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Messages - Ben

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Calendar Events / Announcements '11 I / Re: David Henesy's Website
« on: February 07, 2011, 03:14:03 AM »
Too bad I can't read Spanish because it would probably be interesting to read the article.

Hey MB, your comment just reminded me of a DS ep or two that I've seen dubbed in Spanish.  It always cracks me up to hear the familiar, iconic characters we know and love (or hate) communicating, often quite emotionally, in a foreign language.  It would be hard to take the plot line seriously, especially when some plot lines were already hard enough to take seriously in English.

I agree with the others: David Henesy was a most compelling child actor, perhaps the best of his generation.  He's lookin' cool at 54 . . . maybe there's hope for me yet!  [snow_wink]


One of my summer home projects was to finally do some serious de-cluttering of my compact, one-car garage.  I succeeded in getting rid of a pile of grocery cartons containing old drapes, clothing, a set of World Book encyclopedias from 1967, and junk that had long ceased to be used.  

At the bottom of the pile, tucked in a corner of the garage, was a 50-year-old wooden toy chest containing some toys and other keepsakes from my childhood.  I was excited that I had gotten rid of the cartons on top of it, so I could actually open the chest and revisit its contents.  The sturdy wooden lid, however, wouldn't budge.  Several years ago, I inherited my neighbor's garage "storage system," consisting of cinderblocks and pressed wood shelving.  Without thinking, I had positioned the shelving right next to the toy chest, so that the lower shelves were flush with one side of the chest.  Only now -- years later -- did I discover that the shelf was positioned so tightly that it left no clearance whatsoever to raise the chest lid.  Drat!

I didn't want to move the shelf, for that would require me to first remove all of its contents.  Fortunately, I was able to jam a large screwdriver in between the shelf and the chest and gently pry/shove the chest just a smidge, which was amazing, given that it was already in a tight corner.  I could tell that the lid now had just enough clearance for maneuvering.  

Standing over the chest (which had been gathering dust and cobwebs for the past 17 years), I excitedly tried raising the lid.  There was still a lot of resistance, as the shelf still did not fully clear the lid -- but I didn't mind the lid rubbing tightly against the shelf, for at least I could raise it.  What I also noticed, however, was that all that resistance was (1) making the lid seem heavy, and (2) creating a continuous, loud creaking sound as I raised the lid and it rubbed against the shelf.  

I thought to myself, "This is the closest I will ever experience to channelling Willie opening Barnabas' coffin!"  Such a crazy thought (and I apologize that this took so long to set up), but only we DS fans could readily recognize and appreciate the sound of strange creaking while raising a heavy, wooden lid.  That happened all the time on DS, but how often does it happen in your own garage??!  

Fortunately, no hand from within the toy chest reached up to clutch my throat . . .


Calendar Events / Announcements '10 II / Re: Happy Birthday to Ben!
« on: September 10, 2010, 04:13:08 AM »
Thank you all for your good wishes.  Sure takes the edge off growing older!  And thanks to Midnite, Dom, and MB for keeping this forum a place where even infrequent but loyal members like me can feel comfortable dropping to visit old friends.


Although stars and non-stars might not be able to object to being photographed in public places (like outside the Vista Theater), the issue here concerns any person's right of publicity and privacy when his or her image is used for profit.  Here's a link to a primer on some law in this area:

When others are selling your image without your knowledge or permission, you have no control over where your image may end up, nor are you compensated for such use.  As a practical matter, however, some stars could decide that asserting and enforcing their publicity and privacy rights isn't worth the ire of their fans, so they simply (though not happily) look the other way.  The publicity generated by the illegal sales may even be viewed as free publicity for stars who crave it but are no longer in the limelight. 

Also, aren't the stars who participate in the fests compensated for their appearances by getting a percentage of the gate?  If so, from a purely cold business standpoint, every sale of a video of a fest arguably means one lost ticket sale to that fest -- and, consequently, less compensation for the participating star.  Thus, some stars will fight for every dime due them.  Obviously, some fans could not have attended anyway due to health or financial reasons and would love a video copy, but the law tends not to favor them.  As Midnite says, one could ask JF for advance permission, but it is doubtful he would give it.  And even if he would consider giving it, the contract the videographer would have to sign would likely be on terms very favorable to the star and strict against the videographer (I'm straining not to say "draconian").  [ghost_grin]  I suspect that if it even got this far, lawyers would be involved on both sides of the negotiations, and the videographer under consideration would no longer be an individual but rather a corporation like MPI.


