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Messages - markyboo

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Calendar Events / Announcements '09 II / Re: EW screws Dark Shadows again
« on: September 17, 2009, 09:32:09 PM »
I have been reading EW since the very first issue and I used to look forward to it arriving in the mail every week. Sure, it has always celebrated pop culture, but the articles were well-written and I could spend several days going through a single issue. Now, for the first time, I am seriously considering NOT renewing my subscription when that time rolls around. These days I am usually done with an issue within fifteen minutes and the writing is nothing but snark and always seems to be about reality TV. You would think a major entertainment magazine would give some serious coverage to GUDING LIGHT going off the air after all these decades, but EW rarely acknowledges soap operas and I guess, in their eyes, the demise of GL is no great loss. They have also cut back on their coverage of live theater and literature. I guess the Internet has made it hard on weekly magazines like EW and the TV GUIDE (another magazine that seems to be barely scrapping by these days) to dazzle and inform the public - I must confess I check the EW website several times a day and by the time I receive the magazine, most of the news is old news. In other words, I guess I am just as much a part of the problem as the magazine itself. However, there is NO excuse for their writers to have no knowledge of TV programs or films that exist before the year 2000!

I remember bursting into tears when my parents told me they had read in the TV GUIDE that DS was being cancelled! They encouraged me to start a petition to save the show and then mail it to ABC. I went around the neighborhood and at school and got people to sign my petition - I even convinced my six year-old brother to add his John Hancock. I was very proud when I sent that petition in to ABC. I think a short while after DS ended I received this jovial form letter from ABC thanking me for watching DS but life is full of changes...

In recent times, it seems viewers are much more organized and aggressive in protesting the cancellation of a series. I like it when they besiege networks with some sort of symbol connected to the program being axed. JERICHO fans, for example, sent in peanuts while ROSWELL viewers mailed in bottles of hot sauce. Which leads me to the question: if DS was on today and being cancelled, what would DS fans send into ABC to protest its removal from the airwaves?

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: Beverly Garland dies at 82
« on: December 08, 2008, 10:36:50 PM »
Ms. Garland was also in a nifty 1968 film called PRETTY POISON in which Clarice Blackburn had a small role.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: DS Redux: Your Vision?
« on: October 02, 2008, 06:51:42 PM »
I would love to see a modern day Trask family in a DS redeux.  I've always thought of the Trasks as the thorns in the sides of the Collins family members. I can picture a contemporary Rev. Trask as the head of a cult-like congregation. Trask would convince his followers that Collinwood is a place of eviil and its inhabitants must be punished. This version of Trask could also go on a mission to "clean up" Collinsport and try to shut the Blue Whale down or harrass the "working girls" on the waterfront. Rev. Trask could have a haughty wife who wants to bring "family values" to Collinsport but it is revealed she is having an affair with some guy on the side. There could also be some socially maladjusted Trask children.

Also, I can imagine a really first-rate antiquarian bookshop in Collinsport. It's a family-owned and operated business and they have been booksellers to the Collins family for generations. They have also supplied the Collins family with many "specialized" volumes - books on witchcraft, black magic, the supernatural, etc. The business would be valued by the Collins family for being discreet.

Finally, I want to see what Collinsport is like on Halloween night. Are the villagers in such mortal danger that they remain home behind locked doors? Do tricker or treaters find themselves terrorized by a bevy of evil spirits roaming the countryside on that particular night? Is Collinwood decorated?

Maybe nothing happens on the night. On BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER, all the "big and little bads" took the night off and left Halloween to the "amateurs"! Maybe Collinsport is "evil-free" on that night and Halloween is celebrated in full force. Maybe the town, trading on its spooky image, hosts a big Halloween bash that attracts tourists. There would be graveyard tours and field trips to Widow's Hill.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Nancy Screengrabs I wanted to share! (Spoilerish)
« on: September 07, 2008, 08:03:36 AM »
I always thought Nancy Barrett was one of the most talented, versatile members of the DS ensemble. I believe that if the Daytime Emmy awards had existed when DS was broadcast, Nancy would have been nominated for supporting actress and maybe even won the award once or twice! I always wished Nancy had had a bigger post-DS career. As much as I like Joan Van Ark, I think Nancy could have played Valene on DALLAS and KNOTS LANDING.

Games / DS - cast with Hollywood legends from the 1950's
« on: September 07, 2008, 03:45:01 AM »
Elizabeth Collins Stoddard: Joan Crawford
Barnabas Collins: Montgomery Clift
Roger Collins: James Mason
Carolyn Stoddard: Carroll Baker
David Collins: Kevin Corcoran
Quentin Collins: James Dean
Victoria Winters: Jean Simmons
Willie Loomis: Sal Mineo
Dr. Julia Hoffman: Ava Gardner
Angelique: Elizabeth Taylor
Prof. Stokes: Peter Ustinov
Maggie Evans: Natalie Wood
Amy Jennings: Haley Mills
Laura Collins: Lana Turner
Burke Devilin: William Holden
Mrs. Johnson: Thelma Ritter
Joe Haskell: Rock Hudson
Buzz Hackett: Marlon Brando
Sam Evans: Spencer Tracy

Games / Re: The DS Characters: Their Favorite Movies
« on: September 06, 2008, 07:22:13 PM »
Laura Collins: Backdraft AND Mississippi Burning

Oberon and Haza: Apocalypse Now

Games / Re: The DS Characters: The movies they probably wouldn't enjoy!
« on: September 06, 2008, 07:18:18 PM »
Judah Zachary: Marie Antoinette

Josette: The Virgin Suicides

Games / Re: The Commandments of Dark Shadows
« on: September 02, 2008, 08:00:49 PM »
Though shalt not marry a young gypsy girl and then desert her, lest you incur the wrath of her older sister who shall place a werewolf curse on thee.

