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Messages - Ronny G

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Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0588
« on: November 15, 2013, 07:33:14 PM »
I thought this episode was a clever way to show new viewers what they missed in the past because there were no soap re-runs back then (or VCRs!).
I love how Carolyn gracefully glides down the stairs.
The scene between Carolyn and Nicolas was properly creepy and effective.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0587
« on: November 13, 2013, 08:57:16 PM »
Willie holding Maggie hostage reminded me of the black and white episodes when Barnabas first kidnapped her.
They have good chemistry together.
My favorite scene is Nicholas hypnotizing(?) Willie.
No scenes inside the Collinwood mansion!
What was up with the dream? Was Maggie recalling the time Barnabas tried to make her Josette?

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0586
« on: November 13, 2013, 08:50:49 PM »
Thanks, everyone for the welcome. I've been wanting to join the watching project for some time.
There is something intriguing about watching the same episode at the same time as everyone else like we're sharing the same experience. I just hope I can be committed and keep up the pace.
This isn't my first time watching these episodes, but it has been a few years so I've forgotten certain details.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0586
« on: November 13, 2013, 10:29:47 AM »
I haven't watched these episodes in a while, so thought I'd join in on the fun...but I really should have started at the beginning of the storyline.

Adam chokes Vicki into unconsciousness--and then is horrified at this, his first violent act. He wipes his hands on the green sweater as if he could remove his guilt that way.

My first thought was maybe Vicki put on some cold cream on her face and neck before bed, and Adam's hands were greasy.

I thought Vicki's attack scene was a little awkward. Way too many pauses and actors waiting for their cues to make it believable to me --but that's part of Dark Shadows' charm I guess.

I did like how Jonathan ran up the stairs, though. He had a lot of spring in his step.

I think Humbert is amazing! He just looks so confident and relaxed, and makes it all look so easy.

Adam is more mature then I remember him. His vocabulary has increased and he plays solitaire, too!

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Me-TV Network
« on: November 03, 2013, 01:11:13 AM »
Me-TV airs old horror movies hosted by Svenghoolie on Saturday nights and film-noir programs on Sunday nights, so Dark Shadows would fit right into their lineup.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: T.V.'s Top Ten Greatest Snobs of All Time!
« on: November 01, 2013, 01:41:07 AM »
What!? No Blair Warner?

But I totally agree with Hyacinth and Mrs. Drysdale being on the list.

I'd also like to give a special shout out to Darrin's ex girlfriend, Sheila Summers (Nancy Kovack). She played the snobby bitch character oh so well. Not a regular, but she came back a few seasons later for a second helping of Samantha's magic.

Well, it would make sense if Joan sarcastically told Nancy, "Welcome to Hollywood" when referring to the fast-paced production values of a daytime TV soap opera (even if it was shot in New York).
Maybe somewhere along the way, the story got twisted and the quote was turned into an onscreen blooper???

Instead of Collinwood in an episode? Is it a rumor, myth, fact?
If true, what is the episode number. I've got to see it!
I've heard about this in the past but I've never seen it.
I think the last time I read about it was in Joan Bennett's biography.

I'm not an expert, but I'm an frequent GH watcher, and I heard that General Hospital is no longer allowed to use the One Life to Live characters, so the GH writers had to create totally new and different characters for the former one lifers so they wouldn't get sued.

I kept checking Entertainment Earth's website periodically to see if the DS Action Figures were available, and now they are showing up as cancelled.
Does anybody here really care anymore??
I had mixed feelings about them. I thought the Barnabas and Quentin figures were good likenesses, but not crazy about the Angelique one. I liked the cloth outfits but thought the plastic they used look cheap.
Not worth $20 each, but the Barnabas one sold out quickly and has sold for much more $$$ on ebay.
I liked the idea of a Collinwood playset.
Surprisingly, there are a lot more disappointed MEGO fans over at the Mego Museum message board than there are here. Here's the link to a 5-page thread:

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Anthony George (Burke Devlin) Interview
« on: November 29, 2012, 08:27:00 AM »
Oops! I didn't mean to violate any rules by posting the image from the ebay site.
I just went ahead and typed out the part of Anthony's comments about Dark Shadows just in case the image gets removed from ebay.

