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Messages - Brandon Collins

I don't think what Gothick posted is incorrect, but it is certainly an alternative presentation of the facts of what actually happened on the show. Its always interesting to see how people who are probably not familiar with this show attempt to summarize or describe the show and its plot lines.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Original Settings and Design
« on: February 19, 2020, 07:35:40 PM »
I would think that the set designers probably came up with the clock being included in the foyer of Collinwood rather than Dan or another producer specifically asking for it to be there. I'm sure the writers took advantage of its availability to write it into the plot (like when Julia hides her notebook there). I'm sure there's other example we could think of that were taken advantage of by the writers as well.

Regardless of how it ended up there, the clock definitely fits in with Collinwood and it would not be the same without it!

I wouldn't necessarily look at Texas Ranger or Lost Boys being picked up as a detriment to a potential DS:R getting the pilot treatment in the future. TR is probably a no brainer for the CW because it's a property with a built in fan base that is going to star an actor from a show with a built in fan base. I'm sure they probably figured no pilot order needed since I'm sure whatever research they've done for how the show is expected to perform has probably placed it about even with the shows they currently air.

As for LB, I think that maybe is a stab at them to revitalize something that has arguably more of a relevant cult following for today's target audience (although that same audience does skew to be older than CW's usual teenage watchers) so maybe they felt it was a better shot at making a successful show compared to something like DS. Then again, I'm sure LB purists are just as hardcore about their fandom as some of our DS fans are, so there's always the chance that the show bombs and makes the CW hesitant to go down that road again.

As for DS, it does have a lot working against it. Two failed television revival attempts (although at least 91 got half a season) and an abysmal 2012 movie outing that was panned by critics and fans alike. The property doesn't really scream "gold mine" at this point, so I'm sure the CW is being careful with how they roll it out, if they intend to do so.

I said it before, and MB mentioned it above, the longer the DS project takes (though not TOO long) the better I'm thinking it will be. We don't want it to be rushed, but we also don't want to wait a decade for it. My hope is that maybe it becomes a mid season replacement and does well enough to garner future seasons. These days a season can be anything, really, from 6-26 episodes depending on the platform or network. There's no hard rules for how to air a show.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: 1795 Collins Family Tree
« on: February 11, 2020, 09:12:16 PM »
Over the years I've seen various "completed" Collins family trees. Some attempt to include all the various outliers and fill in the blanks between generations that we didn't really get too much information from the show about. It's always interesting to me to see people's different takes on the family tree and what might've occurred between the generations we know about. Just like many other topics under the Dark Shadows umbrella, a "complete and official" family tree is something we will probably never have. But it sure does make speculating that much more fun!

It's nice that people are able to rediscover the show this way. Equally nice that there are places you can watch DS for free if you can't afford Amazon Prime or the subscription through The more available the show is, the better the chance that the fanbase will gain new members or even some reignited remembers from the original heyday.

I was just talking about DS to my mom the other day. She is an original fan and got me into the show. I've talked to her about it a few times over the last several months as I've been watching it and now she's going to start watching it again. Some shows never get "old."

I'm always amazed at what these music boxes are listed for and/or actually sell for. I remember when I first got into DS around the year 2000 and I wanted to start collecting, this item was always on my list but was always wayyyyyy too expensive.

I saw the trailer for this movie not too long ago and I was wondering if it was intended to be connected to the Fantasy Island television show or not. It was difficult to tell because of the movie clearly being a horror film.

Gothick, you make an interesting point about this being a horror film and the DS 2012 movie ending up as a comedy. I suppose it's the era we live in now, where remakes and reboots abound and these titles need to be given a "fresh" take in order to succeed.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: 50 Years Ago In DS History...
« on: January 24, 2020, 05:24:21 PM »
For me, this was a milestone episode in the run of DS. Perhaps one of the greatest episodes of the series in general. ;)

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Re: RIP, John Karlen
« on: January 23, 2020, 04:56:31 PM »
I saw this on Facebook as well. He was in my thoughts through his health troubles over the course of this last year and I was hoping he would continue to pull through.

I remember meeting Karlen at my first fest. I was probably 18ish, just out of high school, and still pretty reserved compared to now. His outgoing personality and friendliness was a treat to experience for someone like me who, admittedly, was a little intimidated to be in the presence of people I'd been watching on TV for years at that point. He truly was a special person and we were all lucky enough to have experienced his gift through the characters he played on Dark Shadows.

Thanks for posting this. Lots of information that is commonly known in the fandom, but still nice to read through anyway. Some of the things I had actually forgotten so it was a nice reminder of how they worked on a shoestring budget and managed to create something that became a cult classic.

One thing I didn't know was that Frid openly criticized the show, or at least his acting and the writing, while the show was still on the air. I wonder how THAT went over with those behind the scenes.

Maybe playing the long game is a better option in this instance anyway. Like MB said, with the writers strike a real possibility, wouldn't we rather have things play out slowly and ensure a great product rather than getting something rushed through to series order? Then we might end up in a 04 pilot situation. As long as there continues to be interest in the property, especially online, and people are talking about the possibility of DS coming back, I think there's a good chance that this can stay on the radar of the network execs.

Glad that people are continuing to show interest in the series online. With the way that viewer engagement is tracked these days, the more online discussion that occurs around this possible new DS series the better. I wouldn't be surprised if DS ended up as a mid-season replacement for the CW if they have a show that isn't working. Not sure how often the CW does that compared to the big four networks, but it's a possibility.

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Re: Chris Pennock Interview
« on: January 08, 2020, 10:02:55 PM »
Thanks for posting this! I've been thinking about rewatching the interviews on the DVD sets since you don't really get that aspect when you watch on a streaming service like Amazon Prime. And I enjoyed watching all the extras when I initially got the DVD sets years ago.

There is a similar line, perhaps even the same manufacturer, that I've seen in retail stores like Target. The focus seems to be on classic television shows, and the action figures/dolls released are very much in a style of a 60s era toy, packaging included. I've seen them for various shows including Star Trek, The Brady Bunch, Bewitched, and others. When I first noticed them in the store, I wondered if Dark Shadows might get the same treatment given its immense popularity during its original run, and subsequent resurgence many times over the last five decades. It would be interesting to see Dark Shadows "toys" in stores.

Thanks for posting this update. I wasn't aware that another writers strike was potentially on the horizon for the coming spring. That will certainly throw a wrench in things. I remember following the previous one from 2008 very closely, and a lot of shows were affected that year, some for the worse. It's possible that if that does happen maybe we can look at the following 2020/2021 season for a pilot order. Wouldn't want to push it back too long though. I always remain hopeful that DS will continue to return to the mainstream.