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Messages - simonmagus

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Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: DS Art Gallery
« on: June 15, 2007, 11:15:22 AM »
Ok then, Perhaps one of the members will take up the challenge. If not I will eventually have the equipment to do it myself.

Yeah, I wonder who that guy was hanging in he drawing room. I may have to do a story around him.

Reguarding the antique shop Angelique portrait I did have a theory about that.

I suggested in one of my tales that when Angelique was burned by Ben and Barnabas in 1796, her spirit hung around the mansion. Then in 1897 when she became aware of Charles Delaware Tate she came to him in a dream and caused him to rise and paint her portrait. Which since he had the power of creation returned her to life ala Amanda Harris. Thus she lived from 1897-1968 and placed her portrait in the antique shop. This is why when Barnabas had Sam Evans age it, it affected her and why when Nicholas destroyed her it changed to white. Then she was destroyed by Diabolos for interfering with Nicholas plans. This was the spirit of Angelique that was conjured from the flames by Quentin and Evan and is why she had full memory of her life in 1968. She then lived it one day at a time from 1897-1970 when she again interefered with Nicholas and the Leviathans and I think it was then that Diabolos sent her back in time and resurrected her in 1840. But this time he wiped her memory so that she would remember only her 1795 life.

Ok that's my two cents on the Angelique antique shop portrait. It was a Tate, but he was sleep walking when he painted it. Lol.

DS 4 ever from Simon Magus

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: DS Art Gallery
« on: June 15, 2007, 02:14:34 AM »
Message for Midnite, Simon Magus here. I have a mission for you if you choose to accept it. I noticed you have this awesome picture of Quentin's portait which morphs into the werewolf portrait from the tv series. Now as you read in my first post I am looking for all DS art.

If time and technology allows I really really would love it if you would start an album on my DS art gallery. I want an album containing all of the cool paintings from the tv series in one album. A DS art gallery is incomplete without the actual art from the series.

Ok here is a list of the paintings I would like you to post in the album. (If you wish.)

1. Josette's portrait from the tv series
2. Laura the Phoenix with David in flames
3. The painting of Betty Hanscom
4. Barnabas Collins 1795 from the foyer
5. Barnabas Collins by Sam Evans 1967.
6. Portrait of Angelique from the antique shop
7. Same portrait aged by Sam Evans
8. Portrait of Quentin Collins-1897
9. Portrait of Quentin with werewolf face
10 Portrait of Quentin as old man
11.Portrait of Angelique Parallel Time
12.Portrait of Josette from House of DS
13.From the movie Night of DS "Charles Collins carrying dead Tracy to Angelique on recliner.

Ok that's all I can think of. I would do this myself but I have neither computer nor scanner. I have to rely on a friends scanner to post my own illustrations.

Ok think it over and get back with me. I know the fans of DS would absolutely be thrilled with seeing all of the DS paintings in one spot. I know I would. In fact I planned to do this myself someday in the future but having seen your morphing Quentin it is clear to me you may be able to do this now.

Well I don't ask for much do I? Lol.

DS 4ever from Simon Magus  

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: DS Art Gallery
« on: June 14, 2007, 10:40:36 PM »
Hey! Thanks for the feedback! You know one bad thing about the groups sites is there is no counter so I never have a clue if anyone is reading my tales or even knows I exist. So it pleases me to hear that somebody out there took a peek at the art.

If you haven't visited in awhile I have been busy writing new fan fiction lately. I have added Time After Time, Blood Relations and am currently writing Moonlight Carnival. All take place in 1971 right after the show ended. And all are one long tale so best to read them in order. Soon I will be adding some new illustrations on my album for those 3 tales and plan many more to come.

I also discovered the description button so I added a lot of captions to my album, Ken Caroli's album and I placed all the dialogue from Al Cardin's DS comic book above the pages so you can read it more easily.

Ok still looking for artists. Thanks for the reply.

DS 4ever from Simon Magus

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / DS Art Gallery
« on: June 13, 2007, 11:43:47 PM »
Greetings fellow DS fans, Simon Magus here. On my own website I have reserved the "pictures" section as an on line DS art gallery. Where members including myself can post their original DS art.

So now here this! If you are handy with a pencil, pen, paintbrush, chalk or charcoal then we need your work. So get busy and create your masterpieces of our favorite Collins' and post them on the gallery.

The more art we have the more unique and special our gallery will be.

All art is welcome for art is like your signature, no two are ever alike. Your art is the only example of itself anywhere in the universe.

Ok where to send it?

Go to;

DS 4ever from Simon Magus  

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