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Messages - abbeymarch

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Hee Hee, Abbey.......

"Do you think John Karlen stays awake nights thinking of ways to get even with Martin Sheen?"

Jeez Rainey P.....
I don't think his mind is as devious as yours!!
I can't think of anyone (OK, maybe Angelique) with a mind quite as devious as yours!!

"Shall we go to the Fest next year and ask him?"

When is The Fest? Even if I'm in Vermont by then, I'll come down for that!! I would LOVE to go!
It's a date!!


PS: I don't know what I did, but I know this whole thing is in the quote box, but I cant seem to get it out.
Oh, well, it's the though that counts!

Oh, Raineypark, we're so used to the ranying and raving. Please don't apologize. It's one of the things we love best about you!....
That's why one writer called him (JK), and I think I quote, a very talented young actor. Of course they picked that other guy (Mr. President), instead :'(.
That performance WAS riveting. We were wrapped up in it's reality.
There were alot of good actors doing bad stuff on that show. Really if Mr. Frid wasn't so good at his job, could you have loathed & detested Barnabas SO much?

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Make up madness....
« on: April 08, 2002, 03:28:58 AM »
Well, I'm having trouble with the quote button today, so I'll just wing it......
The make-up of the sixties.....
Yeah, I did my share of Twiggy lashes & white lipstick...Raineypark,you remember the white lipstick, don't you?
Mostly, I used to use it & other colour lipsticks as eyeshadow (well, you just couldn't get a good pink or orange eyeshadow!!), & Ms Rainey used to yell at me that I was going to go blind!! She was probably right, but since I was halfway there already, who cared??!!
The DS make-up.....
I think it was partly because they were mostly theatre folk, and stage makeup has to be overly exaggerated so that it can be seen from the back of the theatre (Thank you Gerald J. Kirby).
I think they just didn't tone it down quite enough for the TV camera. TV lights create a whole other animal. No pun intended.

And Rainey, That eye must have been so gross that I just blocked it out. I don't have the faintest clue as to what we were screaming about, but I do recall, now that you mention it, the tea cup incident.
Do you suppose the ubiquitous rollers were a device to hide the Halo? She really wasn't of this earth, your mother (my "Other Mother").

First off, Raineypark.......I don't ever, ever, want to hear you say you can't write anymore AGAIN!!! WHAT do you call what you are doing on this board????? What I just read was beautifully put (and WRITTEN!!).
The only thing is, that in those days, a woman of her station would not have torn out her hair and rended (rent?) her garments. Shows of emotion, of any kind, were not proper or ladylike. She may have wanted to wail a bit, but she never would have.
Those women were not as close to their children as later parents. Men hardly at all. That's what the governess was for. The running of the house (not the actual housework), having the children (not caring for them), and entertaining the guests (usually related to the husband's business), were the duties of a woman/wife of that social class.
I do remember these episodes from so long ago. And they were sad. I guess it just makes it all the sadder that they were probably written somewhat historically correct.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: It's HERE! - new for fans of Big Willie!!!!
« on: March 30, 2002, 04:52:33 PM »
TOTALLY hillarious!
Have a great trip, a wonderful anniversary, and try to miss us just a little.
We'll miss you & your great wit here. :(

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Notification of Removal!! SORRY!!!!
« on: March 30, 2002, 04:39:35 PM »
Ok, am I the only one who REALLY didn't get that e-mail? :'(
I'm feeling a bit left out. I know I'm a member. My name is first on the list and I have a little blue line that says I have 6 posts.
I have a stars!!
What did do wrong????? ?!?

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Unusual Chores
« on: March 30, 2002, 04:06:04 PM »
   :P  Too late, She-who-knows-too-much!  It's already been mentioned....which you would know if you got on here more than once a month!!!

Unfortunately, Raineypark, my place of employment does not understand the need for accessing the internet for personal use. Perhaps then I could get on here more often.
I also seem to have a bit of difficulty navigating the site, which takes up valuable reading & posting time.
None of this has any bearing however, on the state of my house. ;D
That is an inherent downfall.
Besides, there are no skeletons in my closet relevant to this board. That would be WA-A-AY OT.
Not that there aren't any skeletons..... ;D

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Unusual Chores
« on: March 29, 2002, 11:54:11 PM »
Now Ms. Rainypark,
I seem to recall that Mr Loomis/Karlen DID light your candle once ;). Only once, but now let's not get greedy, shall we?
abbeymarch, She who knows too much.

Games / Re: The Official List of Annoying Anachronisms
« on: March 29, 2002, 11:27:26 PM »
The furniture moving around from place to place, century to century, doesn't bother me. If that didn't happen, where would all the antiques we buy come from :)? Family heirlooms often stay in the place people remember them always being when they were growing up.
The pieces lasted because children weren't ALLOWED in the rooms where the really good stuff was kept. They didn't play in their rooms. If the family had any money there was a nursery, which was where all facets of a child's life took place, not just sleeping, until they were old enough to go to away to school, or for girls, get married.
If they didn't have money, they played in the street until they had to go to work.
As for the suitcases, I guess Orbach's wasn't stocking carpet bags or leather satchels at the time.
Think of a Dr.'s bag. That's what everyone who had to carry something used. The Dr.'s bag is a hold-over. Some were bigger or deeper, but essentially, that was it.
Unless you were going on a long journey, or had something very large, heavy, or valueable. Then you'd use a trunk.
Enough with the history lesson.
I do want to point out though ::), that Caroline's (I can't remember what her name was in this time period ?!?) hairdo is DEFINITELY a mid-twentieth interpretation of a mid-nineteenth century hairdo. It should have been pulled up with height in the straight part & the banana curls should have come from the nape.
OK! That's it! I promise!! ;D

Current Talk '02 I / Re: DS hookers
« on: March 23, 2002, 01:04:58 PM »
OK Rainey Park. I have taken you up on your challenge to explain how I became hooked. (As if you didn't know! ;))

I don't remember the actual episode...It was the 1960's - a looooooooooooooong time ago. I used to walk home from school every day with my best friend. She had been watching DS for a while, and talked about almost nothing else. I  finally went to her house one day, instead of going home, to see what all the fuss was about. Well, there was not, and never had been, anything like it on TV. Not even close.
Oh sure, the acting was horrible (who knows how many rewrites they were handed just before airtime), the technical stuff worse (crashing & banging in the background , the boom in the picture, stagehands walking onto the set during a scene), costumes (don't get me started! ;D) & props from Orbach's (I used to love that store!), & sometimes the writing was just to fill up time or just plain bad ("This place gives me the Willies" -is that a spoiler??), but we RAN home everyday, for the next I don't know how many years, just to see it.
It was wonderful.

I should have taken "Verbose" as my screen name, shouldn't I? ;D

Games / Re: The Official List of Annoying Anachronisms
« on: March 21, 2002, 05:34:05 AM »
OK Rainey, maybe this isn't EXACTLY an anchronism, however........
Now, you know I haven't seen these episodes in something over 30 years....No cable & the VCR is the thing that collects dust on top of the TV.....but I swear I remember sitting on the living room floor, in front of the black & white TV  :o, and seeing that same shadow (no pun intended  ;)) over Barnabus' face (the one in the 3rd pic from the left in today's montage) and remarking that it was the boom!
Am I right?

;D Dear MB,
Well, Thank You for that very HUGE DS welcome!!
Thanks, too for all the help getting set up.
I've been reading a little here and there and decided to get in on the fun! And who could resist your plaintive plea for a 100th member??
Well, here we go!!

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