of Jonathan.  He is funny here, his wry wit shining through several pieces, and then he stuns his audience with a dramatic, serious climax.  For excerpts, check here:

Julie  :-)

(edited by admin)

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / My contest run is over....
« on: July 31, 2008, 09:18:46 PM »
I didn't receive enough votes to go on to Show 4.  I just wanted to thank you once again for all the votes and all the encouragement I've been given throughout this experience.  Whether I will enter again for the January '09 contest, I don't know.  It cost me a pretty penny to enter, almost $900, and even with a substantial discount as a returning contestant, that's a chunk.  So we'll see what happens.

Thanks again -- Julie

When does the voting for week 3 end?

Midnight Pacific time Wednesday night, July 30.  I'll know Thursday afternoon CT if I go on to Show 4.  Thanks for asking....and thanks for VOTING!

Hugs -- Julie  :-)

It was only mentioned in Malia's book in passing, I asked Nancy about the character name when I found out about it.  What it looks like he did was substitute for another actor for a few episodes.  Yes, as far as I know, there is no existing footage.  If it turned up on a kinescope someplace, the dollars it would bring!  Another appearance he made prior to DS mentioned in some early magazine articles is the old Sunday morning show, "Look Up And Live".  I was a bit surprised when he mentioned his "As The World" turn at the Fest.

Here it is --

Thank you to EVERYONE who has voted, and for the encouragement many of you gave me while at the Festival.  I was very humbled.

Julie  :)

Good shots!  I just got home from vacation (the Fest occurred right at the mid-point), and have probably 200 to go through just of the Fest before I post.  BTW, good to meet you, too.  I have posted my Costume Gala performance here:

I will be posting the new link to vote for me in another thread.

Julie  :-)

Also, my husband (who was among the first time attendees, despite being a casual fan at best) had a ringside seat for what led to the fall.  Basically, what happened was, he backed up to sit on his stool, and didn't go far enough, he started to lower himself too soon.

That's not it either.  He was given a chair on Saturday but said he preferred the stool so that's what was provided for Sunday's presentation.  Unfortunately, it wasn't one of his best decisions.  He wanted to watch the video from an audience seat because his line of sight from the stage gave him too awkward a view of the screen, so he came down off the stool but didn't land correctly.  It was thankfully not a hard fall and he was helped to his feet, smiled and showed the audience he could walk fine, and then he moved down into the front row and his Reader's Theatre continued.

My husband saw what he saw.  He had a perfect angle to see from, we were in the second row on the left, in the middle of the row.  That's how he fell.  Nothing to do with chair or stool (that said, I agree with you the change from chair to stool was not the best thing for JF to do).

I noticed on several occasions (and I'm sure Nancy can attest to this) that he prefers his independence when moving about.  He's flying home-- across the country-- alone.  God bless him, and I think it's an accomplishment that fans can take to heart rather than one stage misstep!

He certainly does, but there were a couple of times he did accept help this particular occasion.  Are you sure Mark wasn't going to be with him, though?  If JF did fly it alone, I'm really proud of him, since I think it's been several years since he's flown anywhere.

I wanted to say. I am glad that JF went on. What a performer. He got right back up and continued. Though he went off and
on the stage. He was even at his table for a bit, and he went to the banquat.  ...

I wasn't aware he had been at his table, that's GREAT. 

Julie  :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: On to Show 3 for Julie!
« on: July 22, 2008, 04:28:34 PM »
Brava, Julie!  After hearing you sing again at the gala on Saturday, I'm more sure than ever that you deserve to win this competition.  I will be giving you my votes on July 27. :)

Thanks -- and thank you to ALL of you who stopped me at the Fest and expressed your support for me.  Some of you undoubtedly saw me with the primary reason I'm pushing so hard to try to win this prize, my 12 year old son.  He was really afraid he was going to be bored, but by the end of Friday night, he was saying, "I'm having WAY more fun than I thought I would!"  He enjoyed David Selby, John Karlen, and both Jonathan Frid performances.

I also have to mention an appearance that I enjoyed WAY more than I thought I would, too -- composer Bob Cobert.  He was HYSTERICALLY funny as he offered us some insights on composing in general and his scores for DS and other Dan Curtis productions in particular.  However, "scoring" of another kind was the topic for a while as this 83 year old man (who, by the way, looks wonderful) "made time" with one of his young female questioners.  "Hey, I'm 83 years old, so don't expect too much," he joked.

Julie  :)

JF was not feeling particularly well Sunday, either -- I ran into him as he was leaving breakfast and when I asked him, "How are you?" he replied, "Terrible, how are you?  I can barely walk."  Also, my husband (who was among the first time attendees, despite being a casual fan at best) had a ringside seat for what led to the fall.  Basically, what happened was, he backed up to sit on his stool, and didn't go far enough, he started to lower himself too soon.

I also think there was a difference in energy between this Fest and 2007.  But I liked the more laid back vibe this year, and having my husband and 12 y/o son there as first-time attendees (my first Fest was '06) made it special indeed.  We are still on vacation, will not get home until Saturday, but I'm going to try to post some pix before the week is out.

Julie  :-)

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / On to Show 3 for Julie!
« on: July 18, 2008, 02:39:06 PM »
I found out that I was one of the top 60 yesterday during my final day at Disneyland (left home last Sunday and have been in CA since Tues.)  Fortunately for those who have been voting but are attending the Fest, the competition is taking this week off.  Voting will resume Sunday July 27.

Thank you to all who have been voting from this board.  I COULD NOT do this without you.

Julie  :-)

"Light In The Shadows" has made it to Show 2, and the field of trophy winners besides those that were with me in Show 1.  Note -- you MUST use this link to vote for me, the one from last week won't work.

This is a big field, I'll need lots of help to move on to Show 3.  Pass the link around, voting ends midnight Pacific Wednesday July 16.

Thank you -- Julie  :-)

Congrats to you, Julie, you are indeed talented, and thanks so much for posting those Fest photos, and reports, will you be doing it here, too??

I can sure post the reports, and I'll be linking to the photo album I'll make for the Fest.  Thanks for asking, and don't forget to vote for me NOW in show 2!

That's great. I will keep voting, I just hope there's no voting durning the fest!  [ghost_wink] I'm taking my laptop with me show if there is I get as many votes as I can in there. [ghost_grin]

I'll have my laptop because I'll be posting reports to groups I'm on and uploading pictures as fast as I can get it done.  I have good news for you, too -- they are taking the weekend of Fest off, so if I make Show 3 (and I'll likely know when I check my mail after arriving at the hotel), the voting will not begin for that show until July 27.

I will be posting the new link early Sunday morning.  Thank you for supporting me.  Julie  :)

I got an email this afternoon officially informing me that I was one of the top 20 vote-getters for Show 1 of the USA World Showcase, and qualified to go on to Show 2, which will open for voting at midnight Pacific time Saturday night (3 AM Sunday morning ET).  I will be leaving for vacation early Sunday morning, but will post a link to my voting page on my Web site,  I will also be in close touch during the Fest, as I plan to post as many pictures as I can, as fast as I possibly can.

Thank you all who voted for me and have encouraged me so much on this board.  If you want more information on the contest in general, go to

Thanks again -- Julie    [ghost_smiley]

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