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Messages - Maybellique

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Current Talk '07 I / Re: Out of curiosity
« on: February 10, 2007, 12:44:21 PM »
For the record, I have 1 day, 13 hours, and 49 mins. :) I didn't even know that! lol. I spend time in other forums, but I also have school, baby, hubby, et al to deal with. Compared to some other forums I've been to, this one has a pretty relaxed pace. It actually
has picked up quite a bit since I first joined (what was that? a year ago?). When I first joined, I'd find myself asking a question that
wouldn't get answered for maybe a couple of days or so... Now that there are more active members on this forum, some of the
questions/responses might get answered in the bilnk of an eye. This forum really has grown nicely, methinks. ~DJ

Welcome, Julie! So glad to see you posting here!! ~DJ

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Willie & Maggie
« on: February 08, 2007, 12:44:27 PM »
My little list was compiled on two things: pining and actual love.

1. Barnabas and Josette
           --Barnabas and Josette did ACTUALLY love each other, so there's that. But Barnabas pined for her for over 200 years, wanting to turn every woman he met with dark hair and a fair complextion into Josette.

I'm so tainted by the '91 series [spoiler]in which Barnabas actually DID cheat with Angelique after getting engaged to Josette[/spoiler] that I can't totally see past that. Understand that that was my first Dark Shadows. :) I think all I can really do is speculate based on various scenes that I've seen btwn '67 Barnabas and Angelique that they may have had something going on while in Colliinsport, but that's all there is to it. I have no hard evidence. ... Unless someone else knows something that I don't know about those two. ;)

2. Barnabas and Julia
           --Barnabas never loved Julia, but her feelings for him put that matter out of mind because she was constantly following him around trying to get him to fall in love with her.

I still don't get how this is any different from puppy love. Is it maturity level? To tell you the truth, I thought Julia and Barnabas were amazing companions. They played off one another so well, but I never thought of them as anything but friends.

3. Barnabas and Angelique
           --They were actually in love, or maybe lust would be a better term, before he left her for Josette. Then she spent the rest of her years trying to get him to love her by torturing his family in her demented way of winning in over.[/spoiler]

OOOOOOOhhhh hahahhahaha! LOL! Love. That's a good one. ;) No, I think you were right on the money in saying they were in "lust" with one another, rather. Actually, I take that back. Angelique seemed to have loved Barnabas. But I also felt that she wanted Barnabas because Josette had him. Did she truly covet everything her mistress had? Is that why she wanted Barnabas? Again, I haven't seen all of the 1795 storyline, so I really don't know.

4...Willie and Maggie
           --While these two might belong above B&A and even B&J, I didn't put them there. The fact is that Willie did seem to have some feelings for Maggie, but we're not sure about whether that would completely blossom into love and marriage or not. Maybe it was just some type of kiddie crush--it's open to interpretation. The fact that she never returned his love put them even with Barnabas and Julia because B never returned Julia's love either. And the way her character was played, it was apparent, to me anyway, that her love was more than a crush. With Willie and Maggie, I guess it wasn't enough time for me to judge, or wasn't developed enough for me to call it complete and utter infatuation and love.

Whether it would blossom into marriage or not is irrelevent, imo. Just because you love a person with all your heart doesn't mean that you're actually going to get to marry them. And yes, you're right. :) Very nicely put. It is open to interpretation. As I was saying before, I gather that we fancy certain couplings based on our own true experiences. :shrug: Or not. I think I like Willie so much because he was the unsung hero. No matter what he did for Maggie, she was never going to find out about it. Or, at least, she wouldn't retain the memories of him having saved her because of all the hypnotizing that was done to her. With Willie around, she was safe. No matter what plans they had for her, he was there to guard her. I think that was awesome. That's not to say that I think she should have loved him back for that sole reason. Love grows in different ways, I think, and someone mirrored my thoughts exactly in saying that they felt that he never quite got past his strong urge to protect her. My theory is that, while at Wyndcliffe, those thoughts persisted. He continued to think of her obsessively. That urge to protect her probably made him feel needed. I think that's what Willie needed the most around that time... to feel needed by someone. He had no where else to turn and no real friends, since Jason had bit the dust. So his thoughts, and then later his heart, clung to Maggie. I think that's sweet. :)

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Willie & Maggie
« on: February 07, 2007, 08:10:13 PM »
I'm not suggesting Willie didn't love Maggie - I don't really remember that subplot though I could swear that he did propose some kind of relationship and while flattered Maggie turned him down (but I am usually wrong about these things [ie. Vicki slapping N Blair]  ::) ) - but all the things he did for Maggie don't necessarliy add up to love. What about empathy? What about sympathy? Willie knows more than anyone what it's like to have your life taken away and to become a slave to someone else. Especially an innocent.

The NYC man who jumped in front of a moving train to save a total stranger a few weeks ago wasn't in love with him.

