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Messages - Angelina

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Current Talk '04 II / Re: Barnabas--Love and Lust list
« on: August 06, 2004, 10:40:07 PM »
When I first watched the series, I kept thinking how superficial and fickle Barnabas was for flitting from one so-called "true love" to another every month.  Over time, I came to believe that while he seemed to be pursuing Maggie, Vicki, Rachel, or Kitty in reality he was always chasing Josette and associated her with every brunette ingenue he met. 

I'm newish to the series but that's the way it seems to me.  He switched from Maggie to Vicki in a heartbeat. Maybe he grew to love Vicki on her own merits but his sudden flip-flop didn't seem terribly loving.

I'm kind of curious about Julia's feelings for Barnabas.  I suppose she initially lusted for him and that grew to love.  He could be so wicked and downright abusive to her in the earlier eps...I don't know how much that changes later.  What was it about him that she desired so much.  Sure, he was a hottie but he could also be so sexist, abusive and manipulative toward her.  I guess she just saw his inner hurt.

Yet, there are a few moments, in the earlier days, that he seems to let down his guard a bit and at least appreciate/respect her.  He seemed genuinely touched when she offered her blood to restore his youth but said that he couldn't take her independence.  Maybe I'm reading too much into that but it seemed like he really didn't want to see her give up the independence and accomplishments she'd worked so hard to achieve. 

Of course, it may have also been foresight on his part---he knew a  smart, savvy person could help in the future...or maybe he just wanted to chomp on a girly-girl's neck.

Current Talk '04 II / Re: favorite "moment"
« on: August 04, 2004, 05:18:16 AM »
I don't have a specific favorite moment as I'm just now watching it all on DVD (I think it must have felt v. different for those watching it when it really was new), but there are a few moments I really enjoyed watching:

David was at Barn's house and Willie was getting all fidgity and nervous.  He finally managed to talk David into leaving but Barnabas called out for David to wait and said he'd walk him back to the big house.  Then Barn turned to Willie, with one heck of a wickedly wolfish grin, and said something to the effect of "We don't want the boy walking alone in the dark, do we?" So funny - he really tortured poor Willie. 

A sweeter moment was when they were having their fancy dress party.  Barn took a look at Liz, who looked v. regal as usual, and nearly blurted out that she looked just like his mother.  He looked so vulnerable at that moment -- as if he were just about to run into her arms for a hug.  Poor mama's boy.

A beautifully shot scene, also featuring Barnabas (I like him a lot) was one of the times he snuck into Victoria's bedroom and debated biting her.  It looked so creepy and most gothic.  The grainy b&w film kind of added to the whole thing. 

The special effects horror scenes don't really do as much for me as the creepy character scenes. 

Current Talk '04 II / Re: In The Shadows
« on: July 22, 2004, 01:46:33 AM »
Oh horseshit.

No wonder these present-day TV people can't get their act together.

You got that right.  The original cast, Jonathan Frid in particular, may not have had the plastic oh-so-pretty looks that producers love so much today but they did have loads of character.  They had so much charisma, charm and (yes) sex appeal that they could convey pure atmosphere despite inexpensive sets and an awkward taping schedule.

That's a reason I like so much of the stuff produced in the late 60s (DS, Star Trek, Hammer horrors, British comedies).  They had great talent.  Sure, I like modern stuff well enough but too often producers rely on pretty people (boring!) and computer graphics to make up for a lack of imagination and talent.

Anyway, I love the original Barnabas...bad skin and all  :)

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Jason MacGuire
« on: July 22, 2004, 01:08:02 AM »
John Karlen & Dennis Patrick did have great chemistry -- must have been hilarious watching them crack each other up.

I haven't seen the Leviathan eps yet either.  It's meant to be quite Loftcraftian, right?

Current Talk '04 II / Jason MacGuire
« on: July 21, 2004, 01:16:06 AM »
Jason is one of my favorites.  I love his blackmail storyline with Liz.  Great acting and, like Jonathan Frid, Dennis Patrick had great chemistry with much of the cast.

Should I feel guilty, though, for finding him so attractive?  That wolfish smile was oddly endearing. I love a good villain  :)

Dennis' bonus interview on the DVD set (I think it was on set two -- not sure though) was great.  He told a cute story where he'd be doing scenes with John Karlen who would then start emulating his brogue.   Funny stuff.

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Barnabas' First Night in 1967
« on: July 19, 2004, 05:58:08 PM »
Any ideas how he did survive with even a shred of sanity?  Perhaps, slurping on Willie allowed him to regain enough composure to stop before killing his only (at that point) contact with the outside world?

I've wondered that myself. I mean, there are plenty of times where Barnabas seems demented and/or flakey but he was in no way even approaching near the level of madness you'd think he'd be at.

At least he was lucky enough to be welcomed by a rather mad lot.  He doesn't seem so odd when compared to his new family. It made me laugh how Roger immediately took such a profound liking  to him after barely meeting him.  It was almost crush-worthy.  "Liz, what do you think of Cousin Barnabas' big brown eyes?"

I've also wondered who taught him how to drive.  Does anyone know? Those must have been some fun lessons  :P :)

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Grayson Question
« on: July 17, 2004, 06:23:42 PM »
Well after she died.. .Frid said she saved his butt every day .. . at least he knew it. (Plus she fed him dinner every night apparently .. )

They had such great chemistry; I love their scenes together.  Together they could go through seemingly dozens of different emotions and tones all in one scene without crossing over into overdone hamminess (though they were just hammy enough to keep it captivating).

Nice to hear they were fond of one another in real life too.  Jonathan Frid deserves all the credit he gets but others deserve that credit also...he's right to point it out.

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Barnabas' green dressing gown
« on: July 13, 2004, 09:41:20 PM »
I think the dressing gown I am thinking of is the floor length one.  Black cuffs and lapels and heavly embroidered? brocaded? in silver and grey.

That sounds like the one.  The green is v. shimmery and really suits Barn.  I think it might be brocaded but I'm not sure.  It's got kind of frock coat shape to it -- sort of flares out below the waist.

I wish I had a video capture card then I could get a snap.  It would make great computer wallpaper.

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Barnabas' green dressing gown
« on: July 12, 2004, 09:21:19 PM »
Thank you!  I know what you mean about the humidity; I live in middle GA and its  so muggy.  Oh to be in Maine with the Collinses  :)

Actually, I love all those fancy smoking jackets the men in DS seem to wear.  Roger Collins and Jason MacGuire had some spiffing ones.  I enjoy admiring/critiquing the fashions almost as much as I do the plot lines.

Current Talk '04 II / Barnabas' green dressing gown
« on: July 12, 2004, 01:32:55 AM »
Hello all!  I'm new here & this is my first post.  I've recently began watching the Dark Shadows DVD sets and have become quite addicted.  I'm on set 4 now and it just keeps getting better!  I've got up to collection 7 so I'm set for a while too  :)

I also managed to get some of the old Marilyn Ross pbs from places like the Salvation Army, etc. and have been reading them.  They're a bit quaint but fun nonetheless -- just finished Barnabas, Quentin & the Hidden Tomb.

Anyway, does anyone know anything about Barn's green dressing gown/smoking jacket?  IE, is it a special design or anything, any specific era, pattern, etc?  (looks a bit frock coatish - but I don't know much about retro fashions.) I think it's gorgeous; he looks ever so fetching in it  ;)

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