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Messages - Phoebe

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  As I am here for you both. Last night I was able to express my grief totally. I never learned how to express emotion as a child. At your brilliant show you and Peter allowed me to be me. That is a gift I will never forget. And you saying what I wrote was good means so much since you are both so talented in the area.

 I just want to say this, Sunday I lost a friend. I layed in his bed with him on Saturday and spoke to him knowing somehow there would be a call from Joe the next morning. Yes, I know how brilliant he was, he was a great talent. He was also a great friend and pulled me out of more messes than I could count. He called me everyday when I had my hystrectomy and of course we know what he was going though. I still hear his voice in my head. I remember him telling me all about this great guy he meet named Joe. Craig touched so many people's lives by his work and I thank a Higher Power that his work will live forever. But you see my friend didn't last long enough to see 40. All these posts about Gay rights would mean the world to Craig I can hear him saying write people write! He was a boy when I first meet him. Hidding from the straight world of the mid-west  In NYC he became what he always was a proud gay man. Some of us here are putting thier hands on the keyboard and writing about Craig or gay rights. And Then shut off the machine and just forget it. How do I shut off my feelings of loss? how does Joe? or Craig's mother who lost a child as a mom myself I can't think of a greater pain.

I get into bed and talk to Craig. My child is 10 she may have memories of him there is video now. But he can't hold her.  You see people. to me Craig isn't a post he was my strenght when I was ill which I am right now. He made me laugh at myself, he made me brave, proud and grateful. I know somewhere near Joe is griefing for his partner also a pain I can't even think of. I am leaving him to that pain to work though for right now. For 4 years I held my breathe when Craig had to have yet another operation. If I called and heard Joe's voice I choked up for a monent.

There are people on this board who are morning a great loss that is to be respected. Without those people right now I would be out of control right now. So please remember Craig isn't just a post he was a proud gay man and I have to explain to my 10 year old what happened to him and where he is. So to people like Connie remember that when my phone rings it will never be Craig again. I cry, I laugh, I ask questions of God, but most of all I remember that boy that came off that plane 13 years ago and I smile. One day I will smile again when I think of the man he became here in my city, our city. My daughter will know who he was what he stood for 20 years from now. Connie, will you remember your post that long from now? Craig was about words, beautiful words of love and friendship. Love to my friends who have gotten me though this


 You deleted something Mcfly said.

 Yo Connie, answer me this one. Why did shadowgram say Dana Elcar left behind a woman but when it came to Anthony George nothing was said. hummmmmm. And I knew Craig so please don't assume what he would have thought of this thread.  I know what he would have thought of it. And if you want to know read "Big Lou"

Are you sure that the post was submitted?

Half of it was, the half that quoted the Times about what the actors died from that were in the play "Boys in The Band"
and it is a fact that shadowgram has something againtest gay people also. How many years is it going to say Keith died from Cancer when we know he died of Aids. And the Anthong George thing that was posted before. Why not say he had a life partner. ?

 Hey Darren, Craug and I had a running joke about who was the first married couple to sleep in the same bed? does anyone want to take a guess before I write it here?

How come I wrote a post quoting the NY Times about how the actoris who were in the original play "Boys In The Band"
died deleted? maybe because it stated and I will say it again NY Times that keith Prentice did die of Aids. Shadowgram says he died of Cancer now who do we believe Shadow gram or the NY TImes? and I know for a fact that so did Joel and Chris.

And I saw "Boys In The Band" with Craig when he first moved to NYC. I will speak only for myself here I knew Craig Hamrick very well. I loved him, most of alll I respected him. For the way he lived and died. He felt sad that men had to pretend to be something they weren't for the sake of there careers. He wrote about this in "Big Lou" He was told many stories about hidden love affairs. But those stories took place in the 60's. This is 2006 and you delete a post I wrote about someone being gay? Next time you are at a fest take a long look around you you meant see some gay people.

 Also Craig not alone befriended Nancy Barrett it was him that convinced her to come to a fest. He organized all her performances at the fest and in other areana's. Craig was very close to some actor's that appeared on DS maybe this didn't sit will with other people. we all know who they are.

Well, a friend of his did post in another topic that Craig had requested that donations be given to the NY ASPCA.

 That would be me. I also retracted that comment in another post.

 Now people, we all know why Shadow gram didn't mention Craig's life partner don't we ?? If his life partner was just his "friend" she would have printed that wouldn't she? 

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Craig Hamrick
« on: September 28, 2006, 07:37:49 PM »
 Shadowgram has the wrong information posted in it. It isn't the ASPCA that donations should be sent to, it is the animal shelter Joe posted here.  Shadow gram dosen't always print the right information and maybe they should also wait to be contacted about things before they print them.

Janet Ferrara

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Craig Hamrick
« on: September 26, 2006, 11:10:14 PM »
 Thank you.

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Craig Hamrick
« on: September 26, 2006, 09:30:59 PM »
 Maybe someday soon I will learn how to post here or highlight something. Sorry I messed up.


Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Craig Hamrick
« on: September 26, 2006, 09:25:51 PM »
 That was so brilliantly written Nancy. Each word you wrote is so true. What has happened to Craig is to big for my head to rap around.


Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Craig Hamrick
« on: September 26, 2006, 09:20:51 PM »
How sweet of Craig's Joe to find the time to post here, I know things have got to be tough for him and Craig's other loved ones now?? I have a question, though, has any thought been given to setting up a memorial fund or how to do memorial donations on behalf of Craig to say the American Cancer Society or a colon cancer charity??  I was thinking that might be another nice thing to do, in keeping with those mentioning this has prompted them to get checked for colon cancer...

I love your name. I don't know what Joe has planned. I lost one of my best friends 3 years ago to Ovarian Cancer. And the greatest thing I could do for her was to get checked and when I did I found out I needed a hystrectomy. I had my colon tested a week ago also. It is always a wonderful thing to give to any fund.  Cancer has touched all our lives in some way. If you feel that is what you want to do then give, in the name of anyone that has touched your live that died from this horrible killer.

I had to go shopping today, High School reunion Saturday night. I am addicted to shopping, so I shopped for 2 hours and at the check out line it hit me like a brick. My friend Craig isn't here anymore. I miss him alot.


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