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Messages - Heather

Happy Birthday Mangus - hope you have a good day! :)



p.s. I enjoy your posts!

Congrats Tae!

Much love and best wishes,

Heather :)

So sorry for your loss Annie! :( Take care!

Current Talk '12 I / The 1991 DS Series
« on: June 10, 2012, 05:23:50 AM »
My very thoughtful fiance (who is also a DS fan) recorded the 1991 series that was shown on the Chiller channel a little while ago. This was the first time I saw the '91 series. My opinion? I liked it. It wasn't same as the original series (nor should it be,) but it stood on it's own well enough and it kept my fiance and I's attention throughout.

I have to admit, my favorite part was when they went back in time. And I loved Natalie DuPres!

That is all. lol

Love and hugs,


Good going Taeylor! I sent you a PM discussing a few things...good luck with your project!


Heather H.

Calendar Events / Announcements '12 I / Re: OT Mother
« on: May 24, 2012, 10:46:48 AM »
My thoughts and prayers go out to you, Teresa! I too had a death in the family recently, so I can kinda relate to where you are coming from. Thank you for sharing your experience here. I also watch DS with my mom. I'm glad your mom passed peacefully.

Thank you everyone!!! It was a fun Grayson-filled day! What more could a Julia fan ask for?!
p.s. xo to you too G.

Thumbs up - my reasons are explained in the topic - Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: May 14, 2012, 11:57:24 AM »
Okay, I got to see the new DS movie today. My brother, my mom and I (whom all are unapologetic DS nuts - original series) went to a Matinee showing. The theater was packed! Even though I pre-paid for tickets, it was hard for us to find a seat. We live in the Pittsburgh, PA area.

The audience was very receptive to the movie - and so were we. I didn't know what to expect and was pleasantly surprised. The way the movie ended, we all thought that there should be a sequel!

I will be watching this movie again. It isn't exactly like the original series and nor should it be. The spirit of Dark Shadows was still there, and that's the most important thing.

We thought the beginning was outstanding, including the use of "Nights in White Satin" (which I admittedly love because it's going to be one of the songs my fiance and I are going to play at our wedding.) We also liked the flashback scene of when Barn was little and then his life after his family came to the USA. I also liked the cameos during the party scene. And I don't know about anyone else, but I thought the scene when Julia gets...intimate...with Barnabas was a hoot! Finally! {evil grin}

I thought the use of the ghosts were great, especially David's mom. I personally liked seeing the demise of Angelique, but then again, as my brother said - is Angie ever really gone? It was sad to see the burning down of Collinwood and the cannery, but as Elizabeth said in the film, they will endure.

One thing I didn't like was that Maggie/Vicki was turned into Barn's vampire bride of sorts. However, the twist with Julia at the end makes me want more....I'd love to see what they'd do with Julia as a villain.

The key to my brother, mom, and I liking and truly appreciating this movie was taking the attitude that it's going to be different from our DS, a PT version of sorts, but an homage to it at the same time...and that's okay. It's different, but different can be cool.

Off my soapbox... ;)  xo

I don't know what rock I was under that I missed your birthday, MB. I miss the Forums. Belated Happy Birthday!  [ghost_smiley]

I owe much to DS for some really amazing people in my life. That is why I will always support DS now and forever!

I totally agree Taeylor! Dark Shadows Fanfiction, and my love of Dark Shadows in general, has brought about some of the greatest friendships in my life! I wouldn't trade it in for anything in the world. As I said before - love you all!

p.s. Sorry I haven't been active on the boards like I used to - stupid real life always gets in the way - LOL  [ghost_smiley]

Hi all,

Since I haven't commented in a looong time (my bad) I just wanted to say I am anxious to see the new "Dark Shadows" movie. I'm gonna try go to the theater on Mother's Day with my mom (she's also a Dark Shadows

I will definitely share my thoughts about the movie after I see it! My mom and I are not sure if we're going to love the movie or not, but we are being open minded about it. I don't expect it to be like the original series, but inspired from it. Maybe even a parallel time version of sorts. We'll you all!  :-*

I'm so sorry and sad to hear that Mr. Jonathan Frid has passed on. My prayers and thoughts are with his friends and family at this time. I will always remember him fondly.

The scene with Barnabas and the TV is hysterical.

My fiance and I (he also loves DS - and is a second generation fan like me) thought that was hysterical too! I've also watched the trailer over and
We're not sure how the film is going to be (good or bad,) but we are willing to give it a chance too. :) [snow_smiley]