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Messages - VictoriaWintersFan

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Current Talk '04 I / Dark Shadows: Skin Exposed?
« on: February 22, 2004, 03:58:11 AM »

I know this may be a weird thing to discuss, but I see the soaps now (dont watch any). Everytime I flip a channel and there is a soap, a male is shirtless or the female is in lingerie. I know Dark Shadows was a 60's show, but in the show's entire history did any of the main male/female characters ever expose skin?


Current Talk '04 I / Dark Shadows: Set 10 is Released Today!
« on: January 27, 2004, 06:30:49 PM »

I hope we can get back to the old board soon. Has anyone else ordered Set 10? I have and it should be here around the end of the week. Only one more Set until the character of Victoria Winters is no more :(


Current Talk '04 I / DVD Set 11 is Released
« on: January 20, 2004, 01:24:41 AM »
Get It, last episodes of Victoria Winters

Current Talk '04 I / DVD Set 10 is Released January 27th
« on: January 14, 2004, 10:35:16 PM »
buy it! only one more Set until Victoria leaves.


Current Talk '04 I / Re:Ep #525
« on: January 14, 2004, 10:32:28 PM »
I have that DVD Set and have watched it. There is no glitch at all on the DVD. I know some may disagree, but I believe the DVD's are much more efficient and will last longer than VHS. The DVD Sets are worth the money, and the quality is better than television.


Current Talk '04 I / Re:How & when you discovered Dark Shadows
« on: January 13, 2004, 10:46:44 PM »

Sadly I just started watching "Dark Shadows" this past summer on the Sci-Fi channel. I had heard of the show before but all I knew about it was the fact that there was a vampire. I didn't even know his name was Barnabas lol.

 1970 PT was what Sci-Fi was showing at the time and I quickly enjoyed the whole John Yeager storyline. I even thought that the characters were real and in real time, that is how little I knew of the show.

I decided to research the show, and so I got on the internet and quickly released there was much more of the show than I thought.  I learned about Victoria Winters and all the other characters and time lines.  This interested me because I had never seen the shows before Parallel Time, and I wanted to see them.

I then realized that there were DVD Sets out, and I wanted to start with the very first episode. Well since Set 1 starts with episode 210, I decided not to get it because I wanted to see episode 1 to 210 first and then after.  After looking over the other Sets, I picked out Set 5 which started the 1795 SL.

This was a good choice, and I quickly became fascinated with the show and formed my favorite character Victoria Winters.  Since then I have purchased Sets 5-9, pre-ordered Set 10.

I am currently on the last disk of Set 9. This is where I am today, and I  will continue to buy the DVD Sets up to 11, which is Victoria's last appearence.  I would love to get Sets 1-4, but I am waiting until they release the early (Pre-Barnabas) episodes, and then I will purchase them.

I hope this story wasn't too boring lol, but I do need help.  I haven't decided if I am going to buy any other portions of the show. So far I am just wanting Victoria Winter's run (1966-1968).

What other SL's do you guys suggest I get? I have thought about getting 1970 PT, but that will be down the road when I have extra cash. Set 11 which comes out in March, will be the last Set I get for a while.  I am keeping my fingers crossed, and hoping they release the early episodes.


Current Talk '04 I / Adam and Eve/Dream Curse Wins!
« on: January 12, 2004, 06:34:26 PM »
Hey all,

I know several of you wanted to start with Set 1, episode 210, but I am glad we are starting with 1968.  SoapNet is already in discussions to start airing re-runs and I am sure they will start with Barnabas's arrival.

I do have a question for the moderators, what DVD Set are we starting with? DVD Set 10 comes out the 27th of this month so we better get started soon lol.

Adam and Eve/Dream Curse SL I am watching right now with the DVDs. I admit there are several boring moments, but I am glad we are going to discuss the episodes I am seeing for the first time.

I have yet to see Pre-Barnabas or Barnabas's arrival to 1795. I have seen 1795 until the 3rd disk of Set 9. If we were going to start with Set 1, I wouldnt be able to visit (not trying to sound like I am important lol)

Thanks everyone who voted for 1968.


Current Talk '04 I / Re:Please Read This Thoroughly Before Voting!
« on: January 06, 2004, 02:50:45 AM »
We need to start with 1968. I have yet to see the Pre- Barnabas or episodes before 1795 because I am waiting until the release the first episodes on DVD.

I dont want to read about episodes I have yet to watch. Lets start with 1968, please

Current Talk '04 I / Re:** Follow Along w/ the DVDs! **
« on: January 02, 2004, 09:39:03 PM »
I think we should start with the first episode of Set 8, not that many people have gotten Sets 8 and 9 yet, I just finished watching Set 7 but I got Sets 8 and 9. I dont want to discuss episodes I have yet to see.