And didn't Willie pretty much try to save/warn/help everyone who was 'someone' that Barn intended to harm. Maybe a lot of his heroics were intended to show how much of a changed man he became.

Trust me, I'd be the first to discount it all, if I spotted any reason to doubt Willie's love for Maggie and that it was indeed merely sympathy he was feeling towards her. Yes, he did help and warn others. Yes, he was the guilty party, since he was the one to have freed Barnabas. But during the scene where he was in the basement, showing Adam all the jewelry (do you remember that scene?), when he revealed the earrings to him, Willie mentioned Maggie and said that she made him feel like he'd never felt before. Adam also mentioned to Nicholas-- later on-- [spoiler]when Willie hid Maggie away in the mausoleum to keep her from being used in the Eve experiment[/spoiler] "Willie's in love with Maggie".

I'm not saying that everyone who's ever "jumped in front of a train" for someone else wants to make mad, passionate love to them.  I'm just saying that our poor Willie was duped into loving a pretty girl who never really loved him back. The fact of the matter was that [spoiler]I didn't see him rush to save Carolyn when she was to be used in the Eve experiment. And he even suggested straight out that Vicki be used at that point.[/spoiler]

I'm not even really certain that any one of us can actually say who's love was the greatest on the show, because we all have our own opinions based on our own experiences. Some of us might say Barnabas, because of his powerful and unquenchable desire to get Josette back! Some of us might say Quentin for... whatever reasons. ;) While there are others on this very board who would swear up and down that Julia's love for Barnabas was the greatest. Oh, and I've heard the arguments in favor of Angelique's love for Barnabas,too.  :) So, in the end, I guess it's all just a matter of opinion. ~DJ

Have you all gone completely bonkers?!!! Julia was interviewing Barnabas for her novel about the Collinses history of course! I mean, what else would they be doing?   ;D

I could give you a list, but it would get kind of graphic.  >:D

I've always been pretty indifferent towards the possibillity of a Barnabas-Julia pairing, actually. I think I'll take the boring
route and say that they either went their separate ways (when not there) and did their own thing, or they were
working on whatever it was they were working on at the time. :shrug: Who knows. Thought provoking question, btw. ;) ~DJ

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Willie & Maggie (possible spoilage herein)
« on: February 07, 2007, 12:24:10 PM »
As far as I'm concerned, there is no greater love on DS as the love Willie felt for Maggie.

Looks like someone just broached my favorite subject.

As far as his love being the greatest on DS, that's debateable. But I'd disagree with anyone who claimed that
it was any less than Quentin's love for his billions of love interests or that Barnabas could love anyone far
more than Willie could.  :P As stated above, he put his life on the line for her multiple times. He even died for
her in House Of Dark Shadows. Despite the consequences-- and perhaps his not being in his right mind at the
time-- he even [spoiler]stole Josette's earrings for her[/spoiler] at the risk of a serious a$$ whoopin'! Does it
actually have to be reciprocated in order for it to be love? Idk. No, genuinely, I really don't. lol... But if this
was some cutesy infatuation, then why is he continuing to put his life on the line for her? He may have felt
guilty for releasing the vampire at first, but he saved her life enough times to at least deserve that "knight in
shining armor title". Instead, I think Willie was just sort of pushed aside and treated as the awkward and
bumbling stable boy with the dismissable crush on a regal lady.

Granted, I'm not saying he deserved her love a thousand times more than Joe did. This wasn't a competition (despite
what Willie might have thought  ;D) but I think when you get past the point where you'd actually lay your
life on the line for the person you care so deeply about, then that's love.

Ah. I also seem to remember the original version of The Little Mermaid where the main character's love was not
reciprocated. Instead of returning her love, the man of her dreams found love in another and was set to marry her (if
I remember correctly). While at sea, the erstwhile mermaid's sisters emerged from the sea and offered her a knife to
kill the prince. They told her to bathe in his blood (I know. Gruesome.) and that that would cause her to become a
mermaid once more. As I recall, she couldn't do it.

My point? For it to be love, it doesn't really have to be reciprocated.

Btw? I think the mermaid protagonist killed herself. You see her smiling spirit in the clouds as the guy she loved married
that other girl.  ::)

Oh, don't get me started on Barnabas and Josette, Brandon.  >:D Didn't Barnabas cheat on Josette? What was
that? A part of her valentines gift? "Yeah, here's some chocolates, my dear, and a beautiful music box. By the
way, I kind of tore up the bedsheets doing that maid of yours." No. My husband knows what would happen to him
if he even laid eyes on another woman. It just ain't happenin'. So I'm not sure that I'd place old faithful above Willie
on my list of greatest loves, personally.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Which is dumber?
« on: January 19, 2007, 10:21:24 PM »
:-[Yes she did that. Her case was really looking bad and Peter decided that the only way to hopefully get her off was to tell them she had come from the future...

