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Messages - joe integlia

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Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: July 07, 2013, 06:38:03 AM »
I saw Lone Ranger on Thursday. I enjoyed it very much. the stunts were incredible. there are sequences where Johnny Depp even resembles Jonathan Frid during certain sequences that I cant reveal without spoiling it. HBC looks like she went right from the DS movie to this without even changing her makeup or hairstyle!
I am shocked that this is bombing. I only wish Jerry Bruckhiemer directed the DS movie!

patti, its the producers that make all the $. I don't blame the actors for wanting as much as they can get. back in the old days the stars got a paid contract and no residuals cause no one thought movies would ever be on tv and shown over and over again. even the dark shadows stars were denied residuals and were even told by producer Dan Curtis that each episode of DARK SHADOWS would only be shown once and never again!   

I watched the new AMC and enjoyed it for the most part except for the fast forward 5 years idea. none of the original cast looks any older and in the 1st or 2nd episode they refer to the most popular boy band, ONE DIRECTION. do they really think ONE DIRECTION will even be around in 5 yrs? even if they are around they certainly wont be a boy band anymore. I don't know why they had to even mention them instead of just making up some fake name. also the Friday episode is just a recap/talk show. so technically its just 4 half hour episodes a week. I found the best way to view the show is thru my blu ray player. there is no buffering at all and looks great.

Calendar Events / Announcements '13 I / Re: DR. MABUSE
« on: May 04, 2013, 07:15:02 PM »
its in very limited release. I would have gone to the los angeles viewing if I had not seen it last week and if it was an earlier showing and not at midnight. it will probably end up on dvd but I think its too soon for that.

Calendar Events / Announcements '13 I / Re: DR. MABUSE
« on: May 01, 2013, 05:30:07 PM »
Chris is set to be in dr. mabuse part 2.

Calendar Events / Announcements '13 I / Re: DR. MABUSE
« on: April 30, 2013, 08:23:47 AM »
ok that being the case, here is the link to the youtube video...

Calendar Events / Announcements '13 I / Re: DR. MABUSE
« on: April 29, 2013, 10:39:52 PM »
Ditto. I will accept request on fb

Calendar Events / Announcements '13 I / DR. MABUSE
« on: April 29, 2013, 05:47:21 PM »
Video from the DR. MABUSE premiere is on my facebook page. longer version with complete q/a will soon be on dvd. send email if interested. im no longer posting links or videos or photos here because it never works and the copy/paste feature is disabled.

i was at both the 1st d.s. festival and the 1st manhattan shadows. i dont recall seeing audrey larkin. i filmed some of the manhattan shadows including short interviews with joel crothers and addison powell some of this is on my youtube page

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: March 24, 2013, 08:31:09 PM »
i put the video of johnny depp getting the kids choice award on my facebook page.

Current Talk '13 I / BARNABAS Is in the top 10
« on: March 24, 2013, 07:10:47 PM »
Barnabas Collins as portrayed by Jonathan Frid is the 8th(out of 60)most popular villians according to latest issue of tv guide magazine. JR Ewing was #1.

« on: January 31, 2013, 07:34:55 AM »
ive discovered that u can not view the entire episodes unless u r a hulu plus subscriber. strange that u can watch the 1991 series for free.

happy birthday david my friend for 30yrs!

« on: January 29, 2013, 06:32:47 AM »
DARK SHADOWS episodes from the original series can now be viewed at only 80 b-w episodes are available now beginning with episode #210 with willie opening the coffin to #290 with julia discovering barnabas  secret. the mpi logo appears in the lower right hand corner during the episodes.

Calendar Events / Announcements '13 I / Re: Sunday's SAG Awards
« on: January 29, 2013, 06:13:44 AM »
i think they would have. they seemed to have gotten everyone and keep in mind they are sag/aftra so they probably get notified of every member who passes away and i would think jonathan was still a member.

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