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Messages - quentin-channing

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OMG tonight was amazing! The evening started at 7:30 and it wasn't over until 1:30 am. Quentin Tarantino stayed for the whole night - he never saw Super Cops before. I have to go to bed so I'll save my recount of the night for tomorrow but all I can say is WOW!  [snow_smiley]

Interview with director  Edgar Wright

The other movie I’m excited about showing an audience is The Super Cops on Tuesday. That film we had to bring from London because there doesn’t appear to be a print in the U.S. I saw it on TV in the U.K. when I was very young, and at the same time I was really taken with the Batman TV series. Within the movie Ron Leibman and David Selby play Greenberg and Hantz, real-life cops who were nicknamed Batman and Robin. Ron Leibman’s character even takes to wearing a Batman T-shirt, which the real cop did. It’s not on DVD at all, so it’s very cool to get hold of. I’d seen it again more recently when I was writing Hot Fuzz, and it really stood up. And I hope that the kind of attention it could get from being shown in a situation like this might compel it to get released on DVD. It seems crazy that it’s not available. I was actually really thrilled when I saw The Social Network because David Selby is in it—“Oh, my God, one of the Super Cops is playing the Winklevii’s lawyer!” And Lorenzo Semple, who wrote The Super Cops and also wrote for the Batman TV series, is coming on Tuesday, so that should be fun. I’ve seen him in other interviews where he can be brutally self-deprecating about his own work, so I’m interested to hear what he has to say about The Super Cops, whether he remembers it fondly. I think it’s great.

I got tickets!!! I can't believe after being a David Selby fan for over 20 years I will get to see one of my fave movies of his on the big screen and finally get to see him in person! Thanks MsCriseyde for posting the information!

I'll be sure to share with you guys and gals on the board what was discussed. Aggghhh I can't wait!  [snow_smiley]

I have seen Inhale and it is quite the film. It really presents a huge moral question and makes you think "What would you do" as a parent. Anyway, very good film.  David plays an integral part in the story. Plus, its not hard on the eyes to have Dermot Mulroney and David in the same scene.  [santa_rolleyes]

I finally got to see The Social Network yesterday. If you are a Selby fan GO!!! He is in it alot, at least the first half. The second half his character disappears due to how the storyline is structured and they focus on the founder of Napster (Justin Timberlake) getting involved with Facebook. My big complaint is that the film is 2 hours and it feels it. But the script is pure Aaron Sorkin so if you like his writing you'll like this.

MB, I am assuming that Ellen showed the "faceoff" scene between Selby and Eisenberg. Good stuff! [hall2_grin]

Deepest sympathies for his family and the DS cast and crew who knew him well.   [ghost_sad]

I saw the official trailer yesterday in the theater. Not the teaser but one that actually has clips of the movie and David is in briefly

Looks like he is playing one of the FB creator's lawyers. I will be seeing it and it actually looks good, even though Ive heard the running time might be close to 3 hours.   [ghost_blink]

Thanks Midnite. I knew Limato was his long-time agent but I didn't know he was his very first client. Neat. I'm sure he will be missed. From what I've read he was an interesting guy and a one of kind in Hollywood.

Ecstatic! Thanks MsCriseyde!

But does this mean the dvd I ordered of The Girl In Blue from Amazon a few years back was really a bootleg???  [ghost_blink]

I had no idea it was the same Jason Shaw. Never made the connection b/c I never saw any pictures.

Padding a story? European magazines have been fabricating entire interviews with US celebrities. Wouldn't be surprised if one showed up with Paris and John.

No worries  [ghost_wink] I didn't even know Big Finish has a podcast! I enjoyed it all the same .

Thanks so much!  [ghost_smiley]

I've never heard of the show but if Netflix gets it I'll have to check out KLS's episode. Thanks!

Thanks David! I've watched Y&R for years but Snapper and the Fosters were before my time. Will be interesting.

NY Times says it was complications due to endometrial cancer.  I don't think the public knew she was ill. Very sad. I grew up with her. She was always on my tv as a kid. I remember her first from Filthy Rich, a sitcom she did with Delta Burke, before Designing Women. I really wish it would make it to dvd. From what I can remember it was hilarious, and a sendup of all the nighttime soaps I loved.

RIP Dixie Carter.

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