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Messages - adamsgirl

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Thanks for letting us know, Nancy. Everyone I'm rooming with is covered, but this is good to know because there are some people I'm aware of who haven't sent in their fees yet. I'll urge them to hurry up! This is going to be so exciting, though! Wow! I'll bet it's going to be SRO!

Current Talk '07 I / Re: can you make a salad out of bay leaves?
« on: June 06, 2007, 07:32:04 PM »
Oh, Gothick! I surely can picture that scene! LOL!

Current Talk '07 I / Re: can you make a salad out of bay leaves?
« on: June 05, 2007, 04:53:24 PM »
Bay leaf salad? Nah -- you can't eat them. Tea? Yes, as someone said, that makes much more sense. As to eating salad, Josette would have probably eaten that on Martinique because they were French. The French were THE arbiters of all things food back in those days, unlike the English and their colonist cousins. A dressing would simply have been a simple vinaigrette or a more complicated homemade mayonnaise.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: How Did DS Influence Your Life?
« on: June 01, 2007, 03:32:25 PM »
Fascinating thread here! When I first saw the question, I thought, "Nah, although I loved the show, it had no influence on my life." That's not true, though, and here's why:

Although I always was a history buff, it intensified my desire to learn more about different eras. I also developed quite an interest in old houses and antiques, something I pursue today. I live in the Hudson Valley where we have many Gilded Age mansions. One of my favorite pastimes is going through these spectacular places and just imagining how it must have been to live in them then, something akin to Collinwood.

Too, as someone else said, I have had the distinct honor and pleasure of meeting many people in this fandom who've become very good friends. We have shared much together -- the trials and tribulations of life, loss, love, divorce, deaths -- you name it. It's a blessing.

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« on: May 29, 2007, 06:16:48 PM »
Okay, show of hands here -- I'm all for asking Nancy to please reconsider her position on the fandom. After all, if it weren't for her tireless work behind the scenes, we wouldn't be treated to seeing Jonathan Frid at all this year, fest or otherwise.

Nancy, we are a cantankerous bunch, myself among those who groused about this not being an actual "festival." That doesn't mean, though, that we're unappreciative. When I first heard Frid was going to be the "mystery" guest, I was ecstatic. I'd long ago given up hope that he'd ever attend anything DS-related and that I'd ever get to see him. Thanks to you, that is exactly what's going to happen! My sincere gratitude!

Believe me, when Jonathan stands on that stage, and you see the fans cheering and doing a standing ovation, I think you'll be more than pleased with what your efforts brought and how much delight and joy you've given us fans. I do hope so!

I had mentioned this on another thread, but Chiller Network is actively seeking input from its viewers on what they'd like to see aired. By far, Dark Shadows has received the most votes and posts on that board. If Chiller is really serious about giving viewers what they want, Dark Shadows will be back on the air soon, thus affecting (one hopes!) the festival attendance. Now, I realize this will involve negotiations, etc., but it's a strong possibility from what I've seen.

The second thing is, in answer to Midnite's previous question about The Collinsport Players, I found out today that we will, indeed, be putting on a skit on Friday night. Woo-hoo! I was really shocked since I figured if there was no Costume Gala, there would be no skit for us because we usually go on (I say, usually, but it's not set in stone) before the gala.

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« on: May 26, 2007, 08:03:04 PM »
Thanks for your observations, adamsgirl.  I certainly have seen some goodnatured bantering between JF and Lara on earlier Fest tapes, so I would like to think Lara was making a joke when she made that comment after Jonathan's call at last year's Fest, and since you were there you would have had a much better idea of what transpired then, so thanks.

My pleasure, Miranda. I will say this, though: Some people who also witnessed it took offense. As you can tell, I wasn't among them. I think, and this is just an opinion, some Frid fans are just overly sensitive -- LOL!

