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Messages - neiljohnson

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Interesting question, Taeylor.  Let's assume for a moment - just assume.  Near the end of the film, after all the action.  Maybe even AFTER the closing credits -- Carolyn is seen talking on the phone.

[edited by admin per Forum Guideline that does not allow fan fiction]

Any speculation on the identity of the woman Roger seems to be seducing, as Barnabas watches through the window?  Most of us probably assume the woman is some un-named extra.  Perhaps we are correct.

But, what if our assumptions are wrong?  Might the woman be a major character?  Some have suggested Angelique.  Has anyone considered other options?  Difficult to consider, I admit -- with the blonde hair and such.  Still, this might explain why the Barnabas/Josette love-story seems to be suddenly minimized during the 1972 timeline. 

Hmmmm.  I'm just considering options.  And -- believe me, I do not like the "option" I've just considered.   I would enjoy hearing your thoughts.

Still, they have got to edit-out that tooth-brushing scene.  Please, pretty-please. 

Jimbo, Gothic, and others -- that review is amazing.  Please, let it be accurate.  Wouldn't it be wonderful, if the film really is that great?  I'm a little tired of hearing one story (it's funny), and then another (it's scarey) -- sorta feels like getting jerked around, albeit unintentionally.  I can't wait to see the film, and I want to have confidence that it is good.  I don't want to walk into the cinema with a feeling of dread.  Thanks for sharing the review.

Thanks, Mysterious.  I appreciate your providing the titles.   [easter_cheesy]

Can someone please give me the titles of any of the songs you recognize that are playing during the movie trailers?  I want to get them from Itunes, but don't know any of the titles.  Thank you.

I wonder if Barnabas [spoiler]kills Angelique and cuts her up, to dispose of the body.[/spoiler] Then perhaps, she pulls herself back together and [spoiler]comes back to life.[/spoiler]  Or maybe, Julia helps her with this.  Anything is possible, I suppose.

Current Talk '24 I / !
« on: April 07, 2012, 01:45:10 PM »
Thank you for posting the new version of the trailer.  Very high resolution!  Wondering if anyone else noticed the deep scars on Angelique's face during one scene?  Although we've discussed it briefly, they are much easier to see in this version of the trailer, especially if you maximize the screen-size.  The scars appear similar to those on Adam from TOS, but without stitches.  How will this play into the plot?  Why would a witch have scars on her face?  Anyone care to speculate?

Spirited debate can be respectful (as this forum proves).  Some prefer chaos. 

Interesting spoiler pics. Thanks for posting them.  But, does anyone else notice what appear to be[spoiler]deep scars on Angelique's face?[/spoiler]  What could be going on here?  Hmmm.

Michael C, I think you are exactly right. 

A box of styrofoam packing peanut?  Just what we need, another "groan" moment.  Hope is draining away.  What a disappointment.

I honestly don't believe that any of TOS actors read the entire script for the new film.  I'm not calling anyone a liar, but with all the secrecy surrounding the movie, I just can't imagine Tim Burton releasing the entire script to four actors who were just appearing in cameos.  I could be wrong, but I bet I am right.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: DS 1991: A Look Back
« on: March 22, 2012, 10:16:11 PM »
Does anyone know if Laura and Angelique were going be end-up being the same character in the present?  There certainly were hints of that. 

A criticism I have of the 91 series is that is wasn't scarey enough.  There should have been at least one truly frightening moment in every episode.  I think the program focused a bit too much on romance, and not enough on the horror elements.

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Potential Sequels To DS Film With Johnny Depp
« on: March 22, 2012, 03:34:52 PM »
Assuming the film does contain mostly comedic elements like those we have seen in the trailer, I have a question about sequels.  Does anyone agree with me that the elements of the story we have seen, make the possibility of sequels less likely?  Perhaps I am wrong, but with all that comedy, AND the speculation that [spoiler]the family is aware that Barnabas is a vampire,[/spoiler] AND that he becomes their protector, makes possible storylines for sequels seem fairly trivial.  For example, how could the family ever be terrorized by a ghost (ala Quentin or Gerard), when they have a vampire living with them?  Or, how could a werewolf storyline be taken seriously in a future film, when it is surrounded by all that comedy (as established in the original)?

Of course I am not as creative as a screen-writer, but it does seem to me they have written sort of a dead-end storyline here.  And, I do realize I haven't seen the film yet, so I may be speaking a bit prematurly.  Does anyone else have thoughts about this?

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