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Messages - Daphne

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Congratulations on your hard second in ur class *is in awe*

[hello] [hello] [hello] [hello]

Congrats!!  ;D

Current Talk '02 I / Re: HODS question
« on: June 20, 2002, 11:03:57 PM »
"She has desecrated this room!"

UGH! I always knew I didn't like him....grrrrrrrrrrr...  >:(

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Nicholas Blair..that's my Brother.
« on: June 20, 2002, 05:14:06 AM »
I like him too. Mabye it's just that he knows his lines......*cough* LOL But I like his character. What's up with the whole "arms out in front of me so when I talk to the painting and it jumps out of its frame and bites me I won't be hurt" stance? I was like "Gosh, as if you didn't look goofy enough talking 2 a painting when Vicki walked in, you had your arms all sprawled out 2." LOL *giggle* But I like his char; he *does* seem almost like an older brother 2 Angie..."Okay, what'd you do? I came to save you, I won't protect you anymore [but we know he will, cuz she always gets herself in trouble]" and he gives her advice and everything too....they're very convincing 2gether  8)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Who Is Nicholas Blair?
« on: June 17, 2002, 01:12:35 AM »
I just like him cuz he talks to inanimate objects!! The ultimate cool! And he the way he says things...and tapping Willie on the shoulder with this umbrella. I could just see him on his walk down to the Old House, twirling it around like a baton or something....hehehehe *giggle* I always thought that he *was* the devil....or that he was originally supposed to be, and then DS started 2 get complaints that the show was demonic or something, so they just made him one of the devil's counterparts....I swear I read that somewhere... hmmmmmmmmm  8)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: "just gives me the willies"
« on: June 17, 2002, 01:08:44 AM »
That cracked me up too! "Gives me the Willies...heheh" and then he got all petrified again. Poor Willie! He probably *was* better off at Wyndcliff! ;)

that's soooooo kewl that David Hensley visited your site!! ^.^ [thumb] but you already know I'm a big fan [blshb]

Current Talk '02 I / LIME IS FUN!
« on: June 16, 2002, 04:52:16 AM »
Now THERE's a fanfic waiting to happen.  :D :D


I love the lime green color! I think it's soooo kewl!! It's so bright and cheery and would cut down the need for light bulbs a whole bunch.....maybe that's why they wore so much of it -- candles don't give off nearly as much light as lamps do, and we all know *someone* had stock in the candle company.... [silly] I wish lime green were in style today.....actually, I'm wearing lime green today! [angl2] yaay!!! to hell with conformity! [emblgh]

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Nicknames for the actors/actresses
« on: June 16, 2002, 04:44:09 AM »
MaggieandWillie.....I don't have any nicknames for you, but I feel compelled to bounce up and down because of your signature......

Carolyn and Joe 4ever and ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D [nuts] [nuts] [nuts] [nuts] [spin] [spin] [spin] [spin] [angl2] [angl2] [angl2] [angl2]

LOL Midnite, i loooove these emoticons!! [angl2]

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Jean Shepherd Was Right
« on: June 16, 2002, 04:33:15 AM »
By the way, unless you're in the service, black shoes do not go with a brown suit, Barnabas.)

LMAO! Last year in Theatre Arts, there were these three girls [2 of them cheerleaders, of course] who would tell my teacher EVERYDAY that his brown shoes didn't go with his black belt. It was hilarious!  ;D And another friend of mine whacks me whenever I wear silver and gold together. Ayyaiyai! There's just no pleasing some people! >.<;;;; I'm perfectly comfortable walking around in my oversized Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirt that belongs to my friend Jay. Why is it so weird to be comfortable in this freaking nation? Everyone just has to be wearing as little as possble all the time, skin-tight all the one can ever just be a slob. [vryangy] *le sigh* LOL of course, that wasn't directed @ u, Bob [spin] :)

You can ask me anything, Daphne!