Gee, Miranda, I was there last year when Lara made that comment. I took it completely as a joke and not as a snipe. JF himself has made light of that situation, even on his website last time I checked. Truth to tell, those flubbed lines didn't detract at all from his mastery of the character and the storylines (okay, so some were out there, but what the heck?). As a kid, I didn't notice them. I was just fascinated by the show, as any kid would be in that age of less-than-spectacular special effects. As an adult, I cherish them. They drive home to me just how grueling a schedule these actors had, virtually learning a play a day and not taping the show the way they're taped now -- with do-overs. What they accomplished is amazing!

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« on: May 24, 2007, 09:40:10 PM »
The people I feel sorry for, and this is what prompted my initial reaction, are those fans who actually spend an entire year from festival to festival planning their costume gala participation. I don't number myself among them, but they're out there. I can't imagine how disappointing it must be for someone who's spent time and money sewing some incredible costume (last year, there were some young women who had phenomenal period costumes made by their mother) and not get to wear it and show it off. There's also one lady (her name escapes me) who spends a year working on some kind of dance. Some might call these things hokey or whatever, but they mean a lot to the people who do them. Still, as I said before, I understand time constraints and the nature of this event.

Oh, and as for those people who claim to be relatives or to have some terminal illness, that's just sad! Then again, I've seen some crazed people at these festivals, and thankfully, they seem to be in the minority.

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« on: May 24, 2007, 04:43:46 PM »
I agree with you, Brandon -- I'm looking forward to meeting the amazing man who is Jonathan Frid. Sure, I'm a Dark Shadows fan, but it's not about "Barnabas," to me, and as you point out, Frid has had an amazing career outside of DS.

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / !
« on: May 24, 2007, 03:39:02 PM »
Well, bottom line for me is, I'm glad there is an event at all. I was worried there wouldn't be anything at all any more since we'd discussed on another thread that last year's festival in Brooklyn was a financial disappointment. Am I disappointed it's not an all-out fest? Sure, but that doesn't mean I won't attend or not enjoy myself. When it was announced that Frid was the mystery guest, I was ecstatic, and I'm not a rabid Barnabas fan as some others are. I guess I fall into the category MB pegged as a general DS fan -- the whole magilla, so to speak. However, since he hasn't been to a festival in over a decade, this truly is a mega-event, and it's thanks to him there's a Dark Shadows to commemorate in the first place!

As for Jim Pierson's personal feelings, I don't know the man intimately and have only met him in passing at festivals. I would hope, though, that were he to make any decision regarding these festivals/events continuing, it WOULDN'T be based on personal feelings but on practical considerations.

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« on: May 24, 2007, 02:31:33 AM »
While I can understand the feeling that you're "damned if you do and damned if you don't," remember that this event was long in coming and being announced. That alone got people speculating that, perhaps, all this was coming to an end. And, lest you misunderstand, Nancy, I'm happy to have the opportunity to see Jonathan Frid, whatever this is being called, and I'm happy to reconnect with friends I only see once a year for the most part. However, there is and has been disappointment that it's an abbreviated event and limited in guest stars.

If you look at it from a different perspective, that should be enough to let Jim know that the festivals are very much appreciated and highly-anticipated events. If there are so many people disappointed that it's shorter this year and just an "event," well, it's a tribute to what's gone on in the past, wouldn't you say?

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« on: May 23, 2007, 08:26:19 PM »
Well, from where I sit, it seems very convenient to fall back on this as an "event" as opposed to a full-fledged festival so that the fans can accept getting short-shrift where other actors' attendance is concerned, as well as the few fan participation events that normally take place being eliminated. Still, I realize that there are only so many hours in a day, so shortening this "event," or whatever one wishes to call it, to a day and a half really did the trick.

Personally, I'm hearing lots of grumbling about the shorter schedule and the elimination of the costume gala. Still, the general consensus seems to be that it's a great opportunity to see Jonathan Frid. Many of us never had that opportunity. That said, were it not for Frid's attendance, I wouldn't even have bothered this year. I'm hearing the same sentiment expressed by others.

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« on: May 22, 2007, 09:16:58 PM »
adamsgirl, do you know if the Collinsport Players will be performing?

I really don't know, Midnite. I tend to doubt it if they've pulled the Gala. Generally, the skit would go on right before the gala. Of course, when I know for sure, I'll let you and everyone else know.

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