Peter decided that?  :o

Here's your sign!

[lghy] [lghy] [lghy] If that isn't the stupidest... I understand that desperate times call for desperate measures, but woo! :shakes head:  ~DJ

Current Talk '07 I / Re: What is some never left the show
« on: January 19, 2007, 10:12:09 PM »
I would love to have seen Willie have a serious relatonship with someone-and ultimately stand up to Barnabas over her,so that eventually he was  no longer just B's servant, but his true friend.(And maybe eventually have a child--can't you just see Willie as a Dad?!) ;)

Oh, most definitely! But you know who I'd like to see him get with. ;)

Ummm... I still think they should have hired fresh writers. Every once in a while, I've noticed that soaps start to repeat old storylines. I think that's because they have the same team re-hashing old stuff. Some writers are so talented that they need not do that, and they don't! But the reality of it is that this happens too often.

As far as storylines go, I would have liked to have seen more of the events happening in "present time". Perhaps we could have seen yet another parallel time? In that case, by then I would have hoped that Dan Curtis had gotten down on his KNEES and offered Kathryn Leigh Scott all the money in the world to come back. :-D

I don't know! There's just something fascinating about parallel worlds to me. I'm a huge fan of Sliders, myself, and would definitely like to see at least one more possibility of how and where the mains might have wound up... ~DJ

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Which is dumber?
« on: January 19, 2007, 10:01:45 PM »
Did she really do that!? LOL! I haven't seen those parts, yet! I never mind the spoilers, but gimme a BREAK Vicky! Eh, then again, maybe she got nervous and her mouth decided before her brain could speak up that she would spill her gutts. That's gotta suck
for her.

Both are equally dumb. I think they go hand in hand. ~DJ

Thanks, guys! :-D Had a wonderful birthday. I can't believe I'm 28! It's just so amazing how far I've come in life, it's so amazing!
Thanks so much! ~DJ

Current Talk '06 II / Re: I HAVE to Ask This Question....
« on: November 08, 2006, 05:15:26 PM »
Tough question, but I'd have to agree with the second poster here. Barnabas had his stages, which I personally like to call mood swings  >:D . He went from bad to good in one full swing, soooo.... all things considered, and without stepping into spoiler territory, I'd say she wouldn't get anything out of staking him, b/c he was as pivotal to the Collinses as Angel and Spike were in the Jossverse.  ;)  ~DJ

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Craig Hamrick - prayer request
« on: September 14, 2006, 07:47:19 PM »
I don't think I've ever met him, but I sympathize with those who've gone through cancer. I'll be praying for
him. All my love to his family, as well. I know this is hard for them. ~DJ

Polls Archive / Re: Maggie Evans
« on: September 14, 2006, 07:29:52 AM »
Too bad she never hooked up with Willie, he sure adored her.

Well you just made a friend outta Karlenfan w/that comment, LOL!  She always says Maggie was Willie's unrequited love, sorta like Barnabas was Julia's.   :D

Mmm. And me, as well. :)  You all know I adore those two (W&M) together [luv]. ~DJ

Polls Archive / Re: Maggie Evans
« on: September 11, 2006, 07:28:06 PM »
I don't think she became Vicki entirely...Maggie is so much grittier, more impatient and harsh than Vicki--even after she becomes governess.  Vicki's so dreamy and vague, whereas Maggie's practical and precise.  I do think Maggie underwent some changes following her new job, but wouldn't you have, too?  She's a small town girl moving into big, scary Collinwood--some changes are only natural.  I admit, however, that the writers became a bit sloppy...

I don't know if I can truthfully say that I SAW any semblance of Maggie in her character as time went on. I mean, come on! There's a difference btwn making a transition for a new job and a new life and becoming an entirely new person. From what I saw, slowly she went from the tough and gritty Maggie you made mention of to the soft and even nostalgic Victoria Winters!! If the writers cared that much for Victoria, why didn't they just keep the actress (either one) who replaced her and allowed Maggie Evans to continue on as Maggie Evans?

Maggie had strength. Maggie endured. She went through hell, and even with all those memories swimming dangerously close to her conscious, she still had this intensity to her. I saw none of that in her as time went by after Vicki left.

I agree, though, that she showed somewhat of that strength in the leviathan story. But even then, all her facial expressions seemed to be very soft and doe-like.

Polls Archive / Re: Maggie Evans
« on: September 11, 2006, 05:05:52 PM »
I agree with Barnabas' Bride, she pretty much lost her personality and became Vicki.  It's too bad, because it would have made the show MUCH more interesting to see her react as Maggie would have during all those situations.

Agreed. Hence my nickname for her "Magtoria". It saddens me and makes me feel cheated knowing that her character wasn't reacting as
Maggie would have, but as Vicki would have in those later scenes. They didn't even give her a chance to grow from her experiences, as
I feel that Willie did... ~DJ

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