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Messages - Craig_Slocum


No problem. I have been very lucky to hear from people who knew Craig personally. It is fun! I will share what I can, am getting together a biography. I am very happy that my website for Craig has touched other peoples lives, and brought back memories for those who knew him. I am glad I took on this task, for a "wonderful person".

Wow what an honor for Craig to be mentioned in
someone's biography  . I'm really glad and proud
that they picked Craig Slocum.   Love Anne

I am too, Anne. Craig is totally awesome!!

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: Very sad news... not OT
« on: October 16, 2002, 07:15:54 AM »

I'm sure they have given him a raucous welcome.

At the Festival in June, when I went to get Dennis Patrick's autograph, he was staring at my Craig Slocum T-shirt, and said "Who is that?" I hope he meets him.

I've never heard of anyone long dead being "thanked" in a book's acknowlegements. Also, reading the website link midnite provided, one would get the impression that they were quoting a still-living person.

Craig Slocum was still living in 1975. That's when the book was published. He died in 1978. It's him.  

The nickname "Rusty" definetely suits Craig! I wonder if his fellow DS cast members ever called him this too?

I doubt if they did. They only knew him as Craig from what I know. It took someone like me to find out these things.

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: Chat tonight!
« on: October 15, 2002, 09:16:59 PM »
Craig_Slocum, I saw your comment about a slow chat screen.  I honestly didn't have that problem, so that might have been due your connection.

I don't think so. I have high speed internet, and don't have a problem with anything else. Guess that was my first and last chat room experience.


I am hoping to provide a biography on Craig Slocum. I have been working on it for 3 years, info on him is so obscure. I am making progress though. It will happen!    

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: Chat tonight!
« on: October 14, 2002, 09:53:59 PM »

Glad I made it to the chat, did have a little trouble though with things double posting, and when I hit enter, it took long to post.

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: Very sad news... not OT
« on: October 14, 2002, 09:40:16 PM »
I first met Dennis Patrick at the Dark Shadows Festival in 1999, saw him again at the last Fest, and at the House of Dark Shadows screening in CA in 2000. I have pics that were taken of me and him on my websites. Just click on my profile, then click on Cheryl's Dark Shadows. I also have an autographed pic of him as Jason McGuire on my wall, liked him best in that role. I have some of my autographed 8x10's hung up, as well as some autographed posters, only a fraction of them! Dennis Patrick was a nice man, really got to talk to him in 1999, when my Mom and I were in the Marriott restaurant, having breakfast one morning. He came in with his assistant, and sat down at the table next to us,  we had a nice chat, and he also talked about his wife who passed away a number of years ago. I hope he has been reunited with her. He will be missed at the Dark Shadows Festival. May he rest in peace and happiness. I'm glad he was not burned in the fire. Ironically, just a couple of days ago, my daughter and I were sitting in a fire truck, listening to a fireman telling us about fire safety. While my family and I were out shopping, the Las Vegas Fire Dept., were having a fire safety workshop at Home Depot, out front. My daughter put together a wooden fire truck, and we painted it, then we went over to see a real fire truck, and they let us get inside. We were given lots of literature on fire safety, which I will surely read. I live in a 2 story home myself. One of the things mentioned was a lot of people die from smoke inhalation, long before the fire gets to them.      

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: Chat tonight!
« on: October 14, 2002, 05:32:12 AM »
I guess I missed it. We were gone all day, then right after we came home, the neighbors came over and invited us to a birthday party, just got home again. I will try to make the next one!

Current Talk '02 II / Re: David Darts
« on: October 14, 2002, 05:24:51 AM »
 Do you remember the game called pick-up-sticks?

My daughter and I just got home a little while ago from a birthday party at our neighbors house, and one of the prizes my daughter won was pick-up-sticks.

« on: October 13, 2002, 09:09:51 PM »

I say Harry Johnson was best dressed. He always looked so fine, usually wore a suit and tie. He wore a red paisley shirt once, that I would like to have seen more of, it was worn under a sweater, bet that red shirt looked great with his red hair! I also like the gold shirt with green and white stripes. His olive green slacks inspired me to buy a pair of olive green Dickies. In the last issue of Glamour magazine I received, there was a very interesting fashion statement, a woman wearing a floral skirt with a gold corduroy jacket, that I swear looked just like the one Harry wore! It even had the same buttons. The woman was praised for her outfit. She gets my approval too. She must've found some vintage clothing somewhere. It had sort of an old look to it, but it was still in great condition. Harry wins my fashion vote.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: SPECULATING ON SPECS
« on: October 13, 2002, 03:24:38 AM »

Speeking of specs, I can't wait to get rid of mine. I am scheduled for Lasik vision correction surgery on Oct. 24th.  

It has been verified that Craig Slocum's date of birth is November 14, 1934. The year of his birth was posted as 1940, which was wrong. It has been corrected on my Cheryl's Craig Slocum Website,

See my tribute on Page One, and also his memorial page, click on the link. I am also working on getting it corrected in the IMDb. That will take a few weeks probably. Sorry for this, but it was not my fault, was given the wrong year.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Quentin and Ezra
« on: October 12, 2002, 05:47:02 AM »
I actually ran Abe Vigoda's fan club when he was on DS.

I keep waiting to hear from someone who was in Craig Slocum's fan club, he had one too. Guess they're gone with the wind.