LOL....well if you say so. . . . . . . Why can't we face bunnies??  LOL hehehe *giggle* No really, though.... y not? ^_^


Dearest Daphne,

You crack me up too!  But since no one else has asked and I haven't been able to figure it out for myself [hdscrt] and don't remember seeing it in chatrooms or on lists of internet acronyms [huhb], I'm going to throw caution to the wind [nerv] (hee hee) and ask you... What the heck does WTIMES stand for?! Jamison says "someone has to laugh at you" ..... But I'm glad I make u chuckle  ;D WTIMES is "with tears in my eyes," altho I guess it should techinically be WTIME....but it looks better as WTIMES. My friends abbreviate absolutely everything [they admit it too], but they're just lazy typers, lol. Now lemme ask you something......where do u get all the kewl smiley dudes from?? Is there a list somewhere of the [ words  that u can put between the brackets ] ??? jooc [just out of curiosity] ;)


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Directors for a new series
« on: June 14, 2002, 12:39:56 AM »
Hi, I'm a newbie.  My husband, the cryptkeeper is a new member, too.  

We were discussing the other night who we thought would be ideal to direct for a possible new DS series.

Welcome 2 the forums!!  ;D  ;D

I have no idea who the current directors are, so I really can't answer your question either.....but welcome!!  8)  ;D

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Vampire/creature movies?
« on: June 14, 2002, 12:36:28 AM »
And I HATED "Shadow of the Vampire" with Willem Dafoe. I want a traditional vampire, not what one might be like if there really were such a disgusting thing.

Oooooooo I wanted to see that sooo bad!! I rented "Nosferatu" because of it, which was kinda creepy...I was too scared to watch the original one, because I thought it would frighten the living daylights out of me....I think I only watched a couple minutes of it, though, because it was overdue  :P Willem Dafoe is one of my faavorite favorite actors. His eyes hypnotize me. They're so icy and cold in Spiderman. WOW he really freaked me out, when he saw the drop of blood on the dude's floor, and he was like "......*LOOKS UP SUDDENLY*" and i was like "AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" He's so creepy it's kewl!'s cold in here suddenly!

"Rosemary's Baby" again, it's on my Netflix dvd list. It may not belong in this list, but it IS a great movie.

That movie still creeps me out! I just see the cover in Blockbuster and I scamper away. OOOOOO CREEEPPPYYYY!!

My favorite horror movie is NODS  ;D ....such a dedicated fan I am! *wink wink* I didn't like HODS, though.  >:( It makes noooo sense if you haven't seen 1968 first [which I hadn't when I first watched it]. I keep meaning to go rewatch it and see if I get it this time around.

My fav vampire movie would be.....ummmmmmm.... I don't think I have one. I couldn't get through Interview with a Vampire because it was 3 a.m., I was exhausted, and seeing the two of them biting open rats and then wringing them out like wet clothes and seeing the blood trickling out of the rat's body was just TOO much for me, and I'm a fan of the bloody scenes of Halloween! *shivers* BLEH!  :P

~Daphne, who's off to rewatch HODS....or NODS.....or maybe just watch Carolyn and Buzz .... again ;D

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: "Bad" Horror
« on: June 14, 2002, 12:20:12 AM »
What on *EARTH* is MST3K????  ?!? ?!?

The worst movie I've even seen was "Hollow Man," which is actually coming out on's a porno movie in the disguise of a horror flick. Oyy >.< It was terrible! The concept of it was interesting, although a bit redundant, and the special effects were really kewl, but the plot was like ...... just stupid. I like moves that make you think...or that make you so scared you can't think, or ones that leave you in so much awe you want to think but you can't [like Stigmata]. LOL, but I guess that belongs on the other post....that long 4-page thingie over there *points* LOL

OOOOOOOO *has an epiphany* MST3K is Mystery Sci Theatre 3 Thousand!!! WOW .... but I still don't get what it is. Some weird show like Alfred Hitcock Presents, only they did movies instead of tv episodes? *is still confused* I think it must be a generation thing or something, lol. *le sigh* too bad i wasn't alive in the 60s.... :-/

Current Talk '02 I / Re:  Sam Evans, The King of Cool
« on: June 13, 2002, 08:24:14 AM »
Now, regarding Sam's dream: one of the things that struck me at first was how he reacted as if he were still awake and Vicki's visit was natural.  (His protests that he was ill and shouldn't get out of bed when she beckoned to him.)  However, if he didn't realize at first that he was dreaming, then how did he rationalize the fact that he was suddenly able to see Vicki?


I was wondering that too. Maybe he thought his sight had returned to him since he's just woken up from the coma?  ?!? beyond me!

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