Here in Chicago, we have a pair of terrific classic television stations that continually air an array of comedy and drama reruns, including many from the '50s and '60s that seldom get aired.  I happened to catch an episode of "Father Knows Best" in which oldest sister Betty (Elinor Donahue) is about to date the recent ex of one of her gal-pals, Diane.  The guy had broken up with Diane because she was always bossing him around.  In the end, however, Betty gets the two back together.

There was something familiar about the actress playing Diane, but I had never seen her as a college-age schoolgirl, so it was hard to place her.  I couldn't summon the actress' name until I recognized it in the credits: Diana Millay!  Imagine that.  She was playing someone so . . . normal! 

I then began fantasizing how the episode might have turned out, had Diana burned the Anderson house down to a rubble.   [ghost_closedeyes]  Or why not have David Collins and Amy Jennings visit Princess, Bud, and Kitten???  [ghost_grin]


For a change, I'm actually sending this birthday message on time!  [ghost_grin]
Have a WONDERFUL birthday, Midnite -- to which Barnabas would add, "You MUSSSSSSSTTT!"


Calendar Events / Announcements '09 II / Re: Happy Birthday, Teresa!
« on: September 21, 2009, 04:21:16 AM »
Belated Happy Birthday, Teresa!  I remember 47 . . . and so does Bruce.  Sounds like you had a nice day and were well fed.  [ghost_smiley]


Calendar Events / Announcements '09 II / Re: Happy Birthday to Josette!
« on: September 21, 2009, 04:17:29 AM »
Belated happy birthday wishes, Josette.  Glad you had a nice day!


OMG, these are all brilliant!  Julia gave the Dave "from the GRAVE" line just the right dash of camp, and the way she made "sedative" drip with contempt was priceless.  Loved the use of the original soundtrack music.  Loved the staged mishaps.  Loved Barnabas taking his time to draw out the endings of his wordsssssssss.


Calendar Events / Announcements '09 II / Re: Happy Birthday to Ben!
« on: September 10, 2009, 02:35:33 AM »
Thank you for remembering my birthday!  Sorry I've been a wayward visitor this year, but please know that DS is never far from my heart.  In fact, earlier this summer, it was a comforting surprise to discover dear Grayson Hall popping up on an episode of "The Man from U.N.C.L.E." airing on the local classic TV station in Chicago.  Who knew?  She was sporting the chin-length, straight hair look similar to what she initially wore when she debuted on DS.  I never knew she did "U.N.C.L.E.", and even if I did, I would never have anticipated catching that rare episode. 

All the best,

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: Happy Birthday to Ben!
« on: September 08, 2008, 10:35:26 PM »
Thank you all so much for your good wishes!  As I begin my seventh year teaching law school, I continue to get a good laugh whenever I recall 1797 Barnabas' fervent (if confused) legal defense of Victoria: "She is presumed innocent . . . until proven . . . innocent!"   [ghost_grin]

All the best,


Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: Happy Birthday Midnite!
« on: August 21, 2008, 03:59:22 AM »
I, too, missed the big day.  [ghost_embarrassed] [CUE MUSIC] Duh - duh - DUUUUUUHHHHHHH!!!!

At least I didn't miss the first day of the new school year at my law school (today) -- would've had to cue even more shocking music had I done that.  But I'll be enjoying all those perplexed 1-L's ( [ghost_huh]) wandering our halls again.

Wishing you a heartfelt, belated happy birthday, Midnite!


I'm so glad our L.A. friends are okay.  But would you believe that we Chicagoans experienced a quake last April?  The epicenter of the 5.2 quake was in southwestern Indiana, but the shocks (and a 4.2 aftershock) were felt throughout the Midwest.  I've experienced a few minor tremors in L.A., but this was the first time I was ever awakened from a sound sleep by a persistent rolling of my house.  Unnerving, to say the least.  My clock read 4:37 a.m., and I remember turning on the radio to hear the all-night host say, "Okay, the phone lines have lit up all at once.  Something has happened."

(yes, the prodigal Ben . . . I know it's been ages, and I do wish I had been able to make the latest Fest) [ghost_sad]

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 II / Re: Happy Birthday to Ben!
« on: September 08, 2007, 03:10:24 PM »
Thanks for your good wishes!  I missed seeing those of you who made it to New York last month, but I was in the midst of preparing for another year of law school that was about to commence.  Even though I pop up here only sporadically these days, I always enjoy catching up on DS news and views.  It's so nice to be remembered!

All the best,


Calendar Events / Announcements '07 II / Re: Happy Birthday, Midnite!!
« on: August 20, 2007, 10:08:12 PM »
I'm so embarrassed to be bringing up the rear  :-[  . . . .
Hope you had a spectacular day.  Judging from all the well-wishes above, it's obvious that you attract such great karma to this board!

Happy Belated Birthday,


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