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Messages - Devlin66

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Julia was a bigger quack than the AFFLACK duck, and was a bigger freeloader at collinwood than Jason McGuire ever hoped to be   [ghost_tongue2]

Current Talk '08 I / Re: Stokes in 1840
« on: July 27, 2008, 02:19:38 PM »
[spoiler]Was it really necessary? It seemed to me that he came, Julia and Barnabas tucked him away somewhere, the storyline ended, and he came back with them (with a bit that was potentially rather insulting to Thayer David, as the writers had Stokes check the refrigerator first thing after his return to the present!). I was wondering if anyone felt the same way, or if the writers provided some sort of explanation for this in interviews, as it just seemed odd that they would do that.[/spoiler]

I think the fridge had some hershey bars and hot dogs tucked away somewhere to get Stokes attention at that moment---(not scripted)

Current Talk '08 I / Re: Stokes in 1840
« on: July 27, 2008, 02:16:25 PM »
Speaking of 1840, did I just see the Head of Judah Zachery as an army clown on MASH yesterday?   I think I did!    He must have lost weight, because his face-to-head proportion was greater.

I think it was Phil Collins before Genesis

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0595
« on: July 27, 2008, 11:24:08 AM »
Marie Wallace looked awful on her first appearance on Dark Shadows.  Good for her!

Did you mean her acting or just her appearance...cause she has the best teeth on the show IMO

interesting that not one post in this thread remarked on how JF played it off and even was doing a little "i am fine" dance on the stage after the fall.....and yes how "fortunate" it was he was not hurt.... but to assume that anyone who posts the fall or watches the fall on youtube is being disrespectfull to JF might be in line for a lobster roll and a container of coffee from the collinsport inn coffee shop.

"Willie, tonight....must go nothing wrong"

i wonder if after all these years JF was thinkin to himself...."now tonight, must go nothing wrong" before he took the stage at the fest last week in beautiful downtown burbank [ghost_shocked]

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0342
« on: September 23, 2007, 10:38:50 AM »
i really became an admirer of the robert gerringer portrayal of Dr. Woodard...and wish the role had not been recast after the strike....i found myself rooting for the "new" Dr. Woodard to be bumped off, as the new actor was such a goof in the role, partly because of the goofy script in those last few episodes leading up to him getting the injection from Barnabas that made his heart stop >:D

GEE sorry it took me so long to find this...i was off the boards for awhile but thank you DS inmates for the well wishes:D

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0357
« on: September 07, 2007, 11:33:22 AM »
This is the sort of episode that should have been in kinescope, what with Jerry Lacy playing Humphrey Bogart's type of character

I know this sounds whacky, but sometimes i will turn my TV to B/W on some of the DS episodes because of certain timelines or just makes it more viewable that way.......but the color goes back up when Liz or any of the girls in DS come up with those vibrant color wardrobes..just beautiful

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0344
« on: September 07, 2007, 11:27:05 AM »
I still work nights Rose and i had 3 thoughts about this thread as i am sitting here taking a break...

1/ My mom passed at 57 (i was 18) back in 1973 on this very evening/morning and the loss never leaves us.  We are lonely without them even with the great passage of time.

2/ It was my mom who back in 1966 told me as a kid of 11 that if i wanted to see how a professional actress looked on daytime TV i should watch DS and Joan Bennett and i never looked back.  She enjoyed the series as much as i did as she was a homemaker and plenty of time it seemed to watch the series.

3/ I recall her saying this about David Collins....."I know this kid seems messed up, but look at that horses $#@ of a father he has---and that i should feel fortunate that i did not have to grow up in that environment.

Take care Rose, and I hope i see you in Burbank next year!

The kitchen scenes were a joy and very well lit to give Roger, Carolyn, David, and  Victoria some much needed brightness.....and the scenes from Burkes Collinsport Inn suite also added some cheeriness to the other sometimes very dark sets. >:D

KHJ CHANNEL 9 in LA aired the Movie Macabre HODS back in 83 with a slightly watered down version of the movie.  The Carolyn burial scene in the pouring rain was cut as was some of the more lengthy gore scenes...but at least Elvira had her say and funky critique of the movie in full....and the Mazda commercials for the 83 models were classic.

Eve was so hot looking in that black nighty thing she wore and i loved the scenes with her and times i think she was getting Nicholas hot to trot...too bad he had an agenda. >:D

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0341
« on: September 05, 2007, 10:22:01 AM »
i know its a bit of pretzel logic on my part, but when Robert Gerringer was replaced as Doc Woodard i did not feel such a loss when the "new" Doc was killed.  I had grown very fond of Gerringers portrayal of Dave Woodard and one of my favorite scenes was when he announced to joe and sam that he had just delivered twins in that tiny collinsport hospital.

Wonder what the twins are doing today?

well they (MPI) should of ran the spots between the episode 1 scenes like the i understand its a special feature section where you just click and the commercials run back to back without any episode transitions? :-X

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