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Messages - JosettesMusicBox

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OMG... You ARE a GOD...

Way to go!!!!!


PS - Raineypark you are next!!!

Haven't seen anyone else post this so I thought I would...

Check out DarkShadowsOnline for Craig Hamrick's 2006 Festival information and photos!  Very nice job!

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Ot Tragic News
« on: August 30, 2006, 02:18:40 AM »
Dear Teresalita -

You, my dear cousin, are in my thoughts and PRAYERS!

Peace and Strength be with you as you go through this very tough time in your life.


CastleBee - what a great idea!

I just did a search and here is a Russian Tea Glass Holder that looks like it might do the job...

Maybe some creative and talented metal worker could work some magic and make a Josette's Music Box...  If someone does, please let me know first!!!  I might be able to take it off your hands... :-)


Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Festival Auction...
« on: August 28, 2006, 01:27:50 PM »
I wasn't able to attend the fest, but am enjoying all the posts and photos some of you have posted so far.

I am very curious about the Barnabus Portrait - Who bought it - how much was the final bid?

Did anyone get any photos of the event?  Also what else was up for auction?

Please let us know.

Have a great day!


BuzzH - The listing on Find-A-Grave for Joel Crothers says:

Specifically: Ashes scattered over Lake George in upstate New York.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Holidays and Birthdays
« on: July 13, 2006, 03:11:09 PM »
James Forsythe gave the lottery vase to Brutus as a Christmas gift, or something.   :-

Oh please! don't even get me started about that lottery vase...  We laugh EVERY time we see that thing... its just so ugly...  All the paint chipping off...  There was a much nicer urn/vase in the beginning (pre-Barnabus - 1st 10 episodes or so) in the drawing room over by the phone - they should have used that one instead...

Does anyone know the story behind the lottery vase - where it came from, why they used that particular vase, who has it now?

Please let us know!

Good day to you my cousins!

~ JosettesMusicBox

Current Talk '06 II / Dark Shadows Music
« on: July 06, 2006, 05:36:43 PM »
I am wondering -

Did the actors actually hear the music (as we do when we watch the episodes) as they were speaking/acting?

So curious, since this was shot live on tape.  If they could hear the music, it certainly would help them with the mood of the scene...

Please let us know.


~ JosettesMusicBox

Midnight - PLEASE add it to the video board... I'd love to see it!  Thanks so much!

No... YOU don't understand...  I've LOST my comb... Using my fingers as a comb just WON'T work...

Loooookkkk.... righttttttt.....  heeerrrrreeeeeee....  Even my chest hairs are all perfectly in place!    ;-)

Yes, PennyDreadful - my disk also arrived!

LOVED the Easter "L"egg - you loooooook FAB darling!!!

Now tell me, could that possibly be THE cane...???  Just curious...

Thanks again so much!  You are a doll!

Current Talk '06 I / Re: It's PARTY Time!!
« on: June 27, 2006, 08:28:06 PM »

I just realized - My husband and I finished the last episode after midnight last night!!! How COOL is this - that means that we finished the entire series on the 40th Anniversary of Dark Shadows!!!

I couldn't have planned that any better if I had tried!  (Although it was purely coincidence!)

Current Talk '06 I / It's PARTY Time!!
« on: June 27, 2006, 02:54:10 PM »
C'est Fini !!!

I watched the final episode last night.  YEAH!! 

It was kind of sad for me because Dark Shadows has become a big part of my life - like reading a long book, or watching a very LONG movie - you get into the characters so much that they feel like friends or even family. 

I have really enjoyed this forum.  Thank you my cousins for all of your messages - many times you all have helped me better understand why/how things happened as they did.  And THANK YOU for "Caption This!"  I get such a laugh every day because of everyone's comments.  Some of them are just priceless.  And a special "Thank You" to the forum administrators (well... you know you are DS Gods...)

I'm sure there are folks out there that only watch on DVD and won't get to see the final episode until box 26 is released.  But since I own the entire tape series, I feel lucky to have seen the end before the whole world knows how it ends...  I buy the DVD's for my collection - I enjoy the interviews and the extras and also so I can watch on my computer when I'm traveling.

My family and I have decided that I'm going to bake a Dark Shadows Cake to celebrate and have a little party!!   I will post a photo when it is done! 

I believe it has taken me about 2 years to watch from start to finish.  How about you other cousins...??  Have you watched from start to finish, and how long did it take you? 

Please let us know.

~ JosettesMusicBox

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Actors' Accents (Was Re: Episode #0258)
« on: June 26, 2006, 06:04:51 PM »
I know we are getting off the topic of Dark Shadows Characters, but you know who really surprised me with an accent is:

Rachel Griffiths (Brenda Chenowith) on HBO's "Six Feet Under."  She is Australian and put on an amazing American accent for the show.  I had NO IDEA she wasn't American until I saw her on a talk show...

By the way - I'm a big Six Feet Under fan!!

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