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Messages - Cassandra Blair

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Current Talk '08 II / Re: Vicki's Mother
« on: October 07, 2008, 01:59:53 PM »
That's an interesting theory, Nelson Collins! The first time I saw that early episode in which Vicki found the portrait of Betty Hanscomb, I wondered if Sam was telling tales, because the drawing looked like Liz as well as Vicki, and Betty is a diminutive of Elizabeth. I wondered at the time if maybe Sam was keeping Liz's secret because he'd been in some way involved. Maybe he acted as a go-between for Liz/Betty and Bill Malloy?

But, going along with what Philippe Cordier mentioned about our earlier take on Vicki's parentage, I do have to wonder if Betty Hanscomb wasn't Liz's half sister and Vicki's mother.

All of the theories advanced here carry some degree of believability. I really wish the writers had revealed the truth of Victoria's background during the run of the show, but since they didn't, we now have a really interesting topic to bandy about!

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Vicki's Mother
« on: October 02, 2008, 03:05:21 PM »
You know, I was just watching a pre-Barnabas episode the other night. It was during the Bill Malloy murder mystery, and Elizabeth was very upset with Victoria for supposedly abandoning her duties as governess. Liz was so upset she even mentioned to Carolyn that she was going to fire Victoria.

This just doesn't strike me as the actions of a long-lost mother who has finally reunited with her secret daughter. I agree with those who say the writing of the earlier episodes tends more towards Elizabeth not being Victoria's mother, but knowing a good deal about the girl's origins.

Emotionally I'm very attracted to the idea of Elizabeth as Vicki's mother, but intellectually, I just can't make that leap, despite Joan Bennett's belief in the relationship. Clues in the early episodes just seem to point elsewhere (like the Betty Hanscomb portrait), though I still believe Victoria almost HAD to have some relationship to the Collins family, and that Elizabeth was the one behind those monthly checks to the foundling home. So count me as one of the few undecided voters.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Pilot - Part 2
« on: September 23, 2008, 09:29:01 PM »
Dr. Julia Hoffman certainly is introduced as a character of importance - it's almost like they want you to believe she's going to be the Van Helsing of the piece. The way they slowly pan up from her boots, showing her turn around dramatically on the platform holding that umbrella in the rain, looking fabulous (despite the braid, which to me gives her a vaguely dominatrix look). You think: here is a character that is going to be in charge, and will likely be a match for the vampire. I too love Barbara Steele. I'm pretty sure she's my favorite actor on the show.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Pilot - Part 2
« on: September 23, 2008, 06:59:00 PM »
That's really fascinating, MB! There really doesn't seem to be any hint that Victoria might be a Collins, at least thus far in the series. It might be fun to take a look at those comics, if they're still available anywhere.

I too really wish there was more character development. But I don't have a real problem with them not explaining why the Collins family is rich - since we know they've had money for years, I'm not sure it would come up naturally so early in the series. Maybe it's just my imagination, but didn't Carolyn mention to Vicki (maybe in the first episode) that nobody knows how many rooms Collinwood has, and most of them are shut up anyway? While I think it's a bit weird for the family to be so incurious about how many rooms their own ancestral home has, most of them being closed up might explain why there aren't many servants.

Agreed with all, Carolyn is weird, and her teeth-sucking, hip-swinging performance certainly does send mixed signals about what the actress is trying to portray. Elizabeth isn't given enough to do, and we really don't know why Victoria Winters is there, what's up with Roger or why David is so hostile. It's all a bit frustrating, but I find it also makes me curious as to what might be revealed.

Barnabas (or maybe a Barnabas/Victoria relationship) is clearly meant to be at the center of the series, and I have to think that if they'd continued, the writers (particularly if they'd had DC breathing down their necks) would have found a way to keep Barnabas (or the B/V 'ship) as the focus of the show. They do seem to have chemistry, and the portrait of Josette looking like Victoria raises lots of questions that they could've taken a long time to answer. Maybe Victoria was drawn to Collinwood because it's where she lived her past life; maybe she could sense that her lover from the 18th century was returning home. That's what I tend to read into it.

