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Messages - CD_Tate

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Current Talk '02 II / Re: So  what...
« on: September 11, 2002, 07:23:51 AM »
I'm just getting started watching again, so I'll be light on the specifics, but I've always found it funny that Roger, Liz and others always act like diehard skeptics each time the possibility of something supernatural is discussed...  

You'd think they'd remember-- yes, last time there really was a ghost, or a witch or whatever...  But each time, they just find the whole idea preposterous...

How many times have we heard the "It must have been your imagination" speech???

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Roger Davis's Characters
« on: September 11, 2002, 01:07:37 AM »
I get the impression--but then, I'm still a newbie here--that the general distaste held for RD's characters has as much (or more) to do with offscreen things than onscreen.  Particularly his demeaner at one or two specific conventions, and the fact that other castmembers have broadly hinted at friction on the set.  

Try as I might, I can't see anything in the show itself that would lead people to think of him as annoying--his quirks are no weirder than those of the rest of the cast...  Almost everyone has some silly habit or another.  As a whole, I find them endearing.

Not to say that I'm any special fan.  (I chose the name  CD Tate here thinking it would be a reasonably obscure reference, not realizing that it would brand me for life in the forum.  Let's just say I'll be glad when he's gone too, so I won't need to keep hearing the tirades every day...)

People like to jump on bandwagons, and people like to make fun.  Nothing wrong with that...  But as someone whose only contact with Dark Shadows is the show itself, I can't figure out why all the animosity.  Other than to humor our Mysterious Benefactor, that is...  :)

Current Talk '02 II / How long before Q talks?
« on: September 10, 2002, 08:31:45 AM »
I find it interesting that both Quentin and Barnabas seem to have been hired as total villians, only to quickly become favorites and have their characters softened and fleshed-out...  

How long before Quentin talks?

And out of curiousity: I remember Quentin & Beth, Daphne & Gerard...  all being silent ghosts for a long time before getting their first lines of dialog.  Were there others that started as a non-verbal presence?

Which regular has the honor of being mute the longest--before the powers-that-be gave them their first lines of actual dialog?

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: DS DVD Set 2
« on: September 05, 2002, 09:18:40 PM »
I ordered mine from a Canadian retailer to take advantage of the cheap exchange rates.  Hasn't shipped yet...  :(

Probably Josette/Maggie...   He's had so many "true loves" that it's hard to choose.  Definately not Roxanne or Vicki.  Probably not Angelique, because that would mean she wins.  I'll stick with Josette.

No wait!!! I'd want him make Dr. Hoffman happy at last and choose her...  :D

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: DS DVD Set 2
« on: August 28, 2002, 10:57:14 PM »
I went thru --but it's my first order thru them, so I can't give you a personal recommendation yet...   And the free shipping is only if you get several things--I don't remember the price cutoff, but it's listed...  

They've got a mixed reputation so far, from what I can tell.  I usually start by checking out , which you may already be familiar with...

Current Talk '02 II / Re: SHARING THE SHADOWS
« on: August 28, 2002, 09:57:17 PM »
I'd like to be the new Collins family butler, and Mrs. Johnson's new boss...   I'd be answering the door, hanging around in the drawing room, serving sherry and brandy to everyone--and eventually learning everyone's secrets.  

No one would think anything much about me--but every once in a while, enemies of Quentin or Elizabeth might mysteriously disappear...

Current Talk '02 II / Re: The Return of Donnie!!!
« on: August 28, 2002, 09:04:22 PM »
I also like the introduction of Amy Jennings.  It gives David someone to get into trouble with!

Except I always think she's going to blow up like a balloon and turn purple, like she did in Willie Wonka...   ;D

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: DS DVD Set 2
« on: August 28, 2002, 08:56:13 PM »
I order lots of my DVDs from Canadian DVD e-tailers, since you can get them for much, much cheaper.  The only downside is that shipping takes longer, and sometimes the initial release dates vary.  

I got Set 2 for only $39 US dollars, with free shipping, but I won't see it until the middle of September...  Haven't decided whether I'll do the same for Set 3...

Current Talk '02 II / Re: TIME TURNS
« on: August 23, 2002, 10:36:23 PM »
He made changes to the script...KLS made the statement at a FRIGHTVISION Q & A.

Ahh...  It all starts to come together.  I've always thought it odd that Thayer's characters like the Professor and the Count were so...   let's say "authentically sophisticated" compared to the others.  Besides being a fine performance, they always did seem better written, as Rainypark says...

Even servile Ben had a certain complexity that I never saw duplicated in Barnabas's other minion, Willie--although John Karlen was more than his match for energy and passion...

I think Thayer must have been a remarkable person...

My absolute favorite Thayer David appearances are in The Wild Wild West series.  After one character was involved in the theft of a samurai sword, TD was brought back a year later to play a thief that preyed on Mexican villagers (in the guise of Cortez!).  His villains were awesome; it's almost hard to believe this is the same guy that played Ben.

I loved Wild, Wild West, but I don't remember ever seeing the Thayer David episodes. Something else to look forward to--thanks for the head's up!

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Minor Question about 1970 PT storline
« on: August 23, 2002, 10:19:20 PM »
It's an interesting notion that I hadn't thought of before, and I tend to agree with what's been stated so far.  

Perhaps RTJulia is mostly good--although she's done several evil deeds--specifically because Barnabas, the object of her unrequited love, is similar: capable or great harm, but in a constant struggle to stay good.

If her Barnabas had gone completely to the dark side, become truly evil, would Julia have followed him?  I think the evidence from early on in the series is Yes, if Barnabas is evil, Julia would be too...

Does anyone think I could get Night of the Iguana in DVD anytime soon? I could buy the video, but hate to if it will come out on DVD.
It's not on anyone's release schedule, nor are than any specific rumors about it.  Like many great films of mostly "literary" interest, I suspect the VHS is still the best bet for the foreseeable future.

John Karlen, as Harvey Lacey,  of course.  He more than held his own with that Richter Scale-measuring persona otherwise known as Tyne Daly.
I'd totally forgotten about that...  He was great on that show...   I'd love to see those reruns again.

In another SciFi guest appearance, KLS plays an alien victim of mind control in "Dorzak," the final-ever episode of Space: 1999, also in my permanent DVD collection...

She doesn't have a lot to do other than wake from bed in sick bay and start screaming, but it was good to see her.  Looks like it was filmed not long after DS ended, she's still very young, but with shorter hair...

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