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Messages - Satan

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Current Talk '06 I / Re: In Defense of Passions
« on: February 24, 2006, 01:56:09 AM »
It was grand, and ended when actor Josh Ryan Evans (Timmy the Living Doll) died of heart disease. A big part of Passions died with him.

For me, the whole show died when Josh died. It was nothing anymore. I despise what they did to Juliet Mills after showing off her talent as an actress for the first few years, they stick her in these worthless scenes now where she talks to a baby or spy on people with that bowl. I think it's a slap in the face towards Juliet since she is getting Emmy nominations when she really doesn't deserve it now. In the first three years, especially during Timmy's death, Juliet was amazing. I feel sorry for her. I hope they redo Passions now and give Juliet the stories that she has already shown she can pull off. That's just my opinion and I can't wait for the day when Passions is cancelled because it really sucks now.

I think it's interesting that some DS fans say Passions is a rip off of DS when really it's Port Charles that is most like Dark Shadows. PC started out like DS with non-supernatural stories and then added the vampire and created stories around that. The vampire stories were the biggest part of both shows. I read if PC hadn't have been cancelled they would have done a werewolf story. So I believe PC is a bigger rip off of DS than Passions when it comes to that kind of subject.

Hasn't one of DS's claims to fame always been that it's the only soap aired in syndication? (Now, granted, with SoapNet, I guess this could be disclaimed for other shows...but it is only a 'soap' station.)

I think Passions is the first soap opera to be in reruns while still producing new episodes at the same time. Another World, Port Charles, and those other soaps didn't go into syndication until after they were cancelled. Hopefully this is a sign that Passions is on its way to ending very quickly.

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Least favorite DS writer
« on: February 06, 2006, 07:28:06 PM »
She's responsible for killing of the character of Rachel Drummond, I know that KLS went on a summer vacation to Africa before she returned playing the character of Kitty Soames. That's a lot for killing off Rachel Drummond Ms. Wells.

If that's true, then I do thank her for that. Rachel was a boring character. I am glad she didn't last long. Kitty was much more interesting and KLS portrayal as Kitty was marvelous.

Polls Archive / Re: The Original, the Revival, and You -
« on: January 17, 2006, 07:21:16 AM »
I hate when people say things like this, but I think they must not have watched the original show, and are simply repeating what some twit wrote about the original (not doing their homework).
The author is actually a long-time, loyal fan.

The author who bashed Jonathan Frid, Grayson Hall, and Alexandra's performances on the original is actually a fan of the show? Could have fooled me. I have been a fan of the original for about five years now and never once thought they were bad during their performances. The problem I have with the Revival series is still the stiffed acting. None of them are as great as the original actors. They come in, give their lines and walk out. At least in the original we saw them smiling or getting angry. We saw emotion, something you'll never get from the Revival series. If I would have seen the Revival series before the original, I don't think I would have gotten into the original series like I am now. I think I would have judged it like I do the Revival series and think it was a show with bad acting and writing. I really hope Dan leaves DS alone. Now a days, actors and actresses are awful. I see newcomers on Passions and All My Children and they aren't as great as the ones DS picked that were new to showbiz at the time. Shows right now go for the looks instead of the talent. I'm glad DS wasn't like that.

Polls Archive / Re: The Original, the Revival, and You -
« on: January 05, 2006, 05:16:59 PM »
I despise the Revival series. I can't believe how stupid it is. I am on episode two and there's a scene where [spoiler]Barnabas goes to comfort Elizabeth at Collinwood and there's this big mirror in front of them clearly showing everyone that Barnabas has no reflection. The only one that sees it is Julia. Elizabeth could have seen it, she was facing the mirror.[/spoiler] I can't believe Dan actually thought this series was a good idea. To me, this series makes the original look like a joke. And the actors are so stiffed. Why couldn't they show emotion on the show? I can't believe I spent more than two weeks downloading that trash. I'm glad I didn't buy the set because I would have regretted it for the rest of my life. I doubt I'll watch the remaining episodes. It's too painful watching especially since that show is nothing more than a repeat of House of Dark Shadows and the original show.

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Re: Salem Branch Cover Image Is Up
« on: December 25, 2005, 02:13:23 AM »
I know this wont happen, but I wish they would republish her last book Angelique's Descent in honor of her new book. A lot of fans, mostly the new ones, didn't have a chance to buy her last book. I'm definitely buying her new book before it goes out of print.

Current Talk '05 II / Re: When do you watch / How many?
« on: November 20, 2005, 04:03:55 AM »
I watch a complete DVD (20 episodes) in the afternoon.

A complete DVD is 40 episodes and it would take all day to watch. I know because I actually did this during Labor Day weekend.

Since August, I've been watching 8 episodes a day trying to go through at least one set a week.

Current Talk '05 II / Re: DVD Menu Screens
« on: November 14, 2005, 07:16:55 PM »
The new cases are SO much nicer, take up less space too.  The first 10 BROKE apart w/repeated opening/closing.  At least they did for me.   >:(  So MPI was kind enough to replace any (all really) that broke.