Games / Re: Six Degrees of Dark Shadows
« on: August 31, 2008, 07:40:48 PM »
The great John Barrymore was a member of a legendary acting dynasty.

That dynasty included John's brother, Lionel. Lionel Barrymore was in CAPTAINS COURAGEOUS and AH, WILDERNESS!

Both CAPTAINS COURAGEOUS and AH, WILDERNESS! featured Mickey Rooney in supporting roles.

Mickey Rooney's co-star in several Andy Hardy and MGM musicals was Judy Garland. The legendary Judy Garland was one of the stars of A STAR IS BORN.

James Mason played Garland's husband in A STAR IS BORN. He was also in a film called JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH.

Thayer David also appeared in JTTCOTE, breaking our hearts when he ate Gertrude the duck for dinner. We could never imagine David doing that as Prof. Stokes on DS, but we are sure Matthew Morgan and Count Petofi would dine on duck.

Games / Re: Six Degrees of Dark Shadows
« on: August 31, 2008, 07:24:54 PM »
The legendary Grace Kelly portrayed Gary Cooper's wife in HIGH NOON.

Gary Cooper was in THE FOUNTAINHEAD with Patricia Neal.

Patricia Neal won an Oscar for HUD. The role of "Hud" was played by Paul Newman.

Newman was the star of SLAP SHOT. One of the supporting players was Michael Ontekean.

Ontekean appeared on THE ROOKIES and one of his co-stars was Kate Jackson.

Some remember Kate Jackson as one of CHARLIE'S ANGELS and some remember her as Daphne on DARK SHADOWS.

Games / Re: Six Degrees of Dark Shadows
« on: August 31, 2008, 07:11:13 PM »
Forest Whitaker was a regular on the third season of THE SHIELD.

The star of THE SHIELD is Michael Chiklis. Chiklis has appeared in both of the FANTASTIC FOUR films with Julian McMahon.

Julian McMahon is one of the stars of NIP/TUCK. McMahon's character has adopted a son.

Georg Stanford Brown made several apperances on NIP/TUCK in the role of the biological father of McMahon's adopted son. Brown was once married to Tyne Daly.

Tyne Daly, Brown's ex-wife, was one of the stars of CAGNEY AND LACEY.

John Karlen portrayed Daly's husband on CAGNEY AND LACEY and we know him as Willie Loomis and other DS characters.

Games / Re: The DS Characters: The movies they probably wouldn't enjoy!
« on: August 31, 2008, 02:48:22 PM »
Here are some additional "unfavorites":

Julia: An Unmarried Woman
Roger: The Parent Trap
Chris: The Company of Wolves
Sabrina: Dances with Wolves
Joe: Moby Dick
Diablos: Jesus Christ Superstar
Amanda: Journey to the Center of the Earth
Laura: Ice Station Zebra
Sam: Lust for Life (it's about Van Gogh!)
Jebez Hawkes: Born Yesterday
Cemetery Caretaker: I Spit on Your Grave

Games / Re: The DS Characters: The movies they probably wouldn't enjoy!
« on: August 31, 2008, 04:12:28 AM »
Oh, I don't think Quentin would be a homophobe - I just don't think he would be interested in a movie about two gay men falling in love. However, like many straight men, he would love girl-on-girl action! He probably subscribes to Showtime just to catch the L WORD!

Games / The DS Characters: The movies they probably wouldn't enjoy!
« on: August 31, 2008, 03:10:56 AM »
Barnabas: A Place in the Sun
Elizabeth: Caged
Roger: It's a Wonderful Life
Carolyn: Brokeback Mountain
Quentin: Brokeback Mountain
Angelique: The Wizard of Oz
Cassandra: Gentlemen Prefer Blondes OR Legally Blonde
Laura: Nanook of the North
Julia: Love Me or Leave Me
Julia (in the "Julia Solo" episode): Home Alone/The Old Dark House/The Dark at the Top of the Stairs
Prof. Stokes: The Nutty Professor
Mrs. Johnson: The Uninvited
Eve: All About Eve (Eve said, after watching: It wasn't about ME at all!)
Jeff Clark: any movie starring Yul Brynner
Nicholas: The Ten Commandments
Diablos: The Exorcist
David: The Good Son
Amy: Pollyanna
Sheriff Patterson: Smokey and the Bandit
Chris: Cujo
mute Sabrina: Look Who's Talking
blind Sam Evans: Wait Until Dark
Joe: The Perfect Storm
Joshua Collins: That Darn Cat

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