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Messages - Cassandra Blair

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Current Talk '03 II / Re:Samantha Collins -- Who Knew?
« on: November 26, 2003, 03:24:12 PM »
Samantha didn't change at all.  She was always scheming and volatile!
When we first met Samantha, we simply didn't know her well enough to see those qualities lurking beneath the surface.  And I'm sure that the grand lady of Collinwood didn't want people knowing the darkness that lurked beneath that well-lacquered veneer of gentility and moral uprightness.

Of course, we did see hints of Samantha's true character in her exchanges with Gabriel.  At the time, it looked like she just didn't like him in particular.  It was only later we learned that she was basically a bitch to everyone!

It's a testament to Virginia Vestoff's talent that she gave Samantha such life and believability - such a good actress!  The writers should be given their props too.  The character of Samantha is just so multi-dimensional, and proves that 1840 isn't just a shoddy retread of 1897.

(As an aside, it's a little surprising that the mental asylum allowed patients to roam freely on the edge of a cliff ...  ;D )

I thought Samantha threw Joanna off the cliff on Collins property, after the latter had been released from the asylum.  I was pretty sleepy when I watched that particular episode, so I could be wrong.  ???

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE/OT
« on: November 25, 2003, 11:12:00 PM »
Dom -

That card was just fabulous, loved it!  Thanks so much!!!

For my Turkey Day, it's over the river and thru the woods to mother-in-law's we go...don't have to cook this way, but then again, I don't get that fridge full of leftovers - which my waist is happy about, but my tummy???  :-

Wishing everyone out there a safe and happy Thanksgiving!!![/size]

Love,  :-*

Cassandra Blair

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Tom and Chris: Twins Or Not
« on: November 24, 2003, 06:23:56 PM »
Or, one could infer that because they were totally identical, what else would they be but twins?  >:D

But I get your point, MB.  Guess the world of DS fandom has many unanswered questions, and always will...

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Tom and Chris: Twins Or Not
« on: November 24, 2003, 05:08:20 PM »
Excuse my ignorance, but since it's never stated explicitly that those yummy Jennings boys were identical twins, does that necessarily mean that they weren't?

I mean, I've known some siblings who look very much like each other, but not THAT much, unless they were twins.  Just saying.   ::)

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Gerard Question
« on: November 21, 2003, 06:21:20 PM »

I do like the idea of time being circular.  It almost has to be ... the linear model presents too many problems.  This could account for a LOT of the things that have been discussed here recently, and could account for CassandraBlair's feeling that another timeline was entered when Barnabas and Julia went back to 1840.

Amen to that.  IMHO, 1840 almost HAS to be some kind of different timeline, since what Barnabas & co. accomplish there alters the fabric of time as we've previously known it.

[spoiler]Upon their return to 1970, they find the ghosts of Gerard and Daphne aren't there.  One might also theorize that they may find nobody remembers Cassandra or Nicholas Blair.  Maybe Quentin wouldn't even be there, who knows?[/spoiler]

I wonder if the original timeline, in which Collinwood was destroyed, still exists somewhere else.  The idea of time being circular rather than linear suggests that, given the time slippage always happening at Collinwood, in some alternaverse the ghost of Gerard (Judah?) is still walking in darkness...

Agree that the courtroom scenes are often gripping, but I do wonder on what planet any judge would allow the defendant's attorney to be called to the stand as a witness for the prosecution?  Highly improbable, and likely grounds for a big fat mistrial.

Not that I don't like 1840, I do - just think it gets messy from here on out.  But the witchcraft trial is ludicrous, not just for the reason above.  Also in the sense that it takes place in the middle of the nineteenth century.  That just strains credulity.  Even the trial of Victoria Winters for sorcery in 1795 is several decades later than any American witchcraft trials of which I'm aware.

Stop!  You're killing me!  I almost laughed my head off!!! :D

Current Talk '03 II / Re:1840 Barnabas Question
« on: November 19, 2003, 06:01:41 PM »
Ooh, that's a major point in my book, Julia99!  Every other time he wanted to kill her, Barnabas tried to strangle Julia.  This time he actually planned to penetrate her neck with his fangs, how hot!

If only they'd gone through with it - just a little nip before the 1970 Barnabas I-Chinged his way in. 

Current Talk '03 II / Re:How Did Angelique Get Her Powers?
« on: November 19, 2003, 05:53:34 PM »
And all this time it was all right there in KLS's DS almanac. She described Miranda as a member of Judah's Z's coven who later changed her name to Angelique. I guess in this case, Kate was right. Now we know how Ange got her powers too. Puzzle solved. Case closed. No? :)

Yes, this (plus the dialogue from Monday's episode quoted by Vlad) convinces me too.  However, I still maintain that it's completely revisionist, given what was said about her before, which it directly contradicts.