My DVD set 8 case fell apart when I opened it to get discs 2 and 3 out. I was able to snap it back in the slots though. Maybe this is why MPI changed the cases then. If your cases fell apart like my set 8 case, then I'm sure other fans probably had the same thing happen to them and told MPI about it.

Unless they offered new artwork for 1 - 10 in the cases they are using now, I wouldn't ask for them. I like the different color borders they had for sets 1 -3. I wish they would have done that for all the covers.

Current Talk '05 II / Re: DVD Menu Screens
« on: November 14, 2005, 02:14:24 AM »
I kind of agree with you on the menus. The one thing I'm glad they changed was the cases. Not only were they bulky for sets 1 - 10, but the discs were hard to get out. With sets 11 - 20, you just push in the middle and the disc pops up. I hope they don't change it for sets 21 - 26.

Current Talk '05 II / Re: Governesses at Collinwood
« on: November 14, 2005, 02:01:51 AM »
Out of those two, Maggie because I don't remember much of Daphne. I especially didn't know she was a governess. I thought she was someone's sister on the show. Out of all the governesses, I like Victoria the most.

I think the 1795 story would be better for a newbie to watch. Even though it's not my first favorite story from the show, it is the best fast paced story the show ever had. The 1897 story is great, but it got boring once Petofi started switching bodies with the other characters. That's when I got tired of the story and was excited for the Leviathan story to start. One of my favorite episodes from the 1795 is when [spoiler]Barnabas kills Trask. They made it eerie with Trask's screams echoing through the house.[/spoiler]

Current Talk '05 II / Re: Peter and Vicki--Maybe some spoilers
« on: September 11, 2005, 07:53:19 AM »
[spoiler]Midnite explained this one, and I'd like to add that this is probably the most hated plot development ever on DS.  A lot of fans, myself included, like to pretend this episode and ridiculous, unnecessary verbal story never happened.  FYI. [/spoiler]

[spoiler]I like the Leviathan storyline because it's interesting and fun to watch, but I agree it was stupid for the show to add this to the story. Victoria wasn't even involved with the Leviathans so I didn't understand these episodes about her. If they wanted Jeb to be bothered by a ghost, why not bring in Jeremiah since there was a lot of talk in the show over Josette being captured by the Leviathans? It would have made more sense to use something that was already involved in this story than bringing up a character that has been gone for a year or two.[/spoiler]

Thank you Midnite for answering my question.

Current Talk '05 II / Re: Peter and Vicki--Maybe some spoilers
« on: September 11, 2005, 03:05:43 AM »
I'm glad Vicki didn't go on the run. It's not like her character to do something like that. She knew she wasn't guilty and tried to make everyone else believe that. I know Alexandra thought her character was a victim on the show, but she really fought back in this story when people messed with her. I liked seeing that side to her.

Since this is a topic on Peter and Victoria, could someone explain this to me? [spoiler]I watched the entire Leviathan storyline last weekend and got to the epsodes with Peter. How could Jeb have killed Vicki in 1795 when he wasn't made until 1970? I don't think it even mentioned him going into the past during his episodes, so I don't see how he was able to do that.[/spoiler]

Current Talk '05 II / Re: Interest In New Dark Shadows
« on: September 11, 2005, 02:51:18 AM »
I think so...But which form of media for Dark Shadows do you think would be the MOST popular?

Daily soap opera like the original?
Weekly primetime drama like the 2004 pilot?
Box-office movie?

Supernatural soap operas aren't big at this time. When Port Charles ripped off Dark Shadows, it didn't last too long and the ratings were poor. Passions cut back on their supernatural stories since the last time I watched the show and I believe it was because of ratings. It doesn't look like soap opera form would work for DS again.

I must be one of the rare fans who hates the idea of a remake. It would be a copy of the original and that would be pointless to watch. If it was like those Superman shows (Lois & Clark, Smallville) which have different settings and stories, than I would watch it. But like the 91 version, they seem to want to redo the 1795 story, how Barnabas first came into the show, and everything else. I love how the original did their storylines and wouldn't care to see a different take on it. And I'm sure I'm not the only fan who feels this way.

Current Talk '05 II / Re: 1991 Series To Be Released On DVD
« on: August 06, 2005, 06:12:06 AM »
MGM will be releasing them on DVD.

The pilot will be the broadcast version and not the extended cut that MPI put together. The rest of the eps will be the broadcast versions as well. Not sure whether ep 2 & 3 will be two separate ones or the edited together broadcast version. I think they'll be 2 separate episodes.

They should look terrific. They're from High Definition masters made within the last few years.

I've known since last month this show was coming to DVD, but I didn't know they were going to be the edited episodes. Where did you get the info that they will be the broadcast versions and not the extended versions?

Polls Archive / Re: Dark Shadows Poll
« on: July 17, 2005, 06:31:54 AM »
I think B&W suited this show much better.

It would be nice if they could colorize the kinescope episodes that were filmed in color. It didn't look bad at all when they colorized season one of Bewitched. At least not to me anyways.

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