Does anyone else think it's strange that the Old House is just sitting there on the property, mouldering? Or that David would be allowed to play in an old wreck like that? And whoever mentioned that it's hard to tell the Old House from Collinwood? I get them confused too - they look like the same place.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Pilot - Part 1
« on: September 16, 2008, 06:37:34 PM »
Sorry I'm late to the party - just didn't have time to watch the pilot (or is it mini-series?) until yesterday afternoon. Then I made the mistake of watching the whole thing, instead of just the first hour. Guess I'm caught up for next week, right?

Anyway, I so enjoyed seeing this again. Yes, it's true that things are a bit rushed, and there isn't much character development thus far, but they've definitely established a feeling of foreboding that I think works. And I don't mind that they just jump right into the supernatural. I get the feeling maybe some things have already happened in town that make people say "hmmmm..."

One thing I couldn't figure out is what season of the year is all of this supposed to be happening? There's a scene in which Vicki is wearing a heavy coat and gloves, I think. Yet the trees have green leaves on them. Kind of an oversight in my book, but not as glaring as the obvious 'day-for-night' shots near the end of the episode.

[spoiler]I loved the scene which takes place at the roadhouse or whatever it was; Carolyn's out doing a slutty dance with whoever, and that cheesily-dressed female who becomes Barnabas's next victim says to him in the parking lot: "Where are you from? You talk kinda funny." Doesn't the woman know not to trust a dude in a cape?[/spoiler]

And why is Barnabas's accent so definitively English? I don't know how the 'quality' in America spoke in the late 18th century, so maybe that's just me.

My other question is would they really have had the capability to bring Collinwood over from England brick by brick so long ago? But I did love the speech Barnabas gave about how it happened. I think Ben Cross was a really decent choice for the part, he's got a manner about him that is certainly otherworldly.

(edited by admin)

Only a week now until we get started! I'm excited to get a chance to chat with old DS friends like Philippe Cordier (hi, formerly Vlad!) as well as the newer, enthusiastic forum members like Taeylor Collins. And I know Mysterious Benefactor is a big fan of the revival as well, and he always has great knowledge and comments about the show.

It will be a little challenging not to compare to the old series - but it will be fun, I think, to look at the show on its own merits.

My husband and I watched DS 1991 a couple years ago and we really liked the story and most of the actors. Some of the production aspects were troubling (esp. the day for night shots that were apparently not properly remastered for the dvd release). But we were able to overlook those flaws because it was a good production overall.

I have such fond memories of the original airing of the 1991 show. I was just finishing up college and watched Dark Shadows with my roomie and usually a whole crew of friends - there was lots of beer and popcorn. Everyone would be on edge when the show would end on a cliffhanger, and I remember thinking the Barnabas/Victoria-Josette romance was swoony. Did it air on Sunday nights? I seem to remember that, for some reason.

The revival series really sparked my interest in the original show, and well, here I am now - huge fan of both versions. Now if I could just make it to the fest one year.

BTW, out of curiosity, does anyone know if there was ever a fest specifically geared to the 1991 series? Seems like I've heard some of the folks from the revival showed up to original series fests, back in the 90's.

I'm definitely in. although I might have to watch the eps on Saturday mornings, since Fridays have been busy for me as of late.

I'm so excited to do this; since I don't have all the original series episodes on VHS or DVD it's been pretty much impossible for me to follow along with the original watching project.

Yay! Let the DS 1991 fest begin!!!  [ghost_grin]

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Songs that remind you of DS
« on: August 20, 2008, 07:29:23 PM »
The 80's synth-pop band Book of Love had a song called "Witchcraft" that has always reminded me of DS. It's a song about casting a spell on an unrequited love. There's even a direct reference in the lyrics: "Angelique takes Barnabas/From Josette/With spiders ten".

Guess I can't really claim that it reminds me of Dark Shadows for some unknown reason.  [ghost_rolleyes]

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Characters Ages. I need a little help here.
« on: July 25, 2008, 10:39:54 PM »
I seem to remember seeing a family bible or something at some point, pretty sure it was before the 1795 flashback, that said Elizabeth had been born in 1917, Roger in 1922, and Carolyn in 1948 (I think). But for the life of me, I can't remember the context.

It did seem like the writers changed up the character's ages as needed to fit the storyline.

I always figured Barnabas to have been about 30 when he was cursed, and thought Naomi must've been in her late teens when he was born, making her 50ish at her son's "death." Like someone said up thread, Sarah was likely a change of life baby. Always thought there was close to twenty years between Joshua/Abigail and Jeremiah. Maybe the Collins family had a lot of change of life babies in those days before birth control. ;)

Who knows how old Laura Stockbridge Collins Murdoch Collins Murdoch Collins must've been? At least 210 or so at her first appearance on the show. Or does her age reset every time she "flames out?"

And what about the 1897 Collinses? I always figured -

Judith late 40's
Edward mid 40's
Quentin late 20's
Carl mid-late 20's

OK. Two DS actresses who have been very good friends for years are at completely opposite ends of the political spectrum.

At the risk of appearing deliberately obtuse, I must say that your comment piqued my curiousity, MB. You aren't by any chance talking about two actresses who onscreen shared a mistress and servant relationship, are you? And if so, do their political views correspond somewhat to those roles?

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Knowning all you do about ghost, would you?
« on: July 15, 2008, 03:32:23 PM »
What they built on the site of the haunted Collinsport courthouse -

A haunted ready-to-wear Mostoller boutique - complete with hundreds of sleeveless frocks!  [ghost_rolleyes]

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Convincing someone to watch DS!
« on: July 11, 2008, 10:33:23 PM »
Yay! It really warms the cockles of my heart (whatever those are) to learn that an intelligent, articulate 14-year-old is way into Dark Shadows! Glad to know that the show will live on. It's great to hear what you think about the show, Goober!

I guess I'm a second generation fan (45 yrs old); although I saw a bit of the show as a kid, really got into it during the Sci-Fi run. Oh, and btw - the head of Judah Zachery ruined me when I was 7 or 8. Still scared of disembodied heads.  [ghost_undecided]

A few friends (and my husband) have been known to watch it with me, but it's more of a curiousity to them than anything else. Oh, they enjoy it and everything, and will sometimes ask to watch it when we're hanging out, but they're not seeking it out on their own.

I do have two friends who are into Dark Shadows, but both of them are a little older than I and are actually first generation run-home-from-school fans. Each of them has a couple dvd sets, and when we see each other (we live in different cities), we watch. Always trying to convince them to get more of the dvd's. Maybe now I know what to get them for Xmas!  [ghost_smiley]

I did have a blast! Just got back from out of town (nowhere near a computer) and found all your lovely birthday greetings!

Thank you, thank you!!! [9050]

Current Talk '08 I / Re: Did you think Roxanne was pretty?
« on: June 13, 2008, 08:03:32 PM »
I've always thought Roxanne was kind of a knock-out, not at all plain, but more of a stealth beauty - she grows on you. The shag hairdo suited her, and I've always loved red hair.

True, PT Roxanne was dull as dishwater in the personality department, but RT (vampire) Roxanne had quite a bit of spark, IMHO.

The Roxanne of 1840 had an interesting and independent personality before she fell afoul of Angelique. And she really looked lovely the way they dressed her and fixed her hair - like a flame-haired porcelain doll.

I've always wished that if they would have found a way to bring Donna Wandrey back as Roxanne or some other character if the show had ever returned to real time.

I'd have to say Leviathans is one storyline that I liked which many don't care for.  And the character of Jeb, though he is an "insufferable pig" has some appeal too - he's kind of got a raw sensuality, he's not a bad actor and I'd have to agree with Roland, who said above that Jeb and Carolyn had genuine chemistry.

Just lately, I've been watching the tail end of the show (1841 parallel time).  Didn't like it at all the first time around, but I'm kind of appreciating it this time.  Maybe it just took me a second viewing to get used to it being totally new characters. It was a new, interesting direction to take the show and I'm really looking forward to receiving dvd set 26, so that I can see the series finale - my tapes are from SciFi's last airing of "Dark Shadows." Y'all remember that, when they just abruptly ended with only twenty or so episodes left in the series? Grrrrrrr!

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