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Messages - Gerard

...that even Mrs. Johnson was starting to look good.


Calendar Events / Announcements '12 II / Re: Shadows at Sea
« on: August 15, 2012, 08:48:54 PM »
Again, don't forget (and let's say we're talking about a three/four day cruise), most often people booked as part of a special group will usually get a discounted rate.  And for that rate, virtually everything is included - room, food, non-alcoholic/soda drinks (juices, milk, coffee, tea) as well as transportation to the various ports.  The package price might seem high, but break it down to hotel room, meals, etc., and one will find that it is comparable and in many cases cheaper.  (Don't forget, you can also eat as much as you want, anytime you want, 24-hours-a-day [use the free gymnasium for 30 minutes to alleviate the guilt].)  Once on board, you technically don't have to spend another penny on anything; you can even have the tips automatically charged to your account removed.  I spent a month on the Queen Mary 2 and my total ship-board expenses came to less than $125 for the tips, drinks in the bars, books I purchased and soveniers and gifts from the shopping mall stores and a dinner in the extra-tariff restaurant.

Yes, it may appear daunting and even a bit frightening and overwhelming, but if the committee listens carefully to the tourist agent/agency putting it together and shows, penny-for-penny, that the cost is actually economical for the whole package - the proof is in the pudding (and, on the ship, you can eat as much pudding as you desire).  Yes, that doesn't take into account airfare to the port of departure, but when one attends a fest, one usually has to fly anyway.  But just to give a word of warning about that - never, ever book a flight that arrives the day of sailing, especially the way airlines operate today.  If the flight is delayed or canceled, or if your luggage ends up Omaha while you're in Ft. Lauderdale, there goes your cruise.  Better to spend extra and fly in the day before and book overnight in a hotel. 

Anyway, if this can be pulled off, considering how much work would be necessary by the committee, etc., how often is this going to happen, if ever again?  Consider it one time splurge, indulgence and adventure.  Everyone deserves to go wild and crazy just once in their lives.  After that, it's back to Anaheim, Brooklyn, Lyndhurst; Anaheim, Brooklyn, Lyndhurst; Anaheim, Brooklyn, Lyndhurst; Anaheim, Brooklyn, Lyndhurst; nary a hot-tub to soak in or a deck chair to relax in with a steward bringing you some delicious libation with fruits poked through by a stirrer.


" do I extradite my posterior out of this thing?"


1489 still had no bathrooms.


Calendar Events / Announcements '12 II / Re: Shadows at Sea
« on: August 15, 2012, 03:39:14 PM »
Like Nancy said, a very knowledgable tourist agent/agency would do most, if not all, the coordinating.  I and a friend for years went through a travel agent/agency in organizing cruises as fund-raisers for various non-profit groups.  Most often, the cruise lines would offer cheaper rates for the participants (one needed a certain minimum of people for it to be a go).  After that, the lines would cut a check out of the percentage of their profits to the non-profit groups.  Of course, a DS-based cruise would not be considered a fund raiser for some non-profit organization (unless, maybe, it ties it in with raising funds for some worthy cause, like the Alzheimer's Association or some such, just like it often does with proceeds from its auctions going to a cause), but I'm sure there would be a decent lowering of cabin rates, just as hotels used for DS fests offer lower rates to participants.  It wouldn't even have to be a full week (Saturday-to-Saturday) cruise.  There are many lines that run three day (Saturday-to-Tuesday) and four day (Tuesday-to-Saturday) cruises.


Elizabeth:  "Roger said not to let David have a puppy.  I guess he was right, for once.......Mrs. Johnson!!!!!!"


Maggie:  "My name isn't Maggie.  It's Marcel Marceau."


Julia:  "Take me off this case involving Maggie Evans, Dave, and I'll see to it that Wyndcliffe starts accepting Medicaire.  So help me, I will."


Jason:  "This is my James Cagney impersonation.  Now watch as I do Edward G. Robinson."


Elizabeth:  "Not again!  That's the last time I eat Mrs. Johnson's taco-kimchi-stuffed-cabbage-surprise before going to bed.  Or ever."


Sheriff Patterson:  "Wait...Yup...There they are.  The tapes of My Mother the Car that NBC said it 'lost.'"


Jason:  "Go ahead, kill me.  Write me out.  Irwin Allen already offered me a spot on Lost In Space and that's in prime time."


Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: August 10, 2012, 03:07:56 AM »
what one can expect, and tolerate, from a daily, shot live, on the cheap soap opera from 45 years ago and what's acceptable in a 100+ million dollar movie five years in development are two totally different things.

if the deleted scenes and extras on the blue-ray help make sense of it than good. but otherwise it's just sloppy writing.

and as to whether or not there were "clues" in retrospect as to carolyn's being a werewolf is somewhat beside the point. it meant nothing to the plot of the movie. it was just plain stupid.

I agree that things should've been more, shall we say, "practical" or "logical" after all that, but again, every version of DS has been smitten with the impractical and illogical bug.  As I said before, we've had three television and three cinematic versions of it and all have been filled with impracticalities and "illogicalities."  Dan Curtis, in making his '91 version, more than two decades after the original, should've also figured that out (and he was given an open check), but he didn't.  I've simply accepted the impracticle and illogical things are part and parcel of DS.  Who knows?  Maybe Depp and Burton did it deliberately as an homage to the original and all its other manifestations.  Cameron, in his blockbuster Titanic deliberately allowed a historical faux pas just for us Titanic oficiandoes, despite wanting it to be completely and historically accurate (he showed smoke coming out of the fourth funnel which was a dummy that stored deck chairs).  He wanted to see if us Titanic fanatics would catch it.  So, if the Maggie-changing-her-name-to-Vicki-after-she-applied-and-accepted-the-position was accidental or deliberate, or had some reasonable explanation, so what?

As for Carolyn-as-a-werewolf, I'll be the first to admit, as one who loved the movie, it was an example of tossing in everything including the kitchen sink.  To me, it was another tribute to the original.  We got lots and lots, even if bits and pieces, of much that was offered in the original that never appeared in any of the other four different versions.  We got a werewolf.  We also got Laura.  None of it was fleshed out, but we got it.  Thankfully, we didn't get John Yaeger's Lucy-meets-Bill-Holden-paper-mache-nose, or boring Adam, or that terrible Daphne/Gerard plotless plot-line.  We should count our blessings.

Was the movie far from perfect?  Heavens, no.  Did it succeed in bringing back the atmosphere of the original?  Heavens, yes.  I think that some of what it did, from Carolyn as a werewolf to Julia resurrecting as a vampire was also done in the hope of a sequel.  Studios do that.  I don't care if any version of DS is imperfect.  I just want more.


Burke:  "Roger!  Jason insists it's my turn to bring the baloney-sandwich platter to the poker game tonight.  Is that true?"


Roger:  "We bought our washer at Sears.  And it broke."
