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Messages - Debra

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Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:Festival Picture(s)
« on: September 13, 2003, 05:56:15 AM »
Cassandra,  I loved your pictures!   You are very pretty! (I could see you're Italian now!)

Katherine L Scott looks beautiful, you're right!   My goodness, she looks as good as she did on the show. She never ages!  She looks like a very sweet person too.

   Naturally, I love the one of you with David Selby (who wouldn't)  and you looked like you were glowing in that one!

That was so nice that you and Prof Stokes got to meet up there too.  She looks like a lovely person too.

  Glad you all had a great time.  I hope they hold one next year, maybe I will be able to get there.

Thank you for showing us your photos.


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / What happened to reply?
« on: September 13, 2003, 05:31:27 AM »
Im trying to reply to Gerard & Cassandra's posts regarding the late legendary singer Johnny Cash and the actor/comedian John Ritter and their passing away.  I cant seem to find the reply button to this anywhere on my screen?  What is happening to me now??  I just come back to check things out and already something happens to me. :(

(I think I'll go back to lurking again)


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:More Fest Pics
« on: September 13, 2003, 05:24:06 AM »
Loved your festival pictures Gerard!  How lucky it was for you that you were able to attend right after your cruise was over.  It must have been like having two vacations in one.

It's so nice for fans, such as myself, who for one reason or another couldn't make it to this years fest to be able to see other's pictures of the event.


Current Talk '03 II / Re:A New View of Collinwood
« on: August 22, 2003, 05:45:58 AM »
I, for one, am so relieved to be rid of the 1995 drama! Looking at Collinwood that way was giving me nightmares!  It was horrible.  I dont remember seeing this way back when so this was my first time viewing this horror show.  Hopefully Barn & Julia will save the day so Collinwood doesn't end up like that again!!!


Current Talk '03 II / Re:Wouldn't It Be Easier
« on: August 22, 2003, 05:42:31 AM »
If Barnabas just gave Carolyn the bite to find out what he needs to know?  Or even (as unattractive as it sounds) the desk clerk or the Sheriff?  He's used this tactic in the past without even thinking twice so what's his problem now?  Plus, Im sure he could use some new blood just about now.

Now you should know by now that Barnabas never takes the easy way out!!!  And of course he only likes the blood of those SYT's anyway!!  I guess he thinks Carolyn is way too old for him now. lol!! ;)


Current Talk '03 II / Re:Hard-Hitting Drama
« on: August 22, 2003, 05:38:53 AM »
I agree, I think he really did accidently fall (as I've stated above) instead of jumping. IMO, it looked to me like the sudden movement of the opened door (and Willie have little leverage to balance himself on) plus someone walking in startled him and he fell.  I suppose it could have been anyone walking in then. ;)

But the there's that nagging question?  "well if you're not planning on jumping then why the heck are you up there then?" ???

So, it does tend to make one wonder.  (along with alot of other different plots on the show) ;)

I agree Cassandra.  I mean, what was the guy doing up there at all if he hadn't planned on jumping? He sure wasn't admiring the night air & stars.

I would like to believe that maybe the writers sort of left it up the viewers to decide what really happened.  In my own mind I'd like to think that he was startled by Julia's sudden entrance into the room and that it was this sudden movement that made him loose his balance and fall.  When you're up on a window ledge that high up from the ground and suddenly, theres a fast movement or you're startled, unless you have perfect balance, you're going to fall.


Current Talk '03 II / Re:Sedatives for everyone!!!
« on: August 22, 2003, 05:28:06 AM »
Heck, after the summer I've been through I could certainly use some of those sedatives myself!!! ;)


Current Talk '03 II / Re:I Had Totally Forgotten
« on: August 22, 2003, 05:25:24 AM »
Wow, Cassandra, no kidding. The poor dear.

About Carolyn, don't you think she should have somewhat freaked when she saw Carrie in that dress? I mean, isn't this similar to what happened the last time Collinwood was beginning to be haunted by a ghost? I really think she should have been more sensitive to the impending doom.

I really think that they all should be more sensitive to it!!  Barnabas, Julia, Liz and especially Maggie all lived through the haunting of David & Amy at Collinwood, most of them even saw the ghost with their own eyes.  Yet, how quickly these folks forget about past tragedies on this show!


Current Talk '03 II / Re:"OH MAN WHAT A PARTY"
« on: August 22, 2003, 05:19:50 AM »
You're right Castlebee, the song "Oh what a night" was a big hit for Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons way back in I believe, 1974.  I saw them singing this in concert and yes, oh boy what a night it was!!!  (oh, to be a teen again!!) ;)


Current Talk '03 II / Re:She Will Die??
« on: August 22, 2003, 05:15:43 AM »
Same goes for me.  The ghosts can see that Barnabas and Julia are very close so I strongly felt that this warning was meant for Julia and Julia alone.


Current Talk '03 II / Re:Que Sera, Sera!
« on: August 22, 2003, 05:12:27 AM »
Good question.   And the Beepers, cell phones, pagers, etc...?

You know I was wondering the same thing Cassandra!!  Here it is 1995 for goodness sakes, and you mean to tell me that the sheriff of Collinsport doesn't even use a cellular phone yet???   Come on!


Current Talk '03 II / Re:The Bat Pack?
« on: August 22, 2003, 05:09:29 AM »
Hey,, that was great!!  You really got talent there!!!


Current Talk '03 II / Re:Young Grayson?
« on: August 22, 2003, 05:06:58 AM »
Hi all!  I didn't think the picture looked like Grayson at all.  I did however (I think someone mentioned it here also) think that it could possibly have been a young Joan Bennett.
Anyone find out who the mystery woman is yet?


Current Talk '03 II / Re:Confused Family
« on: July 10, 2003, 05:10:59 AM »
P.S.  I forgot this.  Does anyone else think that the picture in the upper-left-hand corner of John Yeager looking through Cyrus' scientific magnifying glass look an awful lot like Fr. Guido Sarducci?

LOL!!!!  Gerard, I knew he looked familiar!!! :)


This is such a shame.  I pray for the victims and their families.


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