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Messages - darkshadowsrick

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Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:Anthony George Comic Book
« on: October 18, 2003, 08:54:31 AM »
I live in Upstate NY, in an area called the 'Triple Cities', (3 small cities that are close together).  They are  Binghamton, where I live, Johnson City, and Endicott, NY (where Anthony George lives!).   My Mom had told me years ago that he was from here, but I wasn't sure 'till I read it on Stuart Manning's web-site.  I don't know if I'd recognize him if I saw him on the street.  Our cities are only 15-20 min. apart.  It would be neat to meet him someday.  I don't think he's ever attended a Festival.

I have heard that supposedly there is someone at the Sci Fi network who doesn't like Dark Shadows much.  That's why it's preempted, and buried in bad time slots so much.  Also, look at the documentary they produced (Sci fi) about the show.  It was so bad, Dan Curtis Prods., or someone, threatened to sue, if it was marketed.  And 3 stars walked out of the Festival Banquet in Anaheim last year over it being shown.  The only 'good thing' I can say about Sci Fi, is at least they've shown Dark Shadows "most" of the last 11 years, except a period which they skipped.  I, too, think that Soap Net would be a good place for the show.  Why doesn't Soap Net show reruns of any CBS soaps?  I used to love Secret Storm, Edge of Night,  and have always loved Y & R, but they never show them.

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