Anthony George: I did the original Dark Shadows. I was the romantic lead in that. I hated it. I
couldn't have hated anything more. And they, to this day, have these festivals
and they keep sending me these booklets: Please write down certain things. And
I've never responded.
When they asked me to do it, I had done the national company of Funny Girl and Jule Stein
told me that he had composed a musical called Hallelujah Baby and wanted me to audition for
it. And he said, "You know, you really should be in New York because you'd be
very good for a lot of leading man things for musicals." So I moved to New York
and was sort of talked into doing Dark Shadows.
Dan Curtis asked me to replace Mitch Ryan and I said, "Well, I don't want to
do a soap opera but I'll tell you what; I would love to learn to direct these, and
if you'll let me direct eventually, I will play the part."
He said, "Fine, okay," so I did a bunch of them and I kept going to him and say-
ing, "When are you gonna let me go into the control room and learn? When am I
gonna participate?" And he started making excuses like,
"Uh, you don't want to work with four cameras and all those cables and all
that." So I got a little angry. I'd never signed a contract. While I was
there I got called by the producers of another production of Funny Girl to come to
Disneyland to do it in a big theater in the round with Mimi Hines for two weeks.
So l went to Dan Curtis and I said, "I'm leaving for three weeks; l'm gonna do
Funny Girl.” And he said, "You can't do that— we'd have to change the whole story
line." I said, "Well, I haven't got a contract. You know, you have not let me
direct. And they're offering me a lot of money and I'm gonna go.”
He said, "Well, when you come back l want a contract." So I sorta grinned and
left. And when I came back they had changed the story line: all of us were
playing our generations before, and they were all in these costumes.
And I remember, Joan Bennett couldn't remember lines. She would hire a man
for the whole weekend to help her with the lines for the next show. And when
she would get on camera she'd start to shake. And when it was over with she'd
say, "You know, I worked my butt off learning these lines and the moment it's
over I don't remember one line. I could never say them again." She says, "This is
agony for me to do this."
In any case, the experience was not a pleasant one for me. Just weeks later I
received another call. They asked me to do Funny Girl for six months at the Riv-
iera in Las Vegas, for quite a lot of money. And so, I went to the studio and first
of all I told Joan, "I'm gonna leave." And she said, "Oh my God! Why don't
you tell Dan in my dressing room!!!" I said no. So I called him up and said.
"I've got something to talk to you about. You wanna come to the set?” And he
came up and he said, "Don't tell me." l said, "Yeah, I'm leaving. I'm gonna go
to Las Vegas. Would you turn that down?” He said, "Yes, l would. You're
committed to this."

Current Talk '12 II / Anthony George (Burke Devlin) Interview
« on: November 29, 2012, 02:44:36 AM »
I saw this article on ebay. Back in the 1990s, Anthony George was interviewed by some fanzine called, TV Collector.
Someone is selling it on ebay and they included a partial scan of the article in their listing.
I have never read Anthony George talking about his time on DS, so this is new information for me.
I laughed at how he says he kept ignoring requests from the DS fest.
Sorry its not the whole article, but there is a lot of good stuff to read.

I have about 40 episodes. I purchased them from ioffer a few years ago. They were recorded from TV on the Chiller channel and the picture quality was good. The pace of the storyline was a little too slow moving for me. There was something supernatural going on, but it wasn't scary. I remember the lead character had an ancestor who looked just like him. There was a painting of him and it would come to life and talk back to him. I think the production values were impressive, though for late 1960s. The mansion interior set was huge. I may have to give it another try some day.

WOW! I thought they had given up on these action figures. I think it was 2 years ago when the first series was released (maybe more). I wasn't impressed with the Angeligue figure.
Incidentally, I recently sold my Barnabas figure on ebay a few weeks ago. Made a nice profit, too, because they were sold out at the time.
Now, I see they are going to re-release him again, so I can always buy another one.
A Collinwood playset would be awesome!!!

Current Talk '03 I / Re: Is Sabrina Stuart for real???
« on: May 04, 2012, 08:47:45 PM »
I'm currently watching the PT storyline now, and I don't think she is a very good actress...
[spoiler]Her character was just strangled to death by John Yaeger, and she can't even play dead! After she fell to the floor, the camera zoomed in for a closeup, and her eyelashes were fluttering away, and it looked like she was clearing her throat.[/spoiler]

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