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Messages - drwhotrades

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Great book! I read the entire thing, and I have to say it remains very true to the spirit of Dark Shadows, tells a great story, and also is written in such a way that you can actually envision the DS actors speaking the very same lines. It's rare when I read a work that allows me to actually hear the voices of the actors portrayed in it, but I could hear David Selby, Grayson Hall, et al throughout the entire book...excellent stuff!

It's truly a shame that the DS range didn't continue, as you've captured the feel very well!

Try the special edition DVD's or VHS tapes from MPI Home Video (  These special collections have TV appearances (eg "The Merv Griffiin Show" and "The Mike Douglas Show").  They also have some commericials and public service announcements.  If you go to Amazon you can get a list of the contents in the details section.

Thanks! Sorry, I guess I forgot to mention that I do have all of the available material from MPI, as well as some other PBS material from the 80's. I'm looking for materials that are *not* included in any commercially avaialble VHS or DVD releases and also material that is outside the realm of the normal "Fan held" materials that one can find on the internet.

Hey All:

I'm looking for any DS related video material that might be out there aside from the actual episodes. Specifically, I'm looking for TV appearances by the cast, DS specials, ads, promo spots, etc. If anyone has anything like this or could point me in a direction I'd greatly appreciate it. I'd be happy to buy or trade. Please feel free to PM me. Thanks!


Thank you for sharing that with us, drwhotrades. And welcome to the forum.  :)

Thanks for the welcome - longtime lurker (as well as DS fan), but I never post, mostly because I don't have much to say! :)

Okay, just called MPI and they said that what TVShowsonDVD has reported is wrong!  She DID say that MPI *may* release them to club members earlier than the general public as a sort of "thank you" for their loyalty etc...but that everyone else would definately be able to get them at Best Buy or through  She didn't know however if they'd be available to *everyone* in February, or to the club members in February and everyone else later.  So, non-club members may have to wait until after February.

I just got an official DS DVD club email from MPI that mentions the upcoming release of the pre-Barnabas episodes on DVD. It specifically mentions that they will *NOT* be available to non-club members...I hope that's not the case, but here's the entire paragraph FYI...

The Pre-Barnabas Episodes are Coming to DVD!

Look for an announcement in the coming weeks about the release of the pre-Barnabas episodes on DVD.  Details are still being finalized for the release, but DVD Club members will be the only people able to get these collections when they are released.

If you have any questions regarding your membership, please feel free to contact MPI via email at or by phone at 800.323.0442.

Thank you for your membership in the Dark Shadows DVD Club!

MPI Home Video


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