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Messages - Mary Elizabeth

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Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Re: one Newbies DS story
« on: October 27, 2005, 06:41:53 PM »
Welcome, Mary Elizabeth.   [wavey]  And a belated <happy birthday!> to you.
Thank you! It was a good one because I got DS!!! [hall2_smiley] [hall2_grin]

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Re: one Newbies DS story
« on: October 27, 2005, 05:20:40 PM »
Thanks for the welcome. The revival was shot in 90 or 91, with Ben Cross as Barnabus and Joanna Going ans Victoria/ Josette. But yeah i can't wait to watch the Originals! [hall2_grin]

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / one Newbies DS story
« on: October 27, 2005, 03:51:31 PM »
So I'm a newbie here at the forum, and Sadly new to DS. My husband was the one who turned me on to it. we were at Hollywood Video, seeing if there was something worth viewing, and he Found the Revival series on VHS. I had never heard of the show myself, but I figured it wouldn't hurt, being an avid Anne rice fan and lover of fampire movies and such. well now I'm hooked! We went out and bought the revival series on DVD (since it was released on my birthday!). We also Bought the first of the Original series on DVD for my mother-in-law, who has loved the show since she was a young girl. I haven't yet had a chance to view the original as she is still enjoying them and is not ready for us to borrow them just yet [hall2_grin] I am also sad that the Revival was only 12 episodes long as it moved very quickly through the storylines, and in my opinion was beautifuly shot. Also very recently while looking up some DS info on the web I found out that a pilot had been shot for Warner Bros. but that it had not been picked up for a season. I have sent a email to Sci Fi (they bought the rights to the original series) and to NBC (they aired the Revival series) and also to the webmaster at which is one of the best DS websites I have found. I was hoping that perhaps DS fans could get together and start an online petition or some kind of letter writing campaign to show these networks that they are missing out on a wonderful show that has lots of fans already built in to DS. just an Idea, let me know what you all think about it and I will research it if you think it's a good one. also you can go to the website mentioned above if you haven't heard about the pilot but it was shot in 2004. Thanks for reading my DS story! it's great to be here.!!! [hall2_kiss]

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