These are my calculations..:

(1) There are 1245 episodes of the Dark Shadows series.
(2) Since the first Set started with episode 210, subtract that from 1245 and you get 1035.
(3) 1035 episodes is the total of episodes that will be released from MPI. Each set has 40 episodes. There have been a total of 9 Sets already released by the end of this year. That is 360 episodes.

(4) 1035-360 episodes is 675 episodes left.
(5) The next Set (10) will be released in January, subtract 40 episodes and there are 635 episodes left at the beginning of next year, 2004.

(6) Set 11 is confirmed to be released in March 2004, so this tells us that they will release a Set every other month.  SUbtract 40 episodes from 635, in March 595 episodes will be left.

(7) If a new Set is released every other month, 4 more Sets will be released in 2004, maybe even 5. 40 episodes times 5 Sets is 200 episodes.

(8) Subtract 595 episodes in March, by 200 episodes at the end of the year, there are 395 episodes left to be released.

(9) If we assume they release 6 or 7 Sets in 2005, that is 280 episodes. Subtract 395 episodes at the end of 2004 by 240 episodes at the end of 2005. There are 115 episodes left.

(10) 115 episodes will be left at the beginning of 2006. We can assume they will release the last 3 Sets then.

Basically the whole Dark Shadows series should be released by the beginning of 2006, which is not that bad at all. I think MPI might release more Sets in 2004 then this year. When all said and done, there should be around 25 DVD Sets released. 11 of those Sets will be released by March. That leaves 14 more sets to be released.

I believe the series will be released by the end of 2005/ early 2006 at the latest. MPI might even speed things up a bit if the demand gets higher. So we shouldn't have to wait that long.


Current Talk '03 II / Dark Shadows: Return To Collinwood
« on: December 28, 2003, 03:31:05 AM »

I always wondered why instead of making Night of Dark Shadows about a parallel universe, why didnt they make a movie like Dark Shadows: Return to 1971. They should have told what happened to every character in a movie instead of making a movie about different characters.

I know the new WB Dark Shadows will most likely be a remake of the original show, but I think they should make this show a present day Collinwood. Elizabeth Stoddard could really be dead and Carolyn is now the mistress of Collinwood. I think the new show would have a better chance if they made the show about the offspring of Carolyn, Maggie, and others. Maggie (KLS), Carolyn, Quentin, and others could make guest appearences through the show.

By making the new Dark Shadows show about the next generation, there are more Storyline possibilities and could recreate a whole new generation of fans.

I wish the show would be like this. It would also be a cool idea if they made the audio play of Return to Collinwood, a movie or TV movie, I think it would do well.


Current Talk '03 II / Dark Shadows: Pre Barnabas Era
« on: December 28, 2003, 02:29:41 AM »

I pray MPI release these episodes (1-209) I just know I would enjoy them even if they are in Black and White. The show is probably a lot more spookier that way. Has anyone seen these episodes? Are they enjoyable? I dont want any major details, but what are the different Storylines that went on during these episodes?

Also do you guys think they will be released on DVD?


Current Talk '03 II / Favorite Set and Music
« on: December 28, 2003, 02:10:14 AM »
I must admit my favorite set is the Collinwood Drawing Room. I like when the characters talk and interact in that room, it makes you feel like you are really there in in Collinwood. My favorite music is the one they use wil Barnabas and Julie a lot, its eerie, dont know the name of it though.

What are your alls?


Current Talk '03 II / Dark Shadows: Parallel Time / the details please
« on: December 28, 2003, 02:06:20 AM »

I just started watching Dark Shadows this summer (around June) on SciFi and quickly became a fanatic. I had known what Dark Shadows was before because my mom watched it when she was my age, and so did my father, but I didnt really know the details of the show(Collinwood, Victoria Winters, the characters names, only knew there was a vampire lol). Since SciFi was showing 1970 at the time, I decided to get a DVD Set to see the earlier part of the show, which I am glad I did. I wish they would have started with episode 1, but I decided to get the 1795 Flashback (Set 5-7) and that was a good choice. I am waiting to get Sets 1-4 until/if they release the Pre Barnabas episodes(1-209) so I can watch it from the beginning to the 1795 flashback without gaps.

Anyways, I know Parallel Time was introduced in 1970, and I know times changes in a room. Who's room is this? and how is the phenominon introduced. Please give as many details as you can.


Current Talk '03 II / Re:Destruction/Fall of Dark Shadows?
« on: December 28, 2003, 01:53:28 AM »
Well I think I am going to purchase Sets 10 and 11, and then stop for awhile. I am not sure what other SL's to get. I am hoping they will release the Pre Barnabas episodes (1-209) on DVD, I would love to have all of Victoria Winters's run on the show, which quite frankly was the best time of the show accoriding to what everyone is saying.

So should I get 1897 Flashback on DVD? or 1970 PT? I have watched some of the current 1840 Flashback and Parallel Time and I dont care for it at all.

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