I guess that when you're watching anything prior to the 1840 storyline, Angelique is a woman who was born in 1774 and became a witch on the island of Martinique.  The Miranda/Angelique story is the truth for the character we meet in 1840.  Like I said before, maybe 1840 is some kind of parallel time.  >:D

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Angelique's Change of Heart
« on: November 19, 2003, 05:26:53 PM »
I have the hardest time believing the witch has truly changed.  Come on, she just got done offing Roxanne like two weeks ago, and for little more than getting a bit too cozy with Barnabas!

True, she has helped out on occasion when Barnabas and Julia were up against it, but she always had some ulterior motive.  Her apparent lack of desire for personal gain this time around makes the whole scenario less in character, considering she and Barnabas were so recently sworn enemies.  And while her change of heart as written appears genuine, it's so out of character with everything we've seen before from Angelique in this storyline that it is really hard to credit.

It would have made more sense if the Angelique of 1970 had somehow travelled back through time to help out Barnabas and Julia in 1840.  After all, the Angelique we last saw in 1970 had lots more time and exposure to the kinder, gentler Barnabas to soften towards him, and she had done so gradually.  If this was the Angelique presented by the writers as undergoing a change of heart and lifting the curse, the whole scenario would work much better. The way it's presented is (IMHO) cheap and none too believable.

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Barnabas in the sun....
« on: November 18, 2003, 06:16:38 PM »
I'm sorry, but did it strike anyone else as weird that Angelique could just lift the curse - presto!  If it was so easy, why didn't she do it at some other time, like say in 1897 when she had to give Barnabas all those injections after Julia was ripped out of the past?  Why didn't she just lift the curse then, if it was so easy - since she obviously was trying to help prevent his exposure as a vampire to the 1897 Collins family then as now (1840).

I KNEW the whole thing with Ben's diary in 1840 bugged me for some reason - thanks for pointing this out Cassandra!

My feelings about 1840 are ambivalent.  Really like the early part of the story, and agree with Vlad that it was nicely plotted.  But as of about the time of Angelique's complete change of character, the whole thing goes south, IMHO.  It appears that this is the point at which everyone stopped caring about continuity, the overall story arc etc.  I wonder if that's when the notice came down that the show would be cancelled in a few months' time.  Does anyone know?

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Gerard Question
« on: November 14, 2003, 06:59:46 PM »
I too have wondered just who was haunting Collinwood c1970.  Judah/Gerard or just Gerard?  One has to presume that if Barnabas and Julia didn't travel to 1840, Judah would have prevailed in his plan to destroy Quentin and take over the house.  But if you think about it, you realize that can't be entirely true, and that Judah must have been defeated by someone at some point in 1840.

After all, if Judah had won, wouldn't he have destroyed the entire family, pertaining to his vow?  Why would he stop at posessing Gerard and killing the children?  And what had happened to the infamous head?

My guess is that before Barnabas and Julia's little journey, Judah wasn't much of a factor (if at all) in 1840, and that it was Gerard's ghost haunting Collinwood.

Maybe he and Daphne colluded in killing Quentin and were discovered by the children (who they also murdered).  Then perhaps Gerard and Daphne were found out and executed for the murders, or maybe for witchcraft (since Gerard was dabbling in the occult).  After all, the original headstone said "He lived and died in darkness..." or some such, didn't it?

What do others think?  Was it actually Gerard causing the haunting of Collinwood in 1970, or do you sense the shade of Judah Zachary?

Current Talk '03 II / Re:1840 Barnabas Question
« on: November 14, 2003, 06:45:40 PM »
Patti -

I think you're asking if the Barnabas we're currently seeing on the show somehow travelled thru time to be in 1840; as of course he actually was alive in that year.

When Julia first got to 1840 (via the stairway thru time), she insisted on unchaining Barnabas from his coffin, against the better judgment of Ben Stokes.  As Ben predicted, the 1840 Barnabas, not knowing Julia, was closer to the ruthless, vengeful and predatory Barnabas of late stage 1795/96 than the 'modern' Barnabas that Julia knew.

After this, it was the 1840 Barnabas who bit Roxanne, and was pretty much planning to kill Julia.  Just as he was about to choke the life out of the good doctor, he fell to the floor unconcious.  When he opened his eyes, he was posessed by 1970 Barnabas, who had travelled to 1840 to posess his body via the I-Ching.

Hope this answers your question!


Current Talk '03 II / Re:Edge of your seat!
« on: November 14, 2003, 03:47:03 PM »
Good question.  And you're right - there were so many times that's it's hard to narrow down.  Off the top of my head, I'd say 1795.  It was just so well-written and the actors really seemed to be surprising themselves with where they were taking the characters.  Watching the whole "how Barnabas became a vampire" thing just kept me glued to the television, and got me hooked on the show for good.

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