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Messages - Craig_Slocum

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:Anna--- Free as the Wind
« on: December 18, 2003, 03:53:03 AM »
Anna was a sweet person, I remember sitting with her at the Dark Shadows Festival in the front row a couple of times, she was nice to talk to and had a lovely smile. She's in the background of some of the photos on my Cheryl's Dark Shadows Website, and in some of the Fest videos I have, during the Q & A sessions. My mother met her too when she went to the Fest with me. 20% chance for survival of the surgery on December 1st was not much. I wish her peace as she's at rest now, she will be missed. Her family has my sympathy.   

I added two photos to my online memorial for Craig Slocum, They were taken at a Tree of Memory, Tree Lighting Service on December 14, 2000 in Las Vegas, Nevada. I payed tribute to him by decorating the special Tree of Memory with an ornament bearing his name. You have to click on the two photos to read the captions for them. A nice memory for the Christmas season!

I attended a Positive Actions Assembly today at my 7 year old daughter Stephanie's school. She received special recognition and congratulations from the Principal, and was awarded a Certificate of Recognition stating, "she has successfully demonstrated Positive Actions for being very kind to classmates". She's in Second Grade and this is her second Positive Actions award. In First Grade, she was awarded a Personal Success Award for always striving to improve her work, the certificate states, "To succeed requires setting goals, hard work, and determination". I'm very proud of her!  :) I also got to see a Christmas concert before the Positive Actions awards. The older students were involved in it, they did a great job singing and playing musical instruments. I'm an At Home Mom, so I get to be there for all the exciting events!

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Thanks Midnite! I will remember that. I modified my post.

The "Biography for Craig Slocum" in the IMDb was updated. His birth name has been added,,+Craig

Click on (show more), under "Trivia."

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE/OT
« on: November 25, 2003, 11:35:27 PM »
Happy Thanksgiving cousins! Thanks for the card dom! My little girl's father from California is taking us out for Thanksgiving dinner at his favorite restaurant. I don't cook every year. Last year, there was too much food leftover for my daughter and I. It's hard to cook for just two people. Her dad was supposed to come over and he didn't. His other daughter and grandchildren live in Las Vegas too. On holidays, our daughter wants him to be here, and his other family wants him to be there. It creates a problem. He says we will have an early dinner, then later on he'll go to their house. I wouldn't see him at all except my daughter wants to see him, and I don't want to be alone on the holidays.     


I remember Anna from the Dark Shadows Festivals I went to. I will keep her in my prayers. She is such a nice person. I had no idea of her serious condition.     

I have updated my Craig Slocum Acting Credits page, Ryan's Hope has been added to his list of Television credits, and his Broadway theatre credits have also been added. The page includes other links to Cheryl's Craig Slocum Website, and his virtual grave site I created for him. Please leave flowers and a note in his memory. I will be updating the online memorial in December. Enjoy!  :)

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Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:Question #3: Ralph Ellis
« on: November 22, 2003, 07:44:47 PM »
Thank you Luciaphil for posting the link to the Internet Broadway Database, I was able to find some information on Craig Slocum in the two Broadway plays he was in, "End As A Man" and "Miss Liberty." Both of these plays won an award! I have been looking for and gathering information on Craig Slocum for sometime now for a biography I'm doing on him for my Cheryl's Craig Slocum Website, I hope to get it finished next year. It has not been an easy task. On Dark Shadows, he was credited as Craig Slocum. I have found him in three James Dean biographies, as Rusty Slocum, also in the play "Miss Liberty". I found out from friends of his that he was best known as Rusty, he acquired the nickname in childhood because of his red hair. His real name is Warren Stanley Slocum, and now I have just found out through the Internet Broadway Database that he was also credited as Warren Slocum in"End As A Man." This has been a big help to me. Each thing I find helps the search process a little more, and all help is greatly appreciated! If anyone else finds anything, please send it on to me, thanks!     

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:MY NEW WEIGHT LOSS/OT
« on: November 19, 2003, 10:03:11 PM »
Congratulations on your weight loss success Annie, especially during this time of year! I love sweets, Coke, and Ginger Ale too much, but at least I maintain my heavy weight champion weight of 217 pounds and it never gets any worse than that. I do a lot of walking, that helps. Looks are not important to me, it all goes to the grave someday, but to be healthy is important, so maybe I will work on it next year. My daughter just came over to me, offering me a lick of her Charms Blow Pop, a grape flavored lollipop with bubble gum inside, leftover Halloween candy. Hard for Moms to lose weight.     


(ps...does this or other brother still watch?)

No, my oldest brother was never into Dark Shadows, and the one who was hasn't seen it since the original run of the show. He's a mortician, works 6 days a week, and always on call, has very little time for anything else. He does remember the show though, his favorite character was Julia Hoffman. He told me that when I spoke to him on the phone recently.

Thanks for the compliments Jennifer, David, and Cassandra! That's great that you watch Dark Shadows with your parents Cassandra. I watched it wih my Mom when I was little and I still do when she's at my house. My 7 year old daughter also watches it with us. So, it's a family affair at my house too. Today we watched it on Sci-Fi, and sometimes we put on the MPI Videos. I have all of them. I have the DVD's with Craig Slocum in them. I'm only pre-ordering those. I love to advance the pic manually in slow mo and really check him out. I don't miss a thing!  ;)         

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Cheryl In 1968 Dark Shadows Days!
« on: November 17, 2003, 11:57:06 PM »
My Mom is here visiting my daughter and I this week, and she brought some old pics with her. Here I am with my brothers in 1968, that's what I looked like when I watched Dark Shadows back then! I used to watch it with the brother behind me, I don't think my oldest brother ever got into it like we did. I just thought I would share a memory from DS days.

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Current Talk '03 II / Re:That Skeleton?
« on: November 17, 2003, 06:44:34 PM »

It would, but actually it's the buildup of gases that cause decomposition, so the smaller and more airtight the space the faster the process.  And oh boy is this morbid!

What a thing to read before eating breakfast in the morning, lol! :o My brother is a mortician, he deals with all that gross stuff. At least Trask's skeleton wasn't wearing a wig. I always thought it was funny whenever I saw a skeleton on Dark Shadows wearing a wig! Skeletons don't have hair. In all the morbid real things concerning death, I just look forward to resurrection day when all will be restored to normal. 


Congrats on your newest DS collectable Cheryl!! The Barnabas costume is indeed one of the more rare pieces of memorabilia associated with the show.

Thanks Bobubas! It's great that you also acquired a Barnabas costume then later made a fortune off of it! The box my costume is in is different. It has super heroes on it and says Ben Cooper Saturday's Heroes Favorite TV Character Costume, Barnabas, Dan Curtis Prod., Inc. As Seen On TV. The price is written on the box in black marker, $1.98 (a real blue light special, lol!)

I have a couple of those adult size shirts of the costume that you mentioned. One is like the T-Shirt you're wearing in the photos, the other is a long sleeve Sweat Shirt. It says on both of them in small print, Dan Curtis Productions 1968 Replica 1996.

I went to the 2000 Collins Association Halloween party at the Lockwood-Mathews Mansion in Norwalk, Conn. I'm glad I got there at least once. The Barnabas costume I have doesn't glow in the dark anymore, but the T-Shirt and Sweat Shirt do. That white screening glow paint for $100.00 is still working, good job, lol!

Thanks for sharing your photos! Your costume was in better condition than the one I have. The mask is in pretty good condition, but the apron is torn in several places. Can't be too choosy with an item so rare.

I met Sharon Smyth at the Dark Shadows Festival 1999 in New York. I have an unopened record album of Charles Randolph Grean. It has the original hit Quentin's Theme, also, #1 At The "Blue Whale", Serenade To Summertime, On The Trail, La Golandrina, Forgotten Dreams, The Perfect Song, Sunset, Shadows Of The Night, Manolito, and Deep Purple.

I remember hearing Quentin's Theme on the radio when I was a little girl during Dark Shadows original run. I was younger than my little girl then! My Mom just arrived today from CA, is here visiting for a week. Her and my daughter were playing the Barnabas Collins Dark Shadows Game earlier. They play that every time my Mom comes over. I have another game in my DS collection, it has the fangs with it, gave my daughter the one without the fangs, lol!

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:More on the Cane
« on: November 15, 2003, 04:36:25 AM »
I have a wolf's head cane that I won in an ebay auction, it's so cool! I wish I'd had it at the time I broke my leg when I was ejected from a car 7 years ago. I had to be in a wheelchair after reconstructive surgery, then use a walker, and finally a cane before I could walk on my own again after almost a year!The bone in my thigh was shattered in a number of pieces almost to the joint. That cane